Barium Sulfate Formula: Structure, Chemical Formula, Properties, Uses
Barium Sulfate Formula: Barium sulfate is a white, heavy, crystalline, inorganic compound having the chemical formula \({\rm{BaS}}{{\rm{O}}_{\rm{4}}}\). Barium Sulfate or sulphate is an ionic compound formed by \({\rm{B}}{{\rm{a}}^{{\rm{2 + }}}}\) cation, and \({\rm{SO}}_4^{2 – }\) anion, where sulfate is a polyanion. In nature, Barium sulfate is present in the Baryte mineral.
It is a white or colourless mineral that is the main source of Barium. Most of the Barium sulfate compound is used as a component in oil well drilling fluid. Barium sulfate has many uses in chemical as well as biological studies. It helps doctors study internal organs like the intestine, stomach, etc., through CT-scan or \({\rm{X}}\)-rays. It is a compound having a high density and opaque appearance.
Barium sulfate is a neutral compound formed from the combination of Barium cation \(\left( {{\rm{B}}{{\rm{a}}^{2 + }}} \right)\) and sulfate anion \(\left( {{\rm{SO}}_4^{2 – }} \right)\). A sulfate anion is a polyanion formed from one sulphur and four oxygen atoms having a \( – 2\) electric charge. The barium atom loses its two outermost electrons to form \({\rm{B}}{{\rm{a}}^{2 + }}\) cation, and in the case of sulfate ion, the oxidation number of oxygens is\( – 2\).
Thus, for four oxygen atoms, we have an oxidation number as \( – 8\). Now for the combined molecule of sulfate ion, the octet of the Sulphur is extended by adding two more electrons. So, the oxidation number of \({\rm{S}}{{\rm{O}}_4}\) is \( – 2\). Thus, by transfer of electrons between \({\rm{B}}{{\rm{a}}^{2 + }}\) ion and \({\rm{SO}}_4^{2 – }\) ion, Barium sulfate is formed having chemical formula \({\rm{BaS}}{{\rm{O}}_4}\).
Physical Properties of Barium Sulfate
The physical properties of barium sulfate are tabulated below:
Insoluble in water and alcohol, but highly soluble in hot conc. \({{\rm{H}}_{\rm{2}}}{\rm{S}}{{\rm{O}}_{\rm{4}}}\).
Production of Barium Sulfate
1. From Baryte – Maximum commercially used barium sulfate is produced from a mineral known as Baryte. In minerals, \({\rm{BaS}}{{\rm{O}}_{\rm{4}}}\) is very impure in nature that is treated through Thermochemical sulfate Reduction or Carbothermal Reduction. In this process, firstly, Baryte is heated with coke to give pure Barium Sulphide. \({\rm{BaS}}{{\rm{O}}_{\rm{4}}} + {\rm{4C}} + {\rm{heat}} \to {\rm{BaS}} + 4{\rm{CO}}\) After this, the obtained Barium Sulphide is treated with sulphuric acid to give pure barium sulfate. \({\rm{BaS}} + {{\rm{H}}_{\rm{2}}}{\rm{S}}{{\rm{O}}_{\rm{4}}} \to {\rm{BaS}}{{\rm{O}}_4} + {{\rm{H}}_{\rm{2}}}{\rm{S}}\) Barium sulfate or \({\rm{BaS}}{{\rm{O}}_{\rm{4}}}\) produced by this method is commonly known as blanc fixe, which means “permanent white” in French.
2. Laboratory Preparation of Barium sulfate – In the laboratory, Barium sulfate is prepared by the reaction between a metal salt and Barium ion. On mixing Barium chloride with Magnesium sulfate solution, a white precipitate of Barium sulfate is formed. This is also an example of “Double Displacement Reaction.” This reaction is often used as a test for sulfate ions in a solution.
Uses of Barium Sulfate
1. Barium sulfate as Drilling fluid – Most of the Barium sulfate produced is used as a component of fluid in oil well drilling. Due to the high density of Barium sulfate, it increases the density of the fluid in the oil well. As a result, it increases the hydrostatic pressure inside the well that reduces the chances of uncontrolled release of crude oil from the well.
