Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Study Plan 2025
Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Study Plan 2025: The Bihar State Cooperative Bank (BSCB) will release the recruitment notification for the post of Assistant (Multi-Purpose) soon on its official website – All applicants who intend to apply for this position must prepare well for the BSCB Prelims Exam 2025.
To help them with that, we have provided the best Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Study Plan in this article. They can maximise their performance with appropriate BSCB preparation strategies. There will be two rounds in the BSCB recruitment process – A preliminary examination followed by the main examination. Read on to have the best study plan for BSCB Assistant Prelims 2025.
Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Exam Pattern 2025
The BSCB Prelims test must be passed to be eligible for the Mains exam. The exam comprises three subjects, and the time limit for the Bihar State Cooperative Bank Office Assistant Exam is one hour.
The preliminary Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Exam Pattern 2025 details are as follows:
No. Of Questions
Maximum Marks
Medium of Exam
English Language
20 minutes
English and Hindi
20 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude
English and Hindi
20 minutes
60 minutes
Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Study Plan 2025
For detailed information on the BSCB Office Assistant exam, candidates should refer to the official notification.
Applicants must be familiar with the Bihar State Cooperative Bank Prelims Pattern & Syllabus to know which topics they can cover thoroughly.
Aspirants must create a timetable and set aside time for each topic they intend to study. They must also plan their approach to the Bihar State Cooperative Bank Prelims exam.
Applicants do not need to waste time reading numerous books; instead, they should choose the best reference BSCB Assistant book and study it diligently.
Applicants must also underline important points and make brief notes for quick revision.
For improved exam proficiency, practice the Bihar Cooperative Bank Office Assistant Prelims Previous Year Papers and attempt mock test series on a regular basis.
Never begin studying new topics just a few days before an exam.
Subject-wise BSCB Assistant Prelims Study Plan 2025
Check out the topper’s study plan for every subject of BSCB Assistant Prelims 2025:
Best Study Plan to Prepare for BSCB Prelims English
The English section is the most important and usually ignored by applicants. Many students simply disregard this subject to maximise their marks in other sections. However, considering current exam trends, aspirants cannot simply focus on 1-2 sections and pass the exam. They must assign equal weight to each section.
While preparing for the BSCB Assistant Prelims 2025 English Language, candidates are required to follow the mentioned study tips:
You should improve the fundamentals of English language skills.
If you have a strong command of the English language, it is best to begin with this subject.
First, go through the grammar rules. Remember that you are not going to memorise every rule. You only need to go over each rule with an example. Your memory will gradually recall all of the rules.
If you feel that you are weak in this section, then it should be attempted last.
Toppers suggest that you should begin with fill in the blanks, sentence correction, and cloze test questions rather than para jumbles.
To improve your vocabulary or word power, read any English article and make a list of the new words you learn from it. Remember to let this process run for at least 6 months without interruption.
To achieve high score during the BSCB Assistant Prelims Exam, practice with as many mock tests as possible.
Best Study Plan to Prepare for BSCB Prelims Reasoning
The reasoning section is a bit demanding and complex for every applicant since it checks your presence of mind and ability to answer a problem. It is essential to have a thorough conceptual understanding of the most likely exam topics. The reasoning section’s scope is broad, so you must decide where to devote your time, energy, and efforts.
Applicants are required to follow the below mentioned study tips to prepare well for BSCB Assistant Prelims 2025 Reasoning:
First, understand the fundamentals and technique of a particular topic.
Try to practice 4 to 5 puzzles every day, as it will help you to score high in this section.
Revise the forward and backward sequence of alphabets. It will save your time, which you can utilise to answer other problems.
Make a note of the important concepts you come across and revise them.
Once you have finished with all the important topics, attempt a sectional mock test to evaluate what you have learned so far.
Practice previous year questions of BSCB Assistant Prelims Resoning.
Best Study Plan to Prepare for BSCB Prelims Quantitative Aptitude
For almost every candidate, the quantitative section is considered to be tough. The important point here is that a methodical approach has to be implemented. Follow the plan mentioned below:
Learn the fundamentals first, such as percentage, average, and ratio-proportion.
