• Written By Riddhi_G
  • Last Modified 28-02-2025

CBSE Class 11 Important Topics 2025


You are in college now. Stylish clothes, new friends, a grown-up feeling, the world seems so fresh! But the one thing that remains the same is your fear of exams. Am I right? As you enter CBSE Class 11, the curriculum is new and very different from what you learned until Class 10. Thus, it can be difficult for many of you to understand the concepts. 

Also, the CBSE 11th exams are held by individual schools, and your competition is with a few students. But once you enter Class 12, you compete with lakhs of students across the country. So if you wish to develop a strong base on the 11th CBSE topics, you have come to the right place.

On Embibe, each topic is explained with the help of 3D videos, which makes the learning experience interesting and impactful. This visualisation technique ensures that you retain the information for an extended period. You can also refer to Embibe Big Books for CBSE Class 11 topics, which is AI-driven and has 3D videos with solutions tagged to all topics and arranged systematically.

Subject-wise 11th CBSE Topics

A comprehensive study plan begins with a thorough understanding of the concepts. You may study one topic today, and by the time a new day begins, you have forgotten most of what you studied yesterday. Sound familiar? To prevent this, you can cover all the important topics/chapters and then refer to the remaining ones. You should, however, leave no topic and prepare them all. You can find all the chapter links in the table below.

11th CBSE Topics for Mathematics

There are 16 chapters in CBSE 11th Maths. Some of these are more important than others, and you should prioritise learning them. Students can refer to CBSE Class 11 Maths topics from the table below. While it is crucial to focus on the important topics/chapters, you should study the entire Mathematics syllabus sincerely.

Chapter NameTopics
SetsPractical Problems on Union and Intersection of Two Sets
Subsets, Sets and Their Representations
Types of Sets
Complement of a Set
Operations on Sets
Difference of Sets
Venn Diagrams
Relations and FunctionsRelationsFunctions
Cartesian Products of Sets
Domain and Range of Functions
Algebra of Real Functions
Special Functions and Their Graphs
Logarithmic Function and its Properties
Trigonometric FunctionsTrigonometric Equations
Introduction to Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric Functions of Sum and Difference of Two Angles
Mathematical InductionThe Principle of
Algebra of Complex Numbers
Complex Numbers
The Modulus and the Conjugate of a Complex Number
Argand Plane and Polar Representation
Quadratic Equations Mathematical Induction
Complex Numbers and Quadratic EquationsAlgebra of Complex Numbers
Complex Numbers
The Modulus and the Conjugate of a Complex Number
Argand Plane and Polar Representation
Quadratic Equations.
Linear InequalitiesSolutions of Linear Inequalities in One Variable
Types of Inequalities
Solutions of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
Permutation and CombinationCombinations
Fundamental Principle of Counting
Factorial Notation
Permutations when All the Objects are Not Distinct Objects
Permutations when All the Objects are Distinct
Binomial TheoremGeneral and Middle Terms
Binomial Theorem for Positive Integral Indices
Multinomial Theorem
Sequences and SeriesArithmetic Progression
Relationship Between Arithmetic Mean and Geometric Mean
Geometric Progression
Introduction to Sequences and Series
Arithmetic Mean
Sum to n Terms of Special Series
Geometric Mean
Straight LinesSlope of a Line
Distance of a Point From a Line
Various Forms of the Equation of a Line
Conic SectionsHyperbola
Sections of a Cone
Introduction to Three-Dimensional GeometryDistance Formula in 3D
Coordinate Axes and Coordinate Planes in 3D
Section Formula in 3D
Limits and DerivativesDerivatives of Polynomials and Trigonometric Functions
Algebra of Derivative of Functions
Mathematical ReasoningStatements
New Statements from Old
Logical Connectives and Quantifiers
StatisticsAnalysis of Frequency Distributions
Measures of Dispersion
Mean Deviation
ProbabilityRandom Experiments
Axiomatic Approach to Probability
Properties of TriangleRelations among Sides Angles of a Triangle

11th CBSE Topics for Physics

Physics is a primarily practical subject. It contains many laws, definitions, diagrams, etc. You are advised to take the help of Embibe videos to learn the 11th CBSE topics for Physics easily. Students can refer to the 11th CBSE Physics topics from the below table. You are advised to study all the chapters thoroughly and solve sample questions on Embibe.

