• Written By Shayan Patra
  • Last Modified 24-02-2025

CBSE Class 10 Hindi: Syllabus, Books, Preparation Tips


CBSE Class 10 Hindi: The CBSE Class 10 is a board-level exam. Students need to learn and practice the chapters of all subjects to score a good overall percentage. Students should pay equal attention to language subjects. The CBSE Class 10 Hindi syllabus is divided into 4 books – Kshitij 2, Sparsh, Kritika, and Sanchayan Bhag – 2. These books contain prose, poetry, writing, and grammar for language learning.

In this article, we have provided CBSE Class 10 Hindi book-wise chapters for the ready reference of the students. Students can also refer to the preparation tips to know the best way to approach this subject and fetch maximum marks in the board exam. Continue reading to know more about CBSE Class 10 Hindi.

CBSE Class 10 Hindi: Overview

Students can check a brief overview of the CBSE Class 10 Hindi exam 2024-25 from the table below:

Name of the ExamClass 10 Hindi Board Exam
Conducting BodyCentral Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Level of the ExamNational Level Exam
Duration of Examination3 Hours
Overall Theory Marks80 Marks
Internal Assessment/Practical/Project Work20 Marks
CBSE Official Websitecbse.gov.in
NCERT Official Websitencert.nic.in

CBSE Class 10 Hindi Exam Pattern 2024-25

The CBSE Class 10 Hindi question paper will have questions of objective and subjective types. The paper will be divided into 2 sections:

  • Section A – It will have objective type questions based on unseen passage, grammar and textbooks. Section A questions will be for total 40 marks.
  • Section B – It will have subjective type or descriptive type questions based on textbooks and writing skills. It will carry maximum 40 marks.

The CBSE Class 10 Hindi question paper will be of total 80 marks. The remaining 20 Marks will be allotted under the internal assessment.  

CBSE Class 10 Hindi Books

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) prescribes the textbooks for all CBSE-affiliated schools. Therefore, teachers refer to NCERT textbooks to teach Hindi to Class 10 students throughout the academic year. Furthermore, CBSE prepares the Class 10 Hindi question paper for the board exams from the Class 10 Hindi book. Hence, students must study and learn from Hindi books only to prepare for their exams.

NCERT has listed two books for each Hindi course; Hindi Course A has two NCERT books, i.e., 

  1. Kshitij (क्षितिज)
  2. Kritika (कृतिका)

Class 10 Hindi Course B has the textbooks:

  1. Sparsh (स्पर्श)
  2. Sanchayan (संचयन)

NCERT books for class 10 Hindi are easily available for download on the official NCERT website, i.e., ncert.nic.in. and also on Embibe.

NCERT Class 10 books should be the primary choice for students appearing for their Hindi board exam. They should study and solve all the questions present in the Class 10 Hindi textbook. 

CBSE Class 10 Hindi Syllabus

The syllabus if CBSE Class 10 Hindi has four books which are named above. In this section, we have provided chapters of all the books, to help students know what they will be learning during the academic year. Check the table below to know the CBSE Class 10 Hindi syllabus:

Kshitij Part – 2 (क्षितिज भाग – 2) Book Chapters

ChaptersClass 10 Hindi Kshitij (क्षितिज) Chapter Names
पाठ 1सूरदास
पाठ 2तुलसीदास
पाठ 3देव
पाठ 4जयशंकर प्रसाद
पाठ 5सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’
पाठ 6नागार्जुन
पाठ 7गिरिजाकुमार माथुर
पाठ 8ऋतुराज
पाठ 9मंगलेश डबराल
पाठ 10स्वयं प्रकाश
पाठ 11रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी
पाठ 12यशपाल
पाठ 13सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना
पाठ 14मन्नू भंडारी
पाठ 15महावीरप्रसाद द्विवेदी
पाठ 16यतीन्द्र मिश्रा
पाठ 17भदंत आनंद कौसल्यायन

Kritika Part – 2 (कृतिका भाग – 2) Book Chapters

ChaptersClass 10 Hindi Kritika (कृतिका) Chapter Names
पाठ 1माता का अँचल
पाठ 2जॉर्ज पंचम की नाक
पाठ 3साना-साना हाथ जोड़ि…
पाठ 4एही ठैयाँ झुलनी हेरानी हो रामा!
पाठ 5मैं क्यों लिखता हूँ?

Class 10 Hindi Course B  Book Chapter Names

Students can check the chapter names from the Class 10 Hindi book for Course B below.

