10 Pieces Of Advice That Are Actually Helpful For Students In Their Last Year Of College
1. Taking care of your Mental and Emotional health:
From my personal experienced, this is the most tough time in students life. Your mental and emotional health influences how you think, feel and behave in daily life. When tensions are high, it’s easy to forget that taking care of yourself is just as important as getting good grades. For this you need to consume good foods, maintain time properly for sleeping and wake up. During you tough time, by talking about the issues and by being more open about it can helps you normalize your mental and emotional health. It’s means that be a talkative and shareable person.
2. Don’t be too quick to specialize:
The issue with specialization is that it makes you into an expert. It cuts you off, from everything else on the planet, as well as from everything else in yourself. Take your good time.
3. Applying Jobs, Months In Advance:
You might heard this phrases ‘The sooner, the better’. Start Applying jobs months in advance because “By the time a job gets back to you it could be months later!”
4. Learn how to communicate:
It has ability to communicate and spell the contrast between achievement or failure in all facet of our lives.We can see that those persons who are fruitful in their attempts have a high capacity to communicate.
Communication is not only a method for getting along in life, it is the soul of life. Some ways to improve your communication:
a. Don’t make yourself hurry, take time for face to face contact.
b. Do not hold your breathing.
c. Listen before you speak.
d. Agree that it’s okay to disagree.
e. Buy some time when you’re becoming over stressed.
So, communication is about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information.
5. Be conscious in your friendships:
It’s very much easy to lock with the first friends you make in your first year, however this isn’t generally the best thought. When you are seeking freindship “Choose what you are searching for in a companion and afterward discover individuals with those qualities and search out time with them. It’s not an easy task to find your closest companion.”
6. Network:
It is a strategy to reveal more opportunities and more possibilities. During your college time try to forging relationships or contacts because it is the time to meet tons of new people. It’s a way of connecting with others people you know, but don’t really know and new people you’ve never met before. Networking starts with mindsets and aim to discover, investigate, explore and be opened to what you may encountered. It’s about helping other people and helping yourself.
7. Take advantages of the Resources:
Generally, most of the colleges has a career service sectionc to help the students with their careers issues. College time is not just only for attending class and partying. There is an entire network of resources there that can help you in career issues, as well as introduce you to new ones.
8. Dig the experiences by doing some internships:
Digging expirience is not really a tough task during your college time. It is a prime time to earn career-oriented experience. It is also right point whoever said this ‘College is the time for making memories’. There’s lots of activities happening around Colleges or Universities. Personally my suggestion is ‘Be a part of it’ and ‘Be an Activism’.
9. Get in touch with Professors:
“Get to know your professor” One of the important advice you get it during your college time. They are not only had experience in the field you’re interested in, they also know a lot of former students or career builders organisations who are now working in that field. It means that your professor can be a great resource for networking
10. Get organised and study well:
Proper planning can help you to get organized well. Get organized will help you to manage your time easily.
The way of study can make you totally break your career. Make your mindset and plan it accordingly. Some points on study well:
a. Make a proper study plan.
b. Summarize it what you have learnt.
c. Get separated rice and stones.