• Written By Ankita Sahay
  • Last Modified 25-01-2023

Barium bromide Formula: Structure, Properties, Uses


Barium Bromide Formula: Barium bromide is an ionic compound having the chemical formula \({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}.\) Since Barium \(\left({{\text{Ba}}} \right)\) is a metal and Bromine \(\left({{\text{Br}}} \right)\) is a non-metal, they combine to form an ionic bond. Barium forms as cation \({\text{B}}{{\text{a}}^{2 + }}.\) and Bromine forms an anion \({\text{B}}{{\text{r}}^ – },\) both combine to form Barium bromide having the chemical formula \({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}{\text{.}}\) It is a white solid also known as Barium \(\left({2 + } \right)\) dibromide or anhydrous Barium bromide.

The apple green-yellowish flame in the flame test helps to detect the presence of \({\text{B}}{{\text{a}}^{2 + }}\) ions in \({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}.\) Like most metal bromide salts, Barium bromide is also a water-soluble compound. It has well-known uses in water treatment, chemical analysis and in some crystal growth applications of ultra-high purity. In this article, we will learn about the chemical formula, properties as well as uses of barium bromide in detail.

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Chemical Formula and Structure of Barium Bromide

The chemical formula of Barium bromide is \({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}.\) As it is an ionic inorganic compound, Barium bromide dissociates in water to form \({\text{B}}{{\text{a}}^{2 + }}.\) cation and \({\text{B}}{{\text{r}}^ – }\) anion. It is a water-soluble compound. From the chemical formula itself, it is quite clear that \({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}\) is formed from on \({\text{B}}{{\text{a}}^{2 + }}.\) cation and two \({\text{B}}{{\text{r}}^ – }\) anion. Barium bromide crystallises in lead chloride structure giving orthorhombic structure. \({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}\) is hygroscopic in nature as it attracts water molecules towards itself. Thus, it also exists in dihydrate form, i.e., \({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}.2{{\text{H}}_2}{\text{O}}.\)

Chemical Formula and Structure of Barium Bromide

The chemical formula of Barium bromide is derived by the “Criss-cross method”.

When we have a look at the periodic table, we can see that Barium is a metal that belongs to Group \(2,\) and Bromine is a non-metal that belongs to Group \(17\) (halogen). Barium readily loses two electrons to form \({\text{B}}{{\text{a}}^{2 + }}\) cation and Bromine tends to gain an electron to gain its stable electronic configuration, i.e., octet and thus gain \( – 1\) charge, forming \({\text{B}}{{\text{r}}^ – }\) anion.

Both \({\text{B}}{{\text{a}}^{2 + }}\) cation and \({\text{B}}{{\text{r}}^ – }\) anion will transfer their charge to each other in a criss-cross fashion, i.e., \( +2\) charge of Barium will go to Bromine, and \( – 1\) charge of Bromine will go to Barium. In this manner, a new compound, Barium bromide, with the chemical formula \({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}\) is formed with a net zero charge. Since Barium bromide is formed between a metal and a non-metal by the transfer of electrons, it is an ionic compound.

Barium Bromide Formula

Physical Properties of Barium Bromide

Chemical Formula\({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}\)
Molar mass\(297.14\,{\text{gmo}}{{\text{l}}^{ – 1}}\)
Density\(4.78\,{\text{gc}}{{\text{m}}^{ – 3}}\,\left({{\text{anhydrous}}} \right)\)
\(3.58\,{\text{gc}}{{\text{m}}^{ – 3}}\,\left({{\text{dihydrate}}} \right)\)
Melting point\({857^ \circ }{\text{C}}\)
Boiling point\({1835^ \circ }{\text{C}}\)
Appearance and TextureWhite crystalline powder

Chemical Properties of Barium Bromide

1. When a solution of Barium bromide reacts with sulphate salts, a solid white precipitate of barium sulphate is formed. For example, Barium bromide gives a double displacement reaction when mixing a solution of barium bromide with sodium sulphate; a white precipitate of barium sulphate is immediately formed at the bottom of the test tube. This is an ionic reaction.

