39 Insightful Publications
Acetaldehyde, also known as Ethanal, is an organic chemical compound. Acetaldehyde Formula is \({\rm{C}}{{\rm{H}}_{\rm{3}}}{\rm{CHO}}\), sometimes abbreviated by
What happens when you tear a piece of paper into two pieces? You get two
We sometimes light a candle in the dark when suddenly the light goes off; we
Discounts: Discount is the difference in price between the selling price of an object and
Compounds of Nitrogen: We know that nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the earth’s
Inequalities in a Triangle: A triangle is a planar shape bordered by three lines in
At all times, our body organs perform a variety of specialised functions. These interrelated functions
Types of Organic Reactions: Reactions take place all around us. There are different types of reactions
Modes of Reproduction: Animals use different modes to reproduce. Reproduction plays a major role in
The Borax formula is articulated as \(({\rm{N}}{{\rm{a}}_2}{{\rm{B}}_4}{{\rm{O}}_7})\). It is one of the most important compounds