Bihar Board Class 12 Exam 2025

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  • Written by Saif_Ansari
  • Last Modified on 20-11-2024
  • Written by Saif_Ansari
  • Last Modified on 20-11-2024

Bihar Board Class 12 Exam 2025

About Exam

Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) conducts yearly examinations for Class 12 students. It is also known as the +2 or intermediate year. The board has announced the dates for the BSEB Class 12 exams. The Class 12 exams 2025 will likely be conducted in the first week of February 2025.  The board prescribes the syllabus, curriculum, exam dates, and result dates for Class 12. Bihar Board Class 12 paves the way for a bright future for students, as these grades are considered qualifications for entry into higher education.

Therefore all students should prepare well and achieve good grades for the board exams. Being aware of the syllabus, exam pattern, preparation tips, and other important things goes a long way in helping them ace the exam. In this article, we have provided all the relevant details related to Bihar Board Class 12, such as study material, exam pattern, marking scheme, syllabus, and much more.

Bihar Board Class 12 Exam Summary 2025


The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) administers the Class 12 Science, Commerce, and Arts exams every February. The exams are usually held in two shifts from 9:30 am to 12:45 pm and from 1:45 pm to 5:00 pm. The student is given 15 extra minutes to read the questionnaire.

BSEB conducts the intermediate-level admissions process in online mode. After the Class 12 timetable is announced in October or November of each year, the Bihar Board issues dummy admission cards for students to check and correct mistakes. The official registration card will be issued in January. 

Let us now have an overview of the Bihar Board Class 12 exam: 

Particulars Details
Full Exam Name Bihar Board 12th Examination
Frequency of Conduct Once a year
Mode of Exam Offline
Exam Duration 3 Hours 15 Minutes
BSEB 12th Exams 2025 February 2025
BSEB 12th Result 2025 March/April 2025
Application of Scrutiny April/May 2025 (Tentative)
Compartment Examinations May 2025 (Tentative)

Bihar Board Official Website

Bihar Board Class 12 Latest Updates 2025

Exam Pattern

  • Bihar Board will upload the BSEB Class 12 admit card on its portal in January 2025. We will add a direct link to download the hall ticket in the steps below.

Bihar Board Class 12 Application Process 2025

Filling out the application form is a mandatory process for all students who will be appearing for the BSEB Class 12 board exam. The students appearing for the Class 12 board exams can fill out the registration form online and offline. Usually, the school completes the formalities and students only have to pay the application fees to their respective schools. Check the following steps to fill out the application form for Bihar Board Class 12:

  • 1st Step – Visit the official website of BSEB, i.e.
  • 2nd Step – Check the notification link for Class 12 in that window.
  • 3rd Step – Click on that notification. A PDF file will open up asking about the information related to the Class 12 registration.
  • 4th Step – Read the details and important information about the application form carefully. Do not make any mistakes. 
  • 5th Step – A form will open. Next, fill in all the required details that that page asks for.
  • 6th Step – After filling in the details, click on the submit button.
  • 7th Step – Students must ensure that they upload a recent passport-size photo and valid documents.
  • 8th Step – Submit the form by paying the required amount of the application fee.
  • 9th Step – Submit it and print it for future reference.

Bihar Board Class 12 Application Form 2025

BSEB Class 12 releases the registration form on the official website. The students are required to fill in the details like name, their parent’s details, gender, date of birth, nationality, district, address, mobile number and category. 

All the important details related to the start and end date of the application form will be mentioned on the officials’ website. Go through the application form and learn about all the important details.

Bihar Board Class 12 Exam Pattern 2025

Exam Syllabus

Every year, BSEB conducts the Class 12 board exam. This board is responsible for setting the exam schedule, questions, level of question paper, and the availability of mock papers for the Bihar Board Class 12 exam. 

The BSEB is also responsible for determining the Bihar Board Class 12 exam paper and its pattern. It includes the subject’s name, weightage of various sections in the paper, type of questions and marks distribution for the board examination.