Remember that you can convert percentages to fractions and fractions to percentages up to 1/25.
Try to memorise squares up to 50 and cubes up to 20.
Learn multiple calculating methods and Vedic math tricks to help you calculate faster.
Practice many kinds of DI such as tabular, pi – chart, caselete, and so on.
It is essential to practice this section on a daily basis, as well as to solve mock tests and sample papers.
To ace this, you must revise.
15 Days Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Study Timetable
You must design a smart plan to cover a variety of topics in the last fifteen days. Check our master revision timetable for the final 15 days of your BSCB Prelims Exam preparation:
Study Plan
Day 1
Practice Quadratic Equation and Inequality questions.
Attempt at least 1 mock test and check your strong and weak areas.
Improve your calculation speed by practising % to fraction and fraction to percentage conversions, as well as squares and cubes.
Day 2
Spend at least 40-50 minutes on the topics you studied the day before.
Practice number series and syllogism questions.
Attempt 1 mock test and analyse it.
Day 3
In around 30 minutes, study the previously covered topics.
Practice problems on simplification and approximation, probability and coding-decoding.
Spend some time on your strong topics.
Attempt 1 mock test and check your performance.
Day 4
Practice para jumble, ratio proportion, age-related and blood relation questions.
Attempt 1 mock test and analyse properly.
Day 5
Start with practising cloze tests, time and work, partnership, order and ranking questions.
Practice 1 mock test and analyse your performance.
Day 6
Practice percentage, average and direction distance questions.
Attempt 1 mock test and analyse.
Revise grammar rules.
Day 7
Practice time, speed, distance, mixture, allegation, and seating arrangement questions.
Practice 1 mock test and evaluate your performance to the previous day.
Day 8
Practice simple interest, compound interest, pipe and cistern, alphanumeric series and error spotting questions.
Attempt 1-2 mock tests and review properly.
Day 9
Practice questions from tabular, pie-chart data interpretation, puzzles & seating arrangement.
Attempt 1-2 mock tests and analyse them.
Day 10
It is now time to analyse all of the attempted mock tests.
Spend at least 2-3 hours in reviewing and practising incorrect questions from each mock test.
Every day, take at least 1-2 mock tests.
Practice 1 para jumble, 1 cloze test and 1 reading comprehension daily.
If you haven’t prepared notes for vocabulary words, review them again.
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Take 1-2 mock tests and analyse the results.
Before the exam, go over all shortcuts, tips, rules, formulas, and so forth.
Relax and revise whatever you want, but don’t overburden yourself.
Best Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Books
The table below lists the best BSCB Office Assistant books for various subjects:
Title of the Book
English for Competitions
Neetu Singh
Competitive General English Book for All Government Competitive Exams
Candidates might be having various queries related to the BSCB Assistant Prelims Study Tips. Therefore, we have provided answers to some of the frequently asked questions about the same:
Q.1: Where can I get subject-wise Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Study Plan? Ans: Candidates can get a subject-wise BSCB Assistant Prelims Study Plan from this article.
Q.2: How hard is BSCB Assistant Prelims to crack? Ans: BSCB Assistant Prelims is not a difficult exam to pass. Candidates that maintain a proper preparation plan and time efficiency have a high probability of passing.
Q.3: What is the best way to improve Grammar for English Language? Ans: The best method to improve grammar is to go through school and high school grammar books, study the rules, use them while writing and speaking, solve as many questions as possible, and build a regular reading habit.
Q.4: Is there any negative marking in the BSCB Assistant Prelims exam? Ans: Yes. There is a penalty of 0.25 marks for every incorrect response in the BSCB Assistant Prelims Exam.
Q.5: How to approach reasoning ability section for BSCB Prelims exam? Ans: The reasoning ability section necessitates practice, practice, and more practice.
Q.6: What is the official website for BSCB Assistant Prelims exam? Ans: The official website for BSCB Assistant Prelims exam is
We hope that this detailed article has been helpful. You can write us an email at [email protected] or call 18002572961 (Toll-Free). We will be glad to help you. Embibe wishes you all the very best in your future endeavours.
Stay tuned to for the latest news and updates on BSCB Assistant Prelims 2025.