- Written by Saif_Ansari
- Last Modified on 17-12-2024
CBSE Class 1 2025: Syllabus, Prescribed Books (English, Maths, & Hindi)
CBSE Class 1: Students studying in CBSE Class 1 must focus on the curriculum and prepare for the exam. Preparing for the exams in the early stage can help them score higher marks and prepare better in the long run. It will also play an important role in strengthening students’ core or foundation of their academics. A first-grader is between the ages of 6 and 7. CBSE focuses on developing an informative curriculum for students.
Students will learn a variety of skills at this age. Students in CBSE Class 1 should concentrate on improving their skills and learning the fundamentals. Students must use the CBSE Class 1 textbooks recommended by the board. Read on to learn more about the CBSE Class 1 curriculum.
CBSE Class 1: All Subjects
CBSE has prescribed three major (compulsory) subjects and four minor subjects for 1st Class. They will study the following subjects.
S.No. |
Name of the Subject |
1 |
Maths |
2 |
English |
3 |
Hindi |
4 |
Physical Education (Minor Subject) |
5 |
Arts and Craft (Minor Subject) |
6 |
EVS (Minor Subject) |
7 |
General Knowledge (Minor Subject) |
CBSE Class 1 Syllabus
CBSE board releases the Class 1 syllabus annually to help students and teachers follow a curriculum accordingly. Students must refer to the Class 1 syllabus in the table below to prepare for the exam.
NCERT Textbooks for CBSE Class 1
NCERT CBSE Class 1 all books will help all Class 1 students of the CBSE board or state boards which follow NCERT textbooks. These books are comprehensive and explain all the concepts easily and interestingly. Students can download the Class 1 NCERT books from the table below:
List of Chapters in CBSE Class 1 Textbook
We have provided all the chapter names for Class 1 NCERT books for all subjects. The chapters from each subject that the students must follow carefully include the following.
Mathematics Chapters
The chapters for Maths are given below:
- Chapter 1: Shapes and Space
- Chapter 2: Numbers from One to Nine
- Chapter 3: Addition
- Chapter 4: Subtraction
- Chapter 5: Number from Ten to Twenty
- Chapter 6: Time
- Chapter 7: Measurement
- Chapter 8: Numbers from Twenty-One to Fifty
- Chapter 9: Data Handling
- Chapter 10: Patterns
- Chapter 11: Numbers
- Chapter 12: Money
- Chapter 13: How Many
English Chapters
The chapters for English are given below:
- Unit 1: (i) A Happy Child, (ii) Three Little Pigs
- Unit 2: (i) After a Bath, (ii) The Bubble, the Straw and the Shoe
- Unit 3: (i) One Little Kitten, (ii) Lalu and Peelu
- Unit 4: (i) Once I Saw a Little Bird, (ii) Mittu and the Yellow Mango
- Unit 5: (i) Merry-Go-Round, (ii) Circle
- Unit 6: (i) If I Were an Apple, (ii) Our Tree
- Unit 7: (i) A Kite, (ii) Sundari
- Unit 8: (i) A Little Turtle, (ii) The Tiger and the Mosquito
- Unit 9: (i) Clouds, (ii) Anandi’s Rainbow
- Unit 10: (i) Flying Man
Hindi Chapters
The chapters for Hindi are given below:
- पाठ 1: झूला
- पाठ 2: आम की कहानी
- पाठ 3: आम की टोकरी
- पाठ 4: पत्ते ही पत्ते
- पाठ 5: पकौड़ी
- पाठ 6: छुक-छुक गाड़ी
- पाठ 7: रसोईघर
- पाठ 8: चूहो! म्याऊँ सो रही है
- पाठ 9: बंदर और गिलहरी
- पाठ 10: पगड़ी
- पाठ 11: पतंग
- पाठ 12: गेंद-बल्ला
- पाठ 13: बंदर गया खेत में भाग
- पाठ 14: एक बुढ़िया
- पाठ 15: मैं भी
- पाठ 16: लालू और पीलू
- पाठ 17: चकई के चकदुम
- पाठ 18: छोटी का कमाल
- पाठ 19: चार चने
- पाठ 20: भगदड़
- पाठ 21: हलीम चला चाँद पर
- पाठ 22: हाथी चल्लम चल्लम
- पाठ 23: सात पूँछ का चूहा
CBSE Sample Papers For Class 1
Students can download the sample papers for CBSE Class 1 from the section below. Referring to the sample papers will help students understand the basic or important concepts. Academic experts design the sample papers in the sections given below following the latest CBSE and NCERT guidelines.
Practising the sample papers will help students gain confidence in each topic that will likely be asked in the examination.
Class 1 English Sample Paper
The sample paper is given below:
1. Short [1 Mark] Questions
(i). There are seven colours in a rainbow. [true/false]
(ii). The dog is ___________ a bone. (bite)
(iii). Dad is _______ the T.V. (watch)
(iv). I am happy, but my brother is ________ (say the opposite).