The students can check the Bihar Board Class 12 exam pattern here. For Class 12, students can select the compulsory and optional subjects. The subjects are as follows –

  • Alternative English
  • English or Hindi
  • RB Non-Hindi
  • Geography, Political Science and Psychology (Arts Stream)
  • Accountancy, Economic Studies, Business Studies and Entrepreneurship (Commerce stream)
  • Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry. (Science Stream)

Bihar Board Class 12 Science Subject-wise Exam Pattern 2025

The exam pattern helps students know the total marks for the exam and its distribution for theory and practicals individually. Knowing this can help them strategise their studies and create an effective study plan. In this way, they can prepare for the exam thoroughly and score good marks in all the subjects. We have provided the exam pattern for Bihar Board Class 12 Science:

Subject Total Marks Theory
Alternative English 50 50
RB Non-Hindi 50 50
Mathematics 100 100
English/Hindi 100 100
Chemistry 100 70
Physics 100 70
Biology 100 70

Note: The passing marks for Physics, Biology and Chemistry are 21 in theory (each) and 12 in practical (each).

Bihar Board Class 12 Syllabus 2025

Study Plan to Maximise Score

Students must thoroughly go through the entire Bihar Board Class 12 syllabus 2025 before appearing in the board exam to score well in each subject. Students must not miss any topic from the syllabus, as each section is crucial from an exam point of view. The official at Bihar Board carefully prepares the exam syllabus to enhance the students’ learning skills. 

The detailed syllabus of Class 12 Bihar Board is available here to help students with their studies. Students must be well-versed with the exam syllabus of the Bihar Board to avoid losing any marks in the exam.

Bihar Board Class 12 Physics Syllabus

Physics involves a lot of equations, formulas, laws, and numerical questions. And students should have clear concepts if they want to ace the exam. Check the table below to understand the syllabus for Bihar Board Class 12 Physics: 

Units Important Topics
Current Electricity Electrical resistance, electrical resistivity and conductivity, Ohm’s law, VI characteristics, Kirchhoff’s law and simple application, metre bridge, Wheatstone bridge etc.
Potentiometer, its principles, comparing the emf of two cells, the internal resistance of the coil
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current Faraday’s law, Electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s law, RMS and peak value of alternating current, reactance and impedance
Self and mutual inductance, LC circuit, LCR circuits, power in AC circuits, Wattles’s current, AC transformer and generator
Optics Total internal reflection and its applications, magnifications, a reflection of light, mirror formula, refraction of light, spherical mirrors, a combination of lenses.
Scattering of light blue colour, refraction and reflection through the prism.
Wavefront and Huygens principles, proof of the law of reflection and refraction, Young’s double-slit experiment, coherent sources and width of central maximum, polarisation, Brewster’s law, plane polarised light, use of polarised light, Polaroids.
Dual Nature of Matter Photoelectric effect, Broglie relation, equation-particle nature of light, Matter waves-wave nature of particles, Davisson-Germer experiment, Einstein’s photoelectric equation.
Electronic Devices IV characteristics of the transistor, the basic idea of analogue and digital signal, transistor as a switch, common emitter configuration.
Logic GATES (AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND), transistor as the switch
Communication System Amplitude modulation, propagation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere, production and detection of an amplitude-modulated wave etc.
Modulation, amplitude modulation, sky and space wave propagation, the bandwidth of signals such as TV, speech and digital data, sky and space wave propagation.
Magnetic effect of current and magnetism Force on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic and electric field, Torque on a magnetic dipole, Earth’s magnetic field and magnetic elements.

