• Written By Vedica_S
  • Last Modified 23-02-2025

CBSE Class 10 Social Science


CBSE Class 10 Social Science: Social Science is an important part of the CBSE Class 10 curriculum. CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam will be held on February 25, 2025. Students are advised to reach the exam hall on or before 10 AM. Students preparing for the CBSE Class 10 exam must focus on Social Science thoroughly if they wish to appear for government exams later. The CBSE Class 10 Social Science syllabus is modelled upon the NCERT curriculum, which is also followed for the higher educational stages.

In the article below, we have provided the Social Science CBSE Class 10 syllabus, books and preparation tips. Students can also find mock tests to help them prepare for exams. All these learning materials are available for on Embibe. They will learn many things about India’s development, the Indian economy, the history of India, Indian politics and much more. Continue reading to find more about the CBSE Class 10 Social Science.

CBSE Class 10 Social Science: Important Details

Below is the important information for CBSE Class 10 Social Science:

Exam NameCentral Board of Secondary Education Class 10
Conducting BodyCentral Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Exam LevelMatriculate
Mode of ExaminationOffline
Maximum Marks100 Marks
Exam Duration3 Hours
Official Website – CBSEcbse.gov.in 
Official Website – NCERTncert.nic.in

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Books

Listed below are the CBSE Class 10 Social Science textbooks and their details. These books are available for on Embibe so that students can prepare for their exam accordingly:

Social Sciences for Class 10Social Sciences for Class 10Embibe Big Book for Social Science for Class 10

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Syllabus

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) prescribes the CBSE syllabus for Class 10 social science. CBSE syllabus for Class 10 Social Science is categorised into four parts based on the four NCERT textbooks – Contemporary India, Understanding Economic Development, India and The Contemporary World – II, and Democratic Politics.

CBSE Class 10 Social Science textbook Contemporary India has 7 chapters, Understanding Economic Development includes 5 chapters, India and the Contemporary World II comes with 5 chapters, and Democratic Politics has 8 chapters.

Chapter No.Chapter Name
1The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
2Nationalism in India
3The Making of a Global World
4The Age of Industrialisation
5Print Culture and the Modern World
6Resources and Development
7Forest and Wildlife Resources
8Water Resources
10Mineral and Energy Resources
11Manufacturing Industries
12Lifelines of National Economy
13Power Sharing
15Democracy and Diversity
16Gender, Religion and Caste
17Popular Struggles and Movements
18Political Parties
19Outcomes of Democracy
20Challenges to Democracy
22Sectors of the Indian Economy
23Money and Credit
24Globalisation and Indian Economy
25Consumer Rights

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Papers

CBSE Class 10 Social Science sample paper will help students prepare easily and effectively for their examination. It will help them improve their writing speed and easily understand the questions.

CBSE Class 10 Social Science is of 80 marks. The paper is divided into 6 sections- A, B, C, D, E and F. The marks are as follows:

  • Section A: This section has 20 multiple-choice questions of 1 mark each.
  • Section B: This section has Questions 21 to Question 24. These are 2 marks short answer questions. Students should not exceed 40 words for these answers.
  • Section C: This section has Questions 25 to Question 29. These are 3 marks short answer questions. Students should not exceed 60 words for these answers.
  • Section D: This section has Questions 30 to Question 33. These are 5 marks short answer questions. Students should not exceed 120 words for these answers.
  • Section E: This section has Questions 34 to Question 36. These are 3 subsections of 4 marks each.
  • Section F: This is 37th Question of 5 marks. 37a has 2 questions from History. 37b has 2 questions from Geography.

By solving sample papers, students will get an idea of the exam pattern and what kind of questions can be asked in their final exam. The sample papers are as follows:

SubjectSample Paper
Social ScienceSample Paper 1
Social ScienceSample Paper 2

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Preparation Tips

CBSE Class 10 Social Science preparation tips will help students create a systematic plan to complete the syllabus on time, thereby securing higher marks in the final exams. One has to be thorough with all the CBSE Class 10 Social Science activities and notes as well. Follow these preparation tips created by experts at Embibe.

