Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Syllabus 2025
Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Syllabus 2025: The Bihar State Cooperative Bank (BSCB) will soon release the Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Syllabus 2025 on its official website. The first preparation step is to thoroughly comprehend the BSCB Assistant Syllabus 2025. Candidates planning to apply for the BSCB Assistant 2025 exam must check BSCB Prelims Syllabus 2025 from this page.
When applicants understand the syllabus for each subject of the BSCB Assistant Prelims 2025, they can easily create a study plan and prioritise their weaker topics. This exam is administered online, and the questions are of the multiple-choice type. Candidates must carefully go through the BSCB Assistant Prelims Syllabus 2025 to ensure they do not miss any important topics and cover everything. Scroll down to know more.
Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Syllabus 2025
The Bihar State Cooperative Bank Assistant (Multipurpose) Prelims Syllabus is composed of three sections:
English Language- This section includes questions on grammar and comprehension, among other topics.
Reasoning Ability- This section assesses the student’s critical thinking and decision-making abilities.
Quantitative Aptitude- The purpose of this section is to assess the candidate’s ability to analyse and solve mathematical questions.
BSCB Assistant Prelims Syllabus for English Language
To obtain a thorough syllabus for the English language section, applicants should check the table below:
Idioms & Phrases
One Word Substitution
Sentence Formation
Sentence Completion
Sentence Improvement
Sentence Reconstruction
Sentence Rearrangement – Rearrangement of words in a sentence
Rearrangement of Sentence in Paragraph
Paragraph Formation
Subject-Verb Agreement
Conjunction Rules
Fill in the Blanks
Reading Comprehension
Cloze Test
Error Spotting
Para Jumbles
Tenses Rules
Synonyms & Antonyms Analogies
BSCB Assistant Prelims Syllabus for Reasoning Ability
This section of the exam evaluates the applicant’s logical reasoning, decision-making, and critical thinking ability. A banking professional is always expected to analyse a particular scenario and reach a logical conclusion. The following are the important topics that must be addressed in the Bihar State Cooperative Bank Reasoning Ability Syllabus for Prelims 2025 exam:
Reasoning Test – Analytical Reasoning Directions and Distance Linear Arrangement Complex Arrangement Analogies Classification (Odd Man Out) Coding-Decoding Series Blood Relationships Symbols and Notations Alphabet Test Data Sufficiency Test Data Interpretation Test Logic Tests – Syllogism Statements Assumptions Statements Arguments Statements Conclusions Statements Action Non-Verbal Tests – Problems Based on Symmetry Problems Based on Visual Ability Classification (Non-Verbal Tests) Series (Non-Verbal Tests) Analogy (Non-Verbal Tests)
BSCB Assistant Prelims Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude
This section assesses the student’s quantitative and problem-solving abilities. The following are the most essential topics covered in the Bihar State Cooperative Bank Quantitative Aptitude Prelims syllabus:
Number Systems
Number Series
Square Roots
Cube Roots
Fractions and Decimals
H.C.F and L.C.M
Ratio and Proportion
Simple Interest
Compound Interest
Profit and Loss
Areas and Volumes
Area and Perimeter of Plane Figure
Volume And Surface Area of Solid
Mixture and Alligation
Pipes and Cisterns
Speed, Time and Distance
Time and Work
Bihar BSCB Assistant Prelims Exam Pattern 2025
The latest exam pattern for the BSCB Multipurpose Assistant Exam 2025 is provided below:
Medium of Exam
No. of Questions
Maximum Marks
20 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude
English & Hindi
English & Hindi
20 Minutes
Reasoning Aptitude
English & Hindi
English & Hindi
20 Minutes
100 ques.
100 marks
60 minutes or 01 hour
BSCB Assistant Prelims Exam Analysis
The overall exam analysis for the BSCB Assistant 2025 Prelims exam has been provided below:
Good Attempt
Difficulty Level
English Language
Reasoning Ability
Easy to Moderate
Quantitative Aptitude
Easy to Moderate
Easy to Moderate
How to Prepare for Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims 2025?
Candidates must develop an effective Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims exam preparation strategy in order to complete all topics in a limited amount of time. To be listed on the BSCB Assistant Merit List, one must be dedicated to maintaining a consistent study schedule. Some of the key points to consider while creating a strategy to cover the BSCB Multipurpose Assistant Prelims Syllabus are listed below:
Understand and read through the entire BSCB Prelims Assistant Syllabus 2025. Workout subject division based on the difficulty level.
Make a point of starting with the most difficult topic first. Divide the topic into multiple subtopics and study them one by one.
Once you have completed the subtopics, go over all of the chapters again.
To keep your preparation for the BSCB Assistant Prelims exam, solve the previous year’s papers and attempt test series.
If you discover that you are lacking in any topic, go over it again. You can create flashcards for quick review.
Pace yourself as you complete the mock tests before the exams. It will improve your speed and prevent you from getting tension throughout the exam.
Ensure you stay hydrated and eat appropriately. Your health takes priority over any exam.
Keep in mind you must get enough rest the night before the BSCB Assistant Prelims exam.
Best Books for BSCB Assistant Prelims 2025
For the ideal preparation for the BSCB Multipurpose Assistant Prelims 2025, candidates should refer to the best books available. Here is a list of the best books for BSCB Assistant Prelims exam:
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning
FAQs on Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Syllabus 2025
Candidates have various queries related to the BSCB Assistant Prelims Syllabus. Hence, we have provided answers to some of the frequently asked questions about the same:
Q.1: What are the subjects covered under the Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Syllabus? Ans: The subjects covered under the Bihar Cooperative Bank Assistant Prelims Syllabus 2025 are English, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning.
Q.2: Is there any negative marking in the BSCB Assistant Prelims exam? Ans: Yes. There is a deduction of 0.25 marks for every incorrect response in the BSCB Assistant Prelims exam.
Q.3: What is the minimum age limit to apply for the BSCB Assistant post? Ans: Applicants may apply for the BSCB Assistant position if they are at least 21 years old on the date of submission of the online application.
Q.4: What should I do if I have no prior experience? Is it still possible for me to apply for the position of BSCB Assistant? Ans: Candidates are not required to have prior experience under the BSCB Assistant Eligibility Criteria. They are eligible to apply if he/she meet the other eligibility criteria. Freshers are also welcome to apply for the BSCB Assistant position.
Q.5: What is the official website for BSCB Assistant? Ans: The official website for BSCB Assistant exam is
We hope that this detailed article serves your need. Embibe wishes you all the very best in your future endeavours.
Stay tuned to for the latest news and updates on BSCB Assistant Prelims 2025.