Chapter NameTopics
Physical WorldScope of Physics
Understanding Physics
Nature of Physical Laws
Fundamental Forces of Nature
Units and MeasurementsErrors in Measurement
Measurement of Length
Dimensional Formulae Equations
Motion in a Straight LineKinematic Equations for Uniformly Accelerated Motion
Path Length and Displacement
Motion in a PlaneProjectile Motion
Position Vector
Velocity and Acceleration
Uniform Circular Motion
Laws of MotionForce
Friction Circular Motion Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Applications of Newton’s Laws of Motion
Work, Energy and PowerWork and Power
Systems of Particles and Rotational MotionAngular Momentum in Case of Rotation about a Fixed Axis
Theorems of Perpendicular and Parallel Axes
GravitationUniversal Law of Gravitation
Kepler’s Law
Earth Satellites
Acceleration Due to Gravity of the Earth
Mechanical Properties of SolidsElastic Behaviour of Solids
Hooke’s Law Modulus of Elasticity
Stress and Strain Curve
Mechanical Properties of FluidsSurface Tension
Bernoulli’s Principle and its Applications
Pascal’s Law
Stokes Law
Thermal Properties of MatterConduction
Specific Heat Capacity and Molar Heat Capacity
ThermodynamicsThermal Equilibrium
First Law of Thermodynamics
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Kinetic TheorySpecific Heat Capacity of Gases
Molecular Nature of Matter
Kinetic Theory of an Ideal Gas
OscillationsSimple Harmonic Motion Uniform Circular Motion
Oscillations of a Spring
WavesStanding Waves
Transverse and Longitudinal waves
Speed of a Travelling Wave
Doppler Effect in sound

11th CBSE Topics for Chemistry

There are 14 chapters in CBSE Class 11 Chemistry. The subject is mainly divided into physical, organic and inorganic chemistry. You can study all 11th CBSE topics for Chemistry with the help of our 3D videos and understand them better. In the table below, we have provided topics for CBSE Class 11 Chemistry:  

Chapter NameTopics
Some Basic Concepts of ChemistryProperties of Matter and Their Measurement
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
Uncertainty in Measurement
Structure of AtomAtomic Models 
Atomic Spectra
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesNeed for Classifying Elements
Modern Periodic Law Present Form of the Periodic Table
Chemical Bonding and Molecular StructureIonic or electrovalent bond
Bond Parameters
Valence bond theory
Molecular orbital theory (MOT)
States of MatterThe Gas Laws
Kinetic Energy and Molecular Speeds
Ideal Gas Equation
Intermolecular Forces Thermal Energy
ThermodynamicsFirst Law of Thermodynamics
EquilibriumEquilibrium in Physical Processes
Equilibrium in Chemical processes
Ionic Equilibrium in Solution
Redox ReactionsBalancing of Redox Reactions
Redox Reactions Electrode Processes
HydrogenHydrogen peroxide
The s-Block ElementsGeneral Characteristics of Compounds of the Alkaline Earth Metals
General Characteristics of the Compounds of the Alkali Metals
The p-Block ElementsAllotropes of Carbon
Group 13 Elements: The Boron Family
Important Trends Anomalous Properties of Boron
Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and TechniquesFundamental Concepts in Organic Reaction Mechanism
Qualitative Analysis of Organic Compounds
Arenes Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Carcinogenicity and Toxicity
Environmental ChemistryWater Pollution
Strategies to Control Environmental Pollution
Environmental Pollution
Green Chemistry

11th CBSE Topics for Biology

Biology is a subject in which body organs and functions are explained. In such a scenario, Embibe’s 3D videos with solutions make understanding the biological concepts easy and interesting. In the table below, we have provided topics for 11th CBSE Biology. You must learn the whole syllabus with focus, as questions can be asked from any topic.