Bihar Board Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus

The Class 12 Chemistry syllabus offers interesting topics such as Physical Chemistry, Electrochemistry and Chemical Kinetics. The students who want to pursue pure Chemistry in higher education courses or apply for higher studies with Chemistry as the main subjects need to study properly. Let us read the latest syllabus –

Units Topics
Solutions Osmotic pressure, the elevation of boiling point, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties, abnormal molecular mass, depression ofzing point
Chemical kinetics No mathematical treatment, Integrated rate equations and half-life, Elementary idea
Electrochemistry Variations of conductivity with the concentration, Lead accumulator, Kohlrausch’s law, electrolytic solutions
Solid state Packing efficiency, number of atoms per unit cell, Magnetic and Electric properties
Surface chemistry Catalysis, Factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids, enzyme catalysis, colloidal state distinction between solutions, lyophobic multimolecular, Tyndall Effect, Coagulation, Brownian movement, properties of colloids.
Aldehyde and ketones Carbonyl group’s nature, physical and chemical properties of aldehyde and ketones, various preparation methods for alpha hydrogen
Amines Classification, methods of preparation, identification, use, secondary and tertiary amines, nomenclature
Protein Peptide bond, protein structure, denaturation of proteins, elementary idea of alpha-amino acids.
Polymers Nylons, natural and synthetic, polythene, polyesters, bakelite, non-biodegradable polymers, copolymerisation, rubber
Cleansing agents Cleansing action, soaps and detergent
Phenols Preparation method, physical and chemical importance, nomenclature
Carbohydrate DL configuration, aldoses and ketoses, sucrose, maltose, lactose, monosaccharides, starch, oligosaccharides, the importance of carbohydrate
Lanthanide Oxidation states, lanthanoid contraction, electronic configuration.
Chemicals in food Artificial sweetening agents, preservatives

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Syllabus

The Class 12 Biology syllabus is divided into Botany and Zoology sections. These two sections aim to develop students’ ability to understand the structure, phenomena, and working of plants and animals. Check the table below to understand the syllabus for Bihar Board Class 12 Biology: 

Unit Topics
Genetics and evolution Sex determination in human beings, DNA, replication, translation, transcription, Gene expression and regulation, DNA fingerprinting, Evolution theories and evidence, Linkage and crossing over.
Biotechnology and its applications Insulin and Bt.cotton, recombinant DNA technology, genetically modified organisms, applications in health, industry and agriculture.
Biology and human welfare Cancer and AIDS, parasites, pathogens, adolescence and drug alcohol abuse
Ecology and environment Ecosystem, Environmental issues, Organisms and populations, biodiversity and its conservation
Sexual reproduction Development of seed and fruit, reproductive health birth control, menstrual cycle, reproductive system in male and female, implantation, pregnancy and parturition, contraception and sexually transmitted disease

Bihar Board Class 12 Maths Syllabus

The concepts in Class 12 Maths include topics that are discussed in a deeper context than in their previous classes. So, they should be clear on the concepts and practice questions rigorously. Check the table below to understand the syllabus for Bihar Board Class 12 Maths: 

Unit Topic
Matrices Addition and multiplication, concepts of elementary row and column operations, zero and identity matrix, skew-symmetric and symmetric matrices, simple properties of addition, invertible matrices and proof of the inverse, rotation, concepts.
Invertible matrices and proof of the uniqueness of inverse, non-commutativity of multiplication of matrices and existence of non-zero matrices, fundamentals of elementary row and column operation.
Determinants Properties of determinants, cofactors and application of determinants in finding the area of the triangle, solving a system of linear equations in 2-3 variables, consistency, the inverse of matrix and adjoint of a matrix.
Applications of Derivative Rate of change of bodies, use of derivatives in approximation, normal and tangent, simple problems.
Vectors Type of vectors, components of a vector, direction cosines and direction ratios of a vector, vectors and scalars, Geometrical Interpretation, properties and application of the scalar product of vectors. The position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a specified ratio, dot product of vectors and cross product of vectors, triple product of vector quantities, Geometrical
Interpretation, components of vectors.
3D Geometry –
Cosines and direction ratios of a line joining 2 points, vector quantities of line, skew and coplanar lines, the shortest distance between two lines, a distance of a point from a plane, Angle between two planes, two lines and a line and a plane, cartesian and vector equation of a plane.
Probability Conditional probability, total probability, Bayes theorem, independent events, repeated independent trials and binomial distribution, multiplication theorem
Calculus Continuity and differentiability, the concept of exponential and logarithmic functions, second-order derivative, Rolle’s and Lagrange’s Mean Theorem, derivative of implicit functions, a derivative of a composite function, logarithmic differentiation, chain rule.
Integrals, Application of integrals, differential equations, formation of differential equations, the first order of differential equations, solution of differential equations by the method of separation of variable solutions.
Linear Programming Different types of linear programming, feasible and infeasible solutions, objective functions, a mathematical formula of LP problems, optimal feasible solutions, optimisation, related terminology for linear programming