Sparsh Part – 2 (स्पर्श भाग – 2) Book Chapters

ChaptersClass 10 Hindi Sparsh (स्पर्श) Chapter Names
पाठ 1कबीर – साखी
पाठ 2मीरा – पद
पाठ 3बिहारी – दोहे
पाठ 4मैथिलीशरण गुप्त – मनुष्यता
पाठ 5सुमित्रानंदन पंत – पर्वत प्रदेश के पावस
पाठ 6महादेवी वर्मा – मधुर-मधुर मेरे दीपक जल
पाठ 7वीरेन डंगवाल – तोप
पाठ 8कैफ़ी आज़मी – कर चले हम फ़िदा
पाठ 9रवींद्रनाथ ठाकुर – आत्मत्राण
पाठ 10प्रेमचंद – बड़े भाई साहब
पाठ 11सीताराम सेकसरिया – डायरी का एक पन्ना
पाठ 12लीलाधर मंडलोई – तताँरा-वामीरो कथा
पाठ 13प्रहलाद अग्रवाल – तीसरी कसम के शिल्पकार शैलेंद्र
पाठ 14अन्‍तोन चेखव – गिरगिट
पाठ 15निदा फाजली – अब कहाँ दूसरे के दुख से दुखी होने वाले
पाठ 16रवीन्द्र केलेकर – पतझर में टूटी पत्तियाँ
पाठ 17हबीब तनवीर – कारतूस (एकांकी)

Sanchyan Part – 2 (संचयन भाग – 2) Book Chapters

ChaptersClass 10 Hindi Sanchyan (संचयन) Chapter Names
पाठ 1मिथिलेश्वर – हरिहर काका
पाठ 2गुरदयाल सिंह – सपनों के-से दिन
पाठ 3राही मासूम रज़ा – टोपी शुक्ला

Class 10 Hindi Preparation Tips

When it comes to preparation, a good preparation strategy is the most important aspect. Students can create a preparation strategy for CBSE class 10 and following it religiously can help them score good marks. Here are some tried and tested preparation tips for scoring great marks in the Hindi CBSE Class 10 board exams:

  1. Students should carefully check the Class 10 Hindi syllabus. The syllabus helps you sort out important, easy, and challenging topics that you can study at your own pace and convenience.
  2. Create a timetable to prepare for the Class 10 Hindi exam. Students can provide considerable time for each topic or chapter and also make time to relax.
  3. Primarily, study from Class 10 Hindi book since the questions appearing in the exam are usually based on the textbook. So, it is better for students to study from the Class 10 Hindi textbook and only then go through any reference books. 
  4. Students should also take notes while studying for their Class 10 CBSE Hindi exam. These notes will prove very helpful for revisions at the last moment when going through the textbook seems too overwhelming.
  5. Students can also practice from Class 10 Hindi sample papers. They contain a variety of questions for each topic from the NCERT Class 10 Hindi textbook.
  6. There is always a chance of questions being repeated from previous years’ papers. Therefore, students should also practice questions from CBSE Class 10 previous year question papers.
  7. Furthermore, students can take CBSE Class 10 mock tests for to prepare for board exams.
  8. Lastly, students should not ignore health while preparing for exams. Remember to drink water, take short breaks, and not let exams overwhelm or exhaust them.
CBSE Class 10 Hindi Preparation Tips

Class 10 Hindi Previous Year Questions

Students can also practice for their board exams by solving previous year questions. They can find previous year questions of Class 10 Hindi exams from our site. Sometimes, questions from previous year board exams repeat in the current year’s exam. If students practice CBSE Class 10 previous year questions, they can easily ace the questions that have been repeated from previous year papers. Furthermore, students can effortlessly solve those repeated questions in less time. 

It is advisable that students practice Class 10 Hindi previous years questions while preparing for the board exam. Solve a few today to get a hang of it!

FAQs On CBSE Class 10 Hindi

Below are some frequently asked questions on CBSE Class 10 Hindi:

Q: What is the syllabus of Class 10 Hindi 2024-25?

Ans: Students can get the detailed syllabus of Class 10 Hindi from CBSE official website.

Q: How many books are there in CBSE Class 10 Hindi?

Ans: There are four NCERT books for Class 10 Hindi. Moreover, each Hindi course has two books. Class 10 Hindi Course A has two NCERT books, i.e., Kshitij (क्षितिज) and Kritika (कृतिका). Class 10 Hindi Course B also has two NCERT textbooks, i.e., Sparsh (स्पर्श) and Sanchayan (संचयन).

Q: What is the exam pattern of CBSE Class 10 Hindi 2024-25?

Ans: According to CBSE’s new assessment scheme, the academic year 2024-25 does not follow the term-wise examination schedule. The exams will be conducted yearly once and the theory paper will be conducted for 80 marks. The internal assessment will carry 20 marks.

Q: How to study Hindi Class 10 CBSE syllabus?

Ans: Students should prefer the NCERT book to study Class 10 Hindi. It contains all the topics mentioned in the Hindi syllabus. Moreover, various experienced authors prepare the NCERT Hindi book. So, students can effectively study and prepare for the Hindi board exam from the NCERT textbook.

Q: Are NCERT Books for Class 10 Hindi sufficient for the CBSE board exam?

Ans: Students should primarily focus on studying from Class 10 Hindi NCERT books for their board exam. They should practice all the questions available in the Class 10 Hindi book. In addition, students can practice questions from the Hindi sample paper, question bank, and mock papers.

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We hope this article on CBSE Class 10 Hindi was helpful to you. Stay tuned to Embibe for latest updates on CBSE Class 10 Hindi.

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