Chapter NameTopics
The Living WorldCharacteristics of Living Organisms
Diversity in the Living World
Taxonomic Categories of Organisms
Biological ClassificationIntroduction to Biological Classification
Kingdom Plantae
Kingdom Animalia
Kingdom Protista
Plant KingdomAlgae
Introduction to Plant Kingdom
Division Pteridophyta
Animal KingdomBasis of Classification of Animals
Classification of Animals
Morphology of Flowering PlantsThe Fruit
The Flower
Semi-Technical Description of a Flowering Plant 
The Stem
The Leaf
Anatomy of Flowering PlantsPlant Tissue System
Anatomy of Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous Plants
Plant Tissues
Structural Organisation in AnimalsCockroach- Morphology and AnatomyAnimal Tissues
Cell: The Unit of LifeCell Theory
The Cell- An overview
Prokaryotic Cell
Cell – The Unit of Life
Eukaryotic Cell
BiomoleculesBond Linking Monomers in Polymers
Concepts of Metabolism for Living
Analysing Chemical composition
Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionCell Cycle, Meiosis, and Mitosis
Transport in PlantsLong Distance Transport of Water
Means of Transport in Plants
Plant Water Relations
Mineral NutritionMechanism of Absorption of Elements
Metabolism of Nitrogen
Essential Mineral Nutrients
Soil as Reservoir of Essential Elements
Photosynthesis in Higher PlantsPhotosynthesis as Means of Autotrophic Nutrition
Sites of Photosynthesis
Respiration in PlantsRespiratory Balance Sheet
Amphibolic Pathway
Aerobic Respiration
Plant Growth and DevelopmentPhotoperiodism
Development in Plants
Plant Growth
Plant Growth Regulators
Digestion and AbsorptionDigestion of Food in Humans
Disorders of Human Digestive System
The Human Digestive System
Breathing and Exchange of GasesDisorders of Respiratory System
Exchange of Gases
Regulation of Respiration
Transport of Gases
Body Fluids and CirculationDouble Circulation
Regulation of Cardiac Activity
Disorders of Human Circulatory System
Excretory Products and Their EliminationAccessory Excretory Organs
Human Excretory System
Regulation of Kidney Functions
Locomotion and MovementSkeletal System of Humans
Disorders of Human Skeletal Muscular Systems
Neural Control and CoordinationNeuron-The Structural and Functional Unit of Neural System
Neural System
Central Neural System
Chemical Coordination and IntegrationMechanism of Hormone Action
Endocrine Glands and Hormones
Hormones of Heart
Kidney and GI Tract

FAQs on 11th CBSE Topics 2025

Below are some frequently asked questions on CBSE Class 11 topics:

Q: Where can I find the 11th CBSE Physics topics?

Ans: You can study all Class 11 CBSE Physics topics at Embibe.

Q: Where can I find topic-wise videos for 11th CBSE Maths?

Ans: Yes, you can find topic-wise videos for 11th CBSE Maths on Embibe.

Q: How does Embibe help me score better marks in CBSE Class 11 exams?

Ans: You can learn all the 11th CBSE concepts from our 3D video lessons, which are explained by the subject matter experts. Once you learn the chapters, you can solve sample questions and mock tests on each topic on the app. On taking our mock test, you receive detailed feedback on your overall performance that helps you improve your exam preparation.

Q: How many chapters are there in 11th CBSE Physics?

Ans: There are 15 chapters in 11th CBSE Physics.

Q: Which is the most important topic in 11th CBSE Physics?

Ans: The most important topic in CBSE Class 11 Physics is Work, Energy and Power. The chapter teaches 62 concepts, which you can learn on Embibe with the help of our 3D lessons.

We hope this article on the 11th CBSE Topics 2025 helps you streamline your preparation. 

Stay tuned to Embibe for the latest updates on the 11th CBSE Board exams! 

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