  • Prioritise Syllabus

Prioritising the easy and difficult chapters will help you complete the course quickly, and also you will not miss out on any important topics. Prepare the difficult chapters first and then move on to the easy ones. 

  • Create Timetable

Class 10 students must spend at least 4-5 hours every day studying a subject. Only completing the syllabus is not important, to revise and practice what you learned is also very important. 

  • Make Notes 

Making notes in pointers will speed up your revision process and help you memorise the chapters better and quickly. Let us say, your exam is tomorrow and you need to revise the whole syllabus, then you need not worry because just a quick revision of your short notes will give you a thorough understanding of every chapter you studied. 

  • Solve Practice Questions

Practice makes you perfect! Try to solve as many problems as possible. This will help boost writing speed as well as answer accurately, and you will be able to test your preparation. 

  • Revise Chapters

An everyday revision habit is a must. This will help you not forget anything you read or learned. A revision of only half an hour will be enough.

  • Understand Before You Learn

Understanding Social Science chapters will always be better for you than just directly learning. If you clearly understand the concept, you can write the answer effectively in the exam.

Follow these preparation tips, and you will see yourself passing the examination with higher scores.

CBSE Class 10 Mock Test: Subject-wise

Mock tests are an easy way to improve your answering skills and better understand the type of questions asked in the examination. Taking a mock test is very important as it helps students perform better and more effectively in their examinations. Embibe’s mock test series are made to help students score higher in their examinations and secure good marks. 

We at Embibe advise you to try to take as many mock tests as possible because it will help you prepare effectively for the examination. Also, it helps students get familiar with the CBSE exam pattern. It is not necessary that you take a mock test every day. A mock test twice weekly is just enough to test your exam preparation. It is like a class test for you. Mentioned below are some direct links for you by Embibe to take a mock test of the subject you want to prepare. Have a look at the following:

SubjectMock Test
MathematicsAttempt Mock Test for CBSE Class 10
ScienceAttempt Mock Test for CBSE Class 10
Social ScienceAttempt Mock Test for CBSE Class 10

How Embibe Helps in Preparation?

Preparing for examinations can be a little stressful, be it any subject such as Hindi, English, Science, Mathematics, Social Science or Sanskrit. It leaves you with slight stress of scoring well in the exams. So, to help you with that, Embibe comes with mock test series, sample papers, and solutions so that you can prepare quickly and effectively. The quicker you are able to cover your vast syllabus of Social Science, the more time you have for the final day revision. This way, you can surely score well in your examinations. 

Embibe acts as a guide and takes you through the latest syllabus, exam patterns, tips and tricks on how to prepare quickly and effectively, and important topics of all the subjects. It provides you with a mock test series that helps you practice better for your examinations. Embibe’s set of solutions and sample papers make your preparation even better. 

FAQs on CBSE Class 10 Social Science

Below provided are frequently asked questions on CBSE Class 10 Social Science:

Q. How to study well for the CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam?
Ans: First, you must prioritise your preparation by listing the important topics. Make a systematic study plan, so you do not miss out on any important chapters. And also, keep taking mock tests at least twice a week. Embibe helps students by providing access to download Social Science sample papers as well. Practicing sample papers and previous years’ question papers will greatly help them.

Q. Does Class 10 Social Science CBSE have different textbooks?
Ans: Yes, CBSE Class 10 Social Science has four sets of NCERT textbooks. You have to prepare all four for your examination. 

Q. How many sets are there in CBSE Class 10 Social exam?
Ans: There are 3 sets of question papers that will be distributed to the students, namely Set A, B, and C. Each student might receive a different set. Sometimes, the questions are simply shuffled and asked in the question paper sets, but in some cases, the question papers will be completely different from one another. Also, one of the sets will be easy, moderate or difficult.

Q. How many chapters are there in the Democratic Politics and Understanding Economic Development NCERT Class 10 Social Science textbooks?
Ans: There are a total of 8 chapters in the Democratic Politics textbook and 5 chapters in the Understanding Economic Development NCERT Class 10 Social Science textbook. 

Q. Where can I find CBSE Class 10 Social Science practice questions?
Ans: Students can find CBSE Class 10 Social Science practice questions on Embibe.

We hope you found this article helpful. For more information, stay tuned on Embibe.

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