Also Check,

Bihar Board Class 12 Chapters

Bihar Board Class 12 Study Material

Bihar Board Class 12 Books

Bihar Board Class 12 Topics

Bihar Board Class 12 Exam Blueprint 2025

Previous Year Analysis

The exam blueprint gives students an idea about the weightage of each unit or chapter. This helps them know what are the marks for the topics they have to study and how to map the schedule for each. Accordingly, students can give more focus on the units or chapters that have more marks. Doing them increases their chances of scoring good marks in the exam. Students can find the Bihar Board Class 12 subject-wise exam blueprint in the sections below:

Bihar Board Class 12 Physics Exam Blueprint

The Class 12 Physics blueprint provides the weightage for each unit. Referring to the blueprint will help students set a proper timetable to cover all the units and chapters. Students who opted for Physics can check the unit-wise marks distribution from the table provided below:

Units Marking Scheme
Current electricity 07
Electrostatics 08
Magnetic effect of current and magnetism 08
Dual nature of matter 04
Electromagnetic induction and alternating current 08
Electronic devices 07
Atoms and nuclei 06
Communication system 07
Electromotive waves 03

Bihar Board Class 12 Chemistry Exam Blueprint

The Class 12 Chemistry blueprint provides the marks distribution for chapters from all three sections of Chemistry. Thus students should ensure that they are dividing their time equally among all the chapters. Students can check the unit-wise marks distribution for Chemistry from the table below:

Units Marking Scheme
Solutions 05
Solid state 04
Chemical kinetics 05
Electrochemistry 05
P-block elements 08
Coordination compounds 03
d and f block elements 05
Haloalkanes and haloarenes 04
Aldehyde, Carboxylic Acid and Ketones 06
Alcohols, ethers and phenols 04
Biomolecules 04
Organic compound and containing Nitrogen 04
Chemistry in Everyday Life 03

Bihar Board Class 12 Biology Exam Blueprint

Biology is a subject that has many chapters and it can be quite challenging to study all of them. However, the blueprint can help them prioritise the chapters based on their weightage. The students who opted for Biology can check the unit-wise marks distribution from the table below:

Chapters Marking Scheme
Genetics and evolution 18
Sexual reproduction 06
Biotechnology and its application 18
Biology and human welfare 18
Ecology and environment 10

Bihar Board Class 12 Maths Exam Blueprint

Mathematics has many chapters and questions for each chapter. Knowing the blueprint can help them understand which topics to focus on more. The candidates can check the unit-wise marks distribution for Maths from the table below:

Unit Marking Scheme
Algebra 13
Linear Programming 9
Relations and Functions 10
Vectors and 3D Geometry 18
Probability 10

Bihar Board Class 12 Exam Dates 2025

Exam counselling

The Bihar Board releases the timetable on its website for the Class 12 board exam. Knowing the timetable can help students be mentally prepared for the exam and study according to the subjects. The tentative exam dates for Bihar Board Class 12 for the year 2025 are mentioned below. Check the table to learn about the Class 12 BSEB exam dates:

