- Written By
Debasmita Chatterjee
- Last Modified 16-06-2021
7 Bestest Advice you will ever Receive: A Ladder to Success
It is said that a good example has twice the value of good advice. But the journey between giving up and persisting through the toughest times requires the advice from people who have done it before. It is a common dream to be own anchor, but often we see lots of unpredictable things we fail to realize that in disguise of uncertainty, we had the time of our life.
1. Don’t give up
Failure isn’t something many of us can handle gracefully. Sometimes it sounds very not- profound; but all it requires one extra attempt. At the end, both the failure and success is not final or fatal. All it is the courage to continue that counts.
2. See every detail of your work
The reason why people makes mistakes is they look but they don’t see the cracks, the details. It is important to be detailed oriented to avoid repeated mistake and rethink about the purpose.
3. Being comfortable is the enemy
Hunger is an incredibly important motivator than to be scary.Comfort zone is an alluring place but nothing can grow there. Staying hungry forces you to push yourself enough to survive, grow, and evolve.
4. There are no shortcuts
There are no shortcuts towards achievements. Achievements or success can’t choose anyone. It is waiting on a path where people must walk. It is good to do the work, out-work,out-think and out-sell your expectations.
5. It’s OK to ask for help
Asking for help denotes strength rather than weakness. Generally, people like to help and none should be insecure to ask for help. Many of life’s obstacles can’t be handled alone. Whether you are looking for a little assistance or seeking help for other, asking is the first step towards positive progress
6. You are who you associate with
It says if you can’t change your condition, change the people around you. You are the average of five people you are associated most. It is good to surround yourself with people that reflect who you want to be.
7. Simplicity is everything
Never overlook the power of simplicity.Simplicity is the essence of profound insight and there is greatdom in simplicity of living. Out of all clutter, try to find simplicity.
These all are nuggets of advice which impact a lot. Strength and growth come only through the continuous effort to struggle. Everyone has a breaking point no matter how strong the spirit is. With and without all barriers, we continue to work with the stick of advices.