39 Insightful Publications
Identification of Acidic and Alkaline Solutions: We all know that water is neutral, i.e. it
Reflection at Plane Surfaces: When a ray of light is incident on a plane surface,
Self-inductance of a current-carrying coil is the property by which it opposes the change in
Geometric Progression: It is the sequence or series of numbers such that each number is
Factor Theorem: A theorem establishing the relationship between factors and zeros of a polynomial is
Real Life Applications of Calculus: Calculus is a part of mathematics and is also used
An equation is a statement of equality that contains one or more undetermined quantities or
Loss of Biodiversity: A decline in biodiversity within a species, an ecosystem, a certain geographic
Common Multiple: Before we understand the concept of common multiples, first, let us know what
Division of Polynomials: Polynomials are algebraic expressions consisting of variables and constants such that the