BSEB Inter Exam Date Morning Shift (9:30 AM to 12:45 PM) Evening (2:00 PM to 5:15 PM)
February 1, 2025 119 – Biology (I.Sc) 326 – Economics (I.A)
320 – Philosophy (IA) 219 – Economics (I.Com)
February 2, 2025 121 – Mathematics (I.Sc) 402 – Foundation Course (Voc)
327 – Mathematics (IA) 322 – Political Science (I.A)
February 3, 2025 117 – Physics (I.Sc) 323 – Geography (I.A)
217 – Business Studies (
February 5, 2025 105/124 – English (I.Sc) 306/331 – Hindi (I.A)
205/223 – English (I.Com) 401 – Hindi (Voc)
February 6, 2025 118 – Chemistry (I.Sc) 305/330 – English (I.A)
403 – English (Voc)
February 7, 2025 106/125 – Hindi (I.Sc) 321 – History (I.A)
206/224 – Hindi (I.Com) 120 – Agriculture (I.Sc)
February 8, 2025 107 – Urdu , 108 – Maithili, 109- Sanskrit, 110 – Prakrit, 111- Magahi, 112 – Bhojpuri, 113 – Arabic, 114 – Persian, 115 – Pali, 116 – Bangla (I.Sc) 324 – Psychology (I.A)
207 – Urdu , 208 – Maithili, 209- Sanskrit, 210 – Prakrit, 211- Magahi, 212 – Bhojpuri, 213 – Arabic, 214 – Persian, 215 – Pali, 216 – Bangla (I.Com)
307 – Urdu , 308 – Maithili, 309- Sanskrit, 310 – Prakrit, 311- Magahi, 312 – Bhojpuri, 313 – Arabic, 314 – Persian, 315 – Pali, 316 – Bangla (I.A) 218 – Entrepreneurship (
503 – Urdu , 504 – Maithili, 505- Sanskrit, 506 – Prakrit, 507- Magahi, 508 – Bhojpuri, 509 – Arabic, 510 – Persian, 511 – Pali, 512 – Bangla (Voc)
February 9, 2025 318 – Music (I.A) 319 – Home Science (I.A)
Elective Subject Trade Paper – II [from subject code 431 to 457] (Voc)
February 10, 2025 325 – Sociology (I.A) 136 – Security, 137 – Beautician, 138 – Tourism, 139 – Retail Management, 140 – Automobile, 141 – Electronics& H/W, 142 – Beauty and Wellness, 143 – Telecom, 144 – It/Ites (I.Sc)
235 – Security, 236 – Beautician, 237 – Tourism, 238 – Retail Management, 239 – Automobile, 240 – Electronics& H/W, 241 – Beauty and Wellness, 242 – Telecom, 243 – It/Ites (I.Com)
220 – Accountancy ( 342 – Security, 343 – Beautician, 344 – Tourism, 345 – Retail Management, 346 – Automobile, 347 – Electronics& H/W, 348 – Beauty and Wellness, 349 – Telecom, 350 – It/Ites (I.A)
February 12, 2025 126 – Urdu , 127 – Maithili, 128- Sanskrit, 129 – Prakrit, 130- Magahi, 131 – Bhojpuri, 132 – Arabic, 133 – Persian, 134 – Pali, 135 – Bangla (I.Sc) 122 – Computer Science, 123 – Multimedia and web tech (I.Sc)
225 – Urdu , 226 – Maithili, 227- Sanskrit, 228 – Prakrit, 229- Magahi, 230 – Bhojpuri, 231 – Arabic, 232 – Persian, 233 – Pali, 234 – Bangla (I.Com) 221- Computer Science, 222 – Multimedia and web tech (I.Com)
332 – Urdu , 333 – Maithili, 334- Sanskrit, 335 – Prakrit, 336- Magahi, 337 – Bhojpuri, 338 – Arabic, 339 – Persian, 340 – Pali, 341 – Bangla (I.A) 317 – Yoga and Physical Education, 328 – Computer Science, 329 – Multimedia and Web Tech (I.A)
Vocational: 485- Physics, 486 Chemistry, 487- Biology, 488- Mathematics, 489 -Agriculture, 490- Business Study, 491-Accountancy, 492- Entrepreneurship, 493- History, 494- Political Science, 495 – Sociology, 496- Economics, 497 – Psychology, 498- Home Science, 499- Geography, 500- Music, 501- Philosophy, 502- Yoga & Phy. Education

Important Note: The exam dates above are tentative.

