• Written By tanushree
  • Last Modified 28-02-2025

CBSE Class 10 Topics


Did you know that more than 21 lakh students appear every year for the CBSE Class 10 exam? Out of these, nearly 19 lakh students manage to pass the exam, but only 5 lakh students score above 90%. Now, what about the remaining 16 lakh students? These students do not know what topics to study and where to put in maximum effort.

Now, this is where Embibe comes into play. Here we offer you solutions which can be understood in the easiest possible manner. Understanding the topics and syllabus is crucial, and with the correct knowledge, those 16 lakh students can also pass with flying colours.

Embibe offers you the solution with its AI-Integrated learning, study materials curated by subject experts and 1000+ practice papers and mock tests for overall preparation. To score excellent marks, a student needs to have a proper understanding of the following:

  • Thorough understanding of the syllabus
  • An exact idea of which topics hold more importance and which topics to focus on more.

So, it’s better to say that knowing about topics is crucial for thorough preparation.

10th CBSE Topics 

Before tackling a problem, it’s essential to know the problem. Similarly, before starting the preparation, it’s essential to know the important topics of the subjects. Embibe offers you AI-Integrated learning, 3-D videos and exclusive mock tests for the overall preparation of the topics. Through this article, students will learn about the topics and concepts covered in each subject. 

CBSE Class 10 Topics: Social Science

Social Science is a subject consisting of History, Geography and Political Science. You can prepare thoroughly for your exam with Embibe. Embibe has listed below all the topics for CBSE Class 10 Social Science. You can refer to them and have excellent preparation.

Chapter No.Chapter NameTopics
1The Rise of Nationalism in EuropeVision of Democratic and Social Republics
French Revolution and the Idea of Nation
Making of Nationalism in Europe
Making of Germany, Italy and Britain
2Nationalism in IndiaFirst World War, Khilafat and Non-Cooperation
Towards Civil Disobedience Movement
Participating Groups of Civil Disobedience Movement
Quit India Movement
3The Making of a Global WorldGlobalisation in the Pre-Modern World
Shaping Up of World Economy in 19th Century
Inter-War Economy
Rebuilding a World Economy after WW-II
4The Age of IndustrialisationBefore the Industrial Revolution
Hand Labour and Steam Power
Industrialisation in Colonies
Peculiarities of Industrial Growth in India
Establishment of Factories in India
5Print Culture and the Modern WorldBeginning of Print Technology
Print Culture in Europe
Print Culture in India
6Resources and DevelopmentResource and Its Types
Development, Planning and Conserving Resources
Land Resources in India
Soil as a Resource in India
7Forest and Wildlife ResourcesDepletion of Forest and Wildlife in India
Conservation of Forest and Wildlife in India
8Water ResourcesWater Scarcity and the Need for Water Conservation
Multi-purpose River Projects in India
Rainwater Harvesting in India
9AgricultureTypes of Farming
Cropping Pattern
Technological and Institutional Reforms
10Mineral and Energy ResourcesMinerals and Their Mode of Occurrence
Mineral Resources in India
Energy Resources in India
11Manufacturing IndustriesManufacturing Industries and Their Contribution
Location and Classification of Industries
Agro-based Industries in India
Mineral-based Industries in India
12Lifelines of National EconomyIntroduction to Lifelines of National Economy
Land Transport in India
Water Transport in India
Air Transport in India
Communication in India
13Power SharingPower Sharing in Belgium and Sri Lanka
Forms of Power Sharing
14FederalismFeatures and Types of Federalism
India as a Federal Country
Practise of Federalism in India
Decentralisation in India
15Democracy and DiversityDifferences, Similarities, and Divisions in Democracy
Story from Mexico Olympics of 1968
Politics of Social Divisions
16Gender, Religion and CasteGender and Politics
Religion, Communalism and Politics
Caste and Politics
17Popular Struggles and MovementsPopular Struggles in Nepal and Bolivia
Mobilisation and Organisations in Democracy
Pressure Groups and Movements in Democracy
18Political PartiesFunctions and Necessity of Political Parties
Party Systems
National and State Political Parties in India
Challenges to Political Parties
Measures to Reform Political Parties in India
19Outcomes of DemocracyOutcomes of Democracy
20Challenges to DemocracyChallenges Faced by Democracy
Guidelines for Political Reforms
21DevelopmentDifferent Aspects of Development
Indicators of Human Development
22Sectors of the Indian EconomySectors of Economic Activities
Comparing Sectors of the Indian Economy
Organised and Unorganised Sectors of Employment
Public and Private Sectors of Ownership
23Money and CreditMoney as a Medium of Exchange
Sectors of Credit
24Globalisation and the Indian EconomyMultinational Company and Production across Countries
Enabling Factors and Impact of Globalisation
25Consumer RightsConsumer Exploitation
Consumer Awareness

CBSE Class 10 Topics: Science

To get a good score in your CBSE Class 10 Science exam you need to be on feet with the syllabus. To help you do that, Embibe has listed all the topics below. You can lay your hands on the topics of CBSE Class 10 Science and prepare for your exams without any hassle. 