2. As a Radiopaque Agent – Barium sulfate is widely used in \({\rm{X}}\)-rays or CT scan as a radiopaque contrast media for medical purposes. Patients are administered with a thick solution of \({\rm{BaS}}{{\rm{O}}_4}\), as it is not absorbed by the body and is non-toxic, \({\rm{BaS}}{{\rm{O}}_4}\) helps to coat the oesophagus, stomach, gastrointestinal tract, etc., as a result, facilitates better imaging of these organs and can be clearly seen through \({\rm{X}}\)-rays or CT scans.
3. Barium sulfate is used in the casting of copper anode plates as it has a high melting point and is insoluble in water.
4. Barium sulfate is widely used as a catalyst in many reactions. One of the famous Rosenmund Reduction, Barium sulfate or Palladium sulfate, is used as a catalyst.
5. Barium sulfate is used as a filling in the Root Canal Treatment of teeth.
6. Barium sulfate is also useful in testing soil \({\rm{pH}}\). When coloured indicators are used to test soil \({\rm{pH}}\), the clay of the soil makes the indicator solution dirty and hinders its colour. In addition to Barium sulfate, the clay particles will settle down, giving a clear colour of the indicator. As a result, the colour change can be studied without any hindrance.
7. Barium sulfate is often used as a white pigment in paint.
8. Barium sulfate is coated on the surface of a photographic plate that increases its reflectiveness.
In short, Barium sulfate is an ionic compound formed by the transfer of electrons between Barium ion and sulfate ion. Its chemical formula is \({\rm{BaS}}{{\rm{O}}_4}\). It is a dense, white, crystalline solid particle mostly present in the form of mineral ‘Baryte’ in nature.
In the laboratory, it is often formed when a metal sulfate is mixed with Barium salt giving a thick white precipitate. Barium sulfate is insoluble in water; due to this reason, it is extensively used in medical purposes in \({\rm{X}}\)-rays or CT scan as a radiopaque contrast media that helps it to get clearer images of the internal organs. Barium sulfate is non-toxic and does not cause any harm to the human body when administered. Thus, it is very useful for the diagnosis of many diseases. Apart from this, Barium sulfate has immense uses; one of its major uses is in oil drilling fluids; along with this, it is also used as a photographic plate coating, as a catalyst, to test the \({\rm{pH}}\) of the soil, and many more.
Q.1. Is Barium basic or acidic? Ans: Barium is an alkaline earth metal. It is the fifth metal of group \(2\) of the Modern Periodic table. Thus, Barium \(\left( {{\rm{Ba}}} \right)\) is a basic element.
Q.2. Is Barium absorbed by the body? Ans: Barium is not absorbed by the body since it is water-insoluble. Due to this reason, Barium sulfate is widely used in \({\rm{X}}\)-rays or CT scans as a radiopaque contrast media for medical purposes. Patients are administered with a thick solution of \({\rm{BaS}}{{\rm{O}}_4}\), It helps to coat the oesophagus, stomach, Gastrointestinal tract, etc., as a result, facilitates better imaging of these organs and can be clearly seen through \({\rm{X}}\)-rays or CT scan. It is removed by the body through a bowel movement.
Q.3. Can you drink water after drinking barium sulfate? Ans: We should avoid drinking water after drinking barium sulfate because barium will work better on an empty stomach and gastrointestinal tract. It is important to drink plenty of liquids during and after the test, like \({\rm{X}}\)-rays or CT scans. Barium sulfate may lead to severe constipation.
Q.4. Does barium sulfate make you poop? Ans: Barium sulfate does not help to poop; rather, it may cause constipation once administered to the body as it impacts bowel movement. Thus, it is advised to drink plenty of fluids and eat fibre rich foods that would help to excrete barium out of the body. In severe cases, a laxative may also be given to the patient.
Q.5. How bad is Barium for you? Ans: Barium is a non-toxic element. So, it does not cause severe harm to our body, but once a patient is administered with barium sulfate solution, it does not get absorbed by the body and helps to get proper imaging of internal body organs through \({\rm{X}}\)-rays or CT scans. Some of the side effects of barium are stomach cramps, diarrhoea, constipation, pale skin, weakness, etc.
We hope this detailed article on barium sulfate formula helped you in your studies. If you have any doubts, queries or suggestions regarding this article, feel to ask us in the comment section and we will be more than happy to assist you. Happy learning!