\({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2} + {\text{N}}{{\text{a}}_2}{\text{S}}{{\text{O}}_4} \to {\text{BaS}}{{\text{O}}_4}\left({{\text{ppt}}.} \right) + 2{\text{NaBr}}\)
2. Barium bromide also reacts with oxalic acid to produce Barium oxalate in the form of solid precipitates:
\({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2} + {{\text{C}}_2}{\text{O}}_4^{2 – } \to {\text{Ba}}{{\text{C}}_2}{{\text{O}}_4}\left({{\text{ppt}}.} \right) + 2{\text{B}}{{\text{r}}^ – }\)
3. Similarly, Barium bromide and phosphoric acid react to produce a solid precipitate of barium phosphate:
\({\text{3BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2} + 2{{\text{H}}_3}{\text{P}}{{\text{O}}_4} \to {\text{B}}{{\text{a}}_3}{\left({{\text{P}}{{\text{O}}_4}} \right)_2}\left({{\text{ppt}}.} \right) + 6{\text{HBr}}\)
4. The reaction between Barium bromide and hydrofluoric acid produces a solid colourless precipitate of Barium fluoride that also occurs in nature as a colourless solid.
\({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2} + 2{\text{HF}} \to {\text{Ba}}{{\text{F}}_2}\left({{\text{ppt}}.} \right) + 2{\text{HBr}}\)

Preparation of Barium Bromide

Barium bromide is prepared by the following processes:
1. Barium bromide is prepared when Barium sulphide reacts with Hydrobromic acid.
\({\text{BaS}} + 2{\text{HBr}} \to {\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2} + {{\text{H}}_2}{\text{S}}\)
2. In the same manner, Barium carbonate reacts with Hydrobromic acid to form Barium bromide.
\({\text{BaC}}{{\text{O}}_3} + 2{\text{HBr}} \to{\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2} + {\text{C}}{{\text{O}}_2}{\text{ + }}{{\text{H}}_2}{\text{O}}\)

Uses of Barium Bromide

  1. Barium bromide is used as a precursor to form other bromides that are widely used in photography.
  2. In the early days, Marie curie devised a method to purify radium by fractional crystallisation by using Barium bromide.
  3. Barium bromide is used for preparing many inorganic bromide compounds.
  4. Phosphorus is prepared from Barium bromide.

Health Hazards of Barium Bromide

Barium bromide is a toxic salt. If it is swallowed, it causes severe poisoning. Barium blocks the inflow of intracellular potassium, resulting in the transfer of potassium from the extracellular compartment to the intracellular compartment. This phenomenon causes a reduction in the resting membrane potential and can cause paralysis. Thus, barium bromide should be handled with utmost care in the chemical laboratory.


Barium bromide is an inorganic compound formed by the elements Barium and Bromine. As Barium \(\left({{\text{Ba}}} \right)\) is a metal and Bromine \(\left({{\text{Br}}} \right)\) is a non-metal, they both combine to form an ionic compound. The chemical formula of Barium bromide is \({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}.\) It is a white solid and is hygroscopic in nature. It gives yellow-greenish colour in the flame test due to the presence of Barium ions. Barium bromide is mostly used in photography. This compound is not available in nature; rather, it is prepared from Barium sulphide, Barium carbonate, and Hydrobromic acid. Though \({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}\) is useful in some cases, but it is highly toxic to living beings. Due to its toxicity to living beings, it has limited use.

FAQs on Barium Bromide Formula

Q.1. What is the name of \({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}\)?
Ans: \({\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}\) is a chemical compound that is named Barium bromide. It is an ionic compound.

Q.2. What type of chemical bond is present in Barium bromide?
The bond formed in Barium bromide between Barium and Bromine atoms is formed by the transfer of electrons from Barium metal to Bromine non-metal, leading to an ionic bond. Therefore, Barium bromide is an ionic compound.

Q.3. Is Barium and Bromine ionic?
Both Barium and Bromine are elements. Barium is a metal of Group \(2\) of Modern Periodic Table, and Bromine is a non-metal of Group \(17\) (halogen) of Modern Periodic Table. An element is neutral, so they are not ionic. On the other hand, Barium cation \(\left({{\text{B}}{{\text{a}}^{2 + }}} \right)\) and Bromide ions \(\left({{\text{B}}{{\text{r}}^ – }} \right)\) are ionic in nature.

Q.4. What happens if you mix Barium and Bromide ions?
: When Barium \(\left({{\text{B}}{{\text{a}}^{2 + }}} \right)\) and bromide \(\left({{\text{B}}{{\text{r}}^ – }} \right)\) ions are mixed they form a white precipitate of Barium bromide \(\left({{\text{BaB}}{{\text{r}}_2}} \right).\)

Q.5. Why are Br and Ba used in the title of the series “Breaking Bad”?
\({\rm{Br}}\) and \({\rm{Ba}}\) are used in the title of the series “Breaking Bad” to represent the first two letters of the two words “Breaking” and “Bad”. It’s just a creative way of highlighting the importance of chemistry in the series and representing the fact that the main character is a chemistry genius. Apart from this, it has nothing to do with the chemicals Bromine and Barium themselves, but with their symbols.

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