Bihar Board Class 12 Practical Exam 2025

The BSEB will likely conduct the Class 12 practical examinations in the second week of January 2025. The date sheet and the annual timetable for Class 12 Bihar Board examinations will be released separately. The Bihar Board releases the exam timetable with practical dates of Science, Arts and Vocational subjects. 

List of BSEB Class 12 Practical Subjects – 

  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Home Science
  • Psychology
  • Music

Bihar Board Class 12 Admit Card 2025

Exam talks

Bihar Board will release the hall ticket for Class 12 students on their official website in 2025. The candidates who have filled out the application form successfully can download the Bihar Board Class 12 admit card from the official website. 

To download the admit card, students must use their login ID and password. The direct link to download the admit card will be available here and on the official website.

Steps to download the Bihar Board Class 12 Admit Card are as follows:

  • 1st Step – Visit the official website, i.e.
  • 2nd Step – Find the link to download the admit card or view the hall ticket.
  • 3rd Step – Click on that link, and a new window will open. Fill in the required details and submit it.
  • 4th Step – Download the admit card and get the needed signature and stamp from the institutes’.

It is usually released for the students to cross-check all the details. If they find any mistakes, they can contact the official exam conducting authority. The admit card will have details like educational, personal and exam centre details. After that, BSEB will release the actual admit card for Class 12.

Bihar Board Class 12 Detailed Study Plan 2025

About Exam

Students preparing for the BSEB 12 Class exam must go through the complete BSEB Class 12 exam pattern to know the marking scheme and important topics. Here are some preparation tips for BSEB Class 12 that students should follow to prepare well for the exams:

  • Do not wait until the last minute to prepare for the Bihar Board Class 12 exam. Make sure to create a proper timetable and divide the days for doing preparation and revision. 
  • Solving the Bihar Board Class 12 previous year’s question papers will help them understand the exam pattern, type of questions, question papers’ difficulty level, and variations. 
  • Students appearing for the board exams for BSEB Class 12 must create their strategy to plan and prepare for the exam. 
  • First, complete the syllabus for Bihar Board Class 12 and parallelly revise it. Time management always works for students. It will help them to avoid stress during exam preparation. 

Bihar Board Class 12 Result Date 2025

About Exam

Bihar School Examination Board Result for Class 12 will be released in March 2025 on their official website. After the completion of the Class 12 exam, candidates need to keep an eye on the official website to check the latest notifications and updates regarding this. The Board will evaluate the BSEB Class 12 answer sheets after the exam is over.

To check the Bihar Board Class 12 result, students need to use their roll number, roll code and captcha code. 

Bihar Board Class 12 Topper List

Students appearing for the Bihar Board Class 12 exam should be aware of the toppers and how much they scored in the previous exam. This helps them know how high the competition is and the bar that the previous year’s students have set. This will help them prepare for the exam in a better and more strategic manner. The table below provides the Bihar Board Class 12 topper list for the year 2022:

Rank Student Name Marks
1 Saurabh Kumar 472
1 Arjun Kumar 472
2 Raj Ranjan 471
3 Sejal Kumar 470

Bihar Board Class 12 Supplementary Exam 2025

The Bihar Board Class 12 supplementary exam will likely begin in April 2025 and will be continued till May 2025. Students who failed in one or more subjects can take the supplementary exam and clear their subjects. The exam is being conducted in the offline mode. Students can refer to the steps below to download the Bihar Board Class 12 supplementary exam:

  • 1st Step: Visit the board’s website
  • 2nd Step: Under the latest updates, click on “Bihar 12th Compartment Routine 2025”.
  • 3rd Step: The routine will open in a new tab.
  • 4th Step: Students can download the routine for reference.
The guidelines to be followed for the Bihar Board Class 12 compartment exam are as follows:
  • Students must report to the exam centre one hour before the scheduled time.
  • No student is allowed to leave the exam centre until the exam concludes.
  • All the appearing students must carry their admit card and government-issued photo ID card.
  • No student must indulge in any malpractice like cheating or they will not be allowed to continue for the exam.
  • Students must adhere to Covid-appropriate behaviour to avoid any risk. 