(v). Tick the correct spelling ____. (lile, little)
(vi). I can fly like an eagle. [true/false]
(vii). Fry Try Dry __________________
(viii). I ____________four balloons. (Has, Have or Had)
(ix). A rabbit _______ long ears. (Has, Have or Had)
(x). Grandma ____________ a pet dog. (Has, Have or Had)
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
I. The lion is a ____ animal.
a). wild
b). gentle
c). coward
II. I am suffering from a cold. I ______.
a). fever
b). headache
c). sneeze
III. The biggest animal that lives on the land ________.
a). whale
b). elephant
c). giraffe
IV. The juicy fruit I can eat in the summer is
a). mango.
b). custard apple
c). mango
d). guava
V. We take ________ in the morning.
a). breakfast
b). lunch
c). supper
VI. In the school, we play games in the __________.
a). park
b). classroom
c). playground
VII. This animal has a very long neck ______.
a. giraffe
b. rhino
c. deer
3. Write the plurals of the following words:
i). duck __________
ii). boy __________
iii). bird __________
iv). doll __________
v). star __________
vi). game __________
4. Read the following and write the correct sentence in the blank.
(i). ___________________________________________ _ ▪ am Nancy I ▪ Nancy am I ▪ I am Nancy.
(ii). ___________________________________________ _ ▪ get up early I ▪ early get up I ▪ I get up early.
(iii). ___________________________________________ _ ▪ I school my love ▪ school love my I ▪ I love my school.
5. Learn to Spell – Unscramble the words:
(i). ERULR
(ii). RREESA
(iii). OKOSB
(iv). EILCNP
(vi). URBERB
Class 1 Mathematics Sample Paper
The sample paper is given below:
1. Fill in the blanks:
a) The number of times ‘E’ comes in ELEPHANT is = ________
b) 1 tens and 2 ones = ________
c) ________ comes between 11 and 13.
d) Write in words: 89 = ________
e) The number letters in word MATHEMATICS is ________
f) 5 – 5 = ________
g) ________ comes after 30.
h) 66 = ________ tens and 6 ones.
i) 6+2 = ________
j) ________ comes before 100
2. State ‘True’ or ‘False’.
a) The Subtraction of 6-0 is 0. ________
b) There 7 tens in 27. ________
c) The number 95 comes between 94 and 96. ________
d) 1rupee + 1 rupee = 2 rupees. ________
e) 82 is more than 50. ________
3. Addition:
(i). 5+5 = ________
(ii). 6+2 = ________
(iii). 4+9 = ________
(iv). 7+0 = ________
(v). 15+5 = ________
4. Subtraction:
(i). 6-3 = ________
(ii). 12-7 = ________
(iii). 15-10 = ________
(iv). 4-1 = ________
(v). 9-5 = ________
Class 1 EVS Sample Paper
The sample paper is given below:
1. Fill in the blanks with words given in brackets:
(i) ________ (Diwali/Holi) is a festival of lights.
(ii) We should ________ (save/waste) water.
(iii) The birthday of ten Sikh Gurus is celebrated as ________ (Christmas/Gurupurab).
(iv) Eid is celebrated by ________ (Muslims/Hindus).
(v) We should ________ (love/hate) animals.
(vi) Aeroplane is a means of ________ (air/water) transport.
(vii) The sun rises in the ________ (west/east).
(viii) Small plants are called ________ (bushes/trees).
2. Name the following:
(i) Two water animals: ________, ________
(ii) Two festivals: ________, ________
(iii) Two vegetables: ________, ________
(iv) Two days of the week: ________, ________
(v) Two months: ________, ________
(vi) Two uses of water: ________, ________
3. Match the following:
(i) Sparrow Land
(ii) Tiger Land and water
(iii) Dolphin Tree
(iv) Frog Water
4. Learn to Spell – Unscramble the words:
(i) AUGSUT: ________
(ii) JNURAYA: ________
(iii) OTCOBRE: ________
(iv) MARHC: ________
(v) YULJ: ________
List of Olympiad Exams for CBSE Class 1
Class 1 students of the CBSE board are eligible to appear for various Olympiad examinations. Let us look at the different Olympiads for which CBSE 1st Class students can apply:
- National Science Olympiad (NSO)
- National Cyber Olympiad (NCO)
- National Interactive Mathematics Olympiad (NIMO)
- National Interactive Science Olympiad (NISO)
- International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)
- International Social Science Olympiad (ISSO)
- National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE)
- International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO)
- International English Olympiad (IEO)
- International Informatics Olympiad (IIO)
- International Olympiad for English Language (IOEL)
- International Talent Hunt Olympiad (ITHO)
Some of the frequently asked questions on the CBSE Class 1 are as follows:
Q: Which chapters are included in CBSE Class 1 Maths?
Ans: CBSE syllabus for Class 1 includes shapes, space, addition, subtraction, etc.
Q: From where can I get Class 1 NCERT Books?
Ans: Students can get the NCERT Class 1 book from Embibe or the official website of NCERT – ncert.nic.in.
Q: How many schools are affiliated with CBSE Class 1?
Ans: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is an educational board in India that works at the national level. The Union Government of India manages and controls CBSE. The NCERT curriculum is used in all CBSE-affiliated schools. With roughly 19,527 schools connected with it, it is one of India’s most popular educational bodies.
Q: How many subjects are there in CBSE Class 1?
Ans: There are 3 major subjects in the Class 1 CBSE board. They are Mathematics, English, and Hindi. Also, there are 4 minor subjects, including Physical Education, Arts and crafts, EVS, and General Knowledge.
Q: Are Arts and Crafts subjects included in CBSE Class 1 syllabus?
Ans: Yes. Arts and Crafts are included in CBSE Class 1 syllabus.
We hope this article on CBSE Class 1 has been useful to all of you. We wish you all the best for your tests!