Chapter No.Chapter NameTopics
1Chemical Reactions and EquationsChemical Equations
Types of Chemical Reactions
Have You Observed the Effects of Oxidation Reactions in Everyday Life?
2Acids, Bases and SaltsUnderstanding the Chemical Properties of Acids and Bases
How Strong Are Acid or Base Solutions?
More About Salts
3Metals and Non-MetalsPhysical Properties
Occurrence of Metals
4Carbon and its CompoundsBonding in Carbon-the Covalent Bond
Versatile Nature of Carbon
Soaps and Detergents
5Periodic Classification of ElementsMaking Order out of Chaos – Early Attempts at the Classification of Elements
Making Order Out of Chaos – Mendeleev’s Periodic Table
Making Order Out of Chaos – the Modern Periodic Table
6Life ProcessesWhat are Life Processes?
7Control and CoordinationAnimals – Nervous System
Coordination in Plants
Hormones in Animals
8How do Organisms ReproduceDo Organisms Create Exact Copies of Themselves?
Modes of Reproduction Used by Single Organisms
Sexual Reproduction
9Heredity and EvolutionAccumulation of Variation During Reproduction
10Light- Reflection and RefractionReflection of Light
Spherical Mirrors
Refraction of Light
11The Human Eye and the Colourful worldThe Human Eye
Atmospheric Refraction
Scattering of Light
12ElectricityElectric Current and Circuit
System of Resistors
Heating Effect of Electric Current
13Magnetic Effect of Electric CurrentMagnetic Field and Field Lines
Electric Generator
Domestic Electric Circuits
14Sources of EnergyWhat is a Good Source of Energy?
Environmental Consequences
How Long Will an Energy Source Last Us?
15Our EnvironmentEcosystem – What Are Its Components?
How Do Our Activities Affect the Environment
16Sustainable Management of Natural ResourcesWhy Do We Need to Manage Our Resources?
Forests and WildlifeWater for All

CBSE Class 10 Topics: Mathematics

Maths is known to be a very scoring subject but a lot of you might equally fear this subject. To help you overcome your fear, Embibe hasc listed all the CBSe Class 10 Maths topics below. 

Chapter No.Chapter NameTopics
1Real NumbersEuclid’s Division Lemma
The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Irrational Numbers
Rational Numbers and Their Decimal Expansions
2PolynomialsBasics of Polynomials
Geometrical Meaning of the Zeros of a Polynomial
Relationship between Zeros and Coefficients of a Polynomial
Division Algorithm for Polynomials
3Pair of Linear Equations in Two VariablesGraphical Method of Solution of a Pair of Linear Equations
Algebraic Methods of Solving a Pair of Linear Equations
Equations Reducible to a Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
4Quadratic EquationsIntroduction to Quadratic Equations
Solution of a Quadratic Equation
Nature of Roots
5Arithmetic ProgressionNumber Patterns
Introduction to Arithmetic Progressions
nth Term of an AP
Sum of First n Terms of an AP
6TrianglesSimilar Figures
Similarity of Triangles
Criteria for Similarity of Triangles
Areas of Similar Triangles
Pythagoras Theorem
Angle Bisector Theorem
7Coordinate GeometryDistance Formula
Section Formula
Area of a Triangle Formula
8Introduction to TrigonometryTrigonometric Ratios
Trigonometric Ratios of Some Specific Angles
Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles
Trigonometric Identities
9Some Applications of TrigonometryHeights and Distances
10CirclesThe intersection between Circle and Line
Tangent to a Circle
Number of Tangents from a Point on a Circle
11ConstructionsDivision of a Line Segment
Construction of a Triangle
Construction of Tangents to a Circle
12Areas Related to circlesPerimeter and Area of a Circle
Areas of Sector and Segment of a Circle
Areas of Combinations of Plane Figures
13Surface Areas and VolumesSolid Shapes
Surface Area of a Combination of Solids
The volume of a Combination of Solids
Conversion of Solid from One Shape to Another
Frustum of a ConeFrustum of a Pyramid
14StatisticsFrequency Distribution Table
Mean of Grouped Data
Mode of Grouped Data
Median of Grouped Data
Graphical Representation of Cumulative Frequency Distribution
15ProbabilityProbability – A Theoretical Approach

Embibe Lab Experiments for CBSE Class 10 Science

There are 85 virtual experiments for CBSE Class 10 Science on the Embibe Lab Experiments app. Students can access all these practicals just by downloading and signing up on the app. Once they select a topic, they can watch an introductory video on the concept, perform the experiment with guided steps and take an evaluation test to check how well they understood the topic. The links to some of the CBSE Class 10 Science experiments are given in the table below:

Sr. No.TopicEmbibe Lab Experiment Link
1Complete Combustion of AlcoholStart Experiment
2Tracing the Path of a Light Ray Through Glass SlabStart Experiment
3Study of Redox ReactionsStart Experiment
4Image of an Object Beyond C by a Concave MirrorStart Experiment

Click Here for Embibe Lab Experiments for CBSE Class 10 Science 

FAQs on CBSE Class 10 Topics

Given below are some of the frequently asked questions of CBSE Class 10 topics-

Q: Where can I find all the topics for CBSE Class 10?

Ans: You can find all the topics for CBSE Class 10 on Embibe.

Q: How many topics are there in CBSE Class 10 Maths Chapter 3?

Ans: There are 3 topics in CBSE Class 10 Maths Chapter 3.

Q: Where can I find topic videos for CBSE Class 10?

Ans: You can find topic videos for CBSE Class 10 on Embibe.

Q: Can I find practice questions for every topic of CBSE Class 10 on Embibe?

Ans: Yes, you can find practice questions for every topic of CBSE Class 10 on Embibe.

Q: How can studying all the topics of CBSE Class 10 help me score better marks in my exams?

Ans: Studying all the topics of CBSE Class 10 will help you understand the chapters in detail and give you an overview of the syllabus which will eventually lead you to score good marks in your exams.

We hope this detailed article on the 10th CBSE topic will help you prepare for the exam in the best way possible. In case you have any queries regarding the exam, please feel to reach out to us via the live chat box, which is accessible when signed in. Stay tuned on Embibe for more information.

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