FAQs on Bihar Board Class 12 Exam 2025

Eligibility Criteria

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Bihar Board Class 12 exam.

Q: What is the exam date for Bihar Board Class 12?
Ans: The Bihar intermediate exams will be conducted in the first week of February 2025.

Q: Where can I get study materials for Bihar Board Class 12 exam?
Ans: Students can get study materials like ebooks, 3D videos, practice questions, mock tests, and many more on Embibe.

Q: Where can I get the Bihar Board Class 12 syllabus?
Ans: Students can get the Bihar Board Class 12 syllabus on this page.

Q: What are the passing marks for the Class 12 exam?
Ans. The students need to score at least 33% in practical and theory papers to pass the Class 12 board exam. Sometimes, the evaluators can give the students a one per cent grace mark if they do not qualify for any paper.

Q: When will the Bihar Board Class 12 result 2025 be declared?
Ans: The Bihar Board Class 12 result 2025 will likely be released in March 2025.

List of Educational Institutes for Bihar Board Class 12

Admit Card

Your child has a fundamental right to an education. And it is a parent’s top priority to make sure that their children receive the best education possible. The most significant choice you must make as a parent in this regard is selecting a proper school. That is because your child’s future is largely influenced by the school they attend. 

In other words, it is crucial to select a school that recognises your child’s potential, develops their abilities, and gives them the tools they need to become change agents. We have provided you with the details about the schools in Bihar that provide top-class education. 

Students studying in Bihar Board Class 12 will excel in their future if they study in these respective schools. Through this page, students can check the list of prominent schools in Bihar and their locations. Take a look at it. These schools are affiliated with BSEB (Bihar School Education Board).

  • Dr Nagendra Jha Mahila College, Bikramganj
  • MR Inter College, Viratpur
  • MLT College, Saharsa
  • SKB College Mranga Purniya
  • Rasbihari +2 School
  • RSB Inter College, Samastipur
  • Hit Narayan Kshatriya +2 School
  • Kamal Ray College, Gopalganj
  • Rajendra College, Chapra
  • Jaglal Ray College, Chapra
  • Zila School, Saran
  • Rajkiya Jai Govind High School
  • MSSS School, Kanhauli
  • Gov. Sr. Sec School, Brahampura
  • Buxar High School, Buxar
  • Sogra College, Biharsharif
  • Tirhut +2 School Mahshi, E. Champaran
  • DC College, Hajipur, Vaishali

Future Exams After Bihar Board Class 12

As Class 12 is one of the preparatory phases for continuing courses for further education. The syllabus and preparation for Class 12 would help us attempt a number of national-level exams and enrol in various universities and colleges for future studies.

Let us have a look at the several entrance examinations that are available across the country for those who have completed Class 12.

Stream Exam
Engineering Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main
JEE Advanced
Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test (BITSAT) entrance exam
IPU-CET (B. Tech)
Manipal (B. Tech)
AMU (B. Tech)
NDA Entrance with PCM (MPC)
Medical National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET)
Defence Services Indian Maritime University Common Entrance Test
Indian Navy B.Tech Entry Scheme
Indian Army Technical Entry Scheme (TES)
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I)
Fashion and Design National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) Entrance Test
National Institute of Design Admissions
All India Entrance Examination for Design (AIEED)
Symbiosis Institute of Design Exam
Footwear Design and Development Institute
Maeer’s MIT Institute of Design
National Institute of Fashion Design
National Aptitude Test in Architecture
Center for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT)
Social Sciences Banaras Hindu University
IIT Madras Humanities and Social Sciences Entrance Examination (HSEE)
TISS Bachelors Admission Test (TISS-BAT)

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