• Written By Sankavi_E
  • Last Modified 24-02-2025

CBSE Class 11 Psychology 2024-25


CBSE Class 11 Psychology 2024-25: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) introduced Psychology as an elective subject in the CBSE Class 11 curriculum. Students will learn new and exciting concepts in their academic year. The syllabus is carefully designed to help students understand the behaviours and mental processes of human beings.

As per the new assessment scheme of 2024-25, CBSE Class 11 Psychology will be conducted once a year due to the single exam format. CBSE Class 11 is a crucial year for students because it lays the groundwork for all important topics covered in the following class. It is critical to study hard in Class 11 to get good grades and prepare for competitive exams. Students must carefully check all the details about Psychology as it is a scoring subject from an exam point of view. In this article, students will learn about Psychology CBSE Class 11 and its various aspects.

Class 11 CBSE Psychology Highlights

Before we jump into further details about the subject, students can get an overview of CBSE Class 11 Psychology from the table below:

Name of the SubjectCBSE Class 11 Psychology
Conducting BodyThe Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Exam LevelMatriculate/School Level
CBSE official Websitecbse.gov.in
NCERT official Websitencert.nic.in

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Exam Pattern 2024-25

The important topics of Class 11 Psychology are mentioned below. Carefully go through the latest marking scheme of the Psychology syllabus to prepare for the exams accordingly:

UnitsTopicsNo. of periodsMarks
IWhat is Psychology?2711
IIMethods of Enquiry in Psychology3213
IVHuman Development2611
VSensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes188
VIIHuman Memory198
IXMotivation and Emotion145

Check the chapter-wise weightage of CBSE Class 11 Psychology practicals from the below-mentioned table:

CBSE Class 11 Psychology – Chapters (Practicals)Marks Weightage
Practicals file5
Project file5
Viva Voce5
Total marks30

Psychology Textbook Class 11 CBSE

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) released the Psychology textbook Class 11 CBSE, covering the latest syllabus proposed by CBSE. NCERT books explain concepts with illustrations and in simple language. As it is comprehensible, it helps students easily relate to and encourages the spirit of learning.

It is a reliable source to prepare for the board examination. With the help of the CBSE Class 11 Psychology book, students can cover the entire syllabus. The questions for CBSE Class 11 board exams will be prepared from the NCERT books. Therefore, students must focus on the NCERT books for CBSE Class 11 Psychology to score well in the examination:

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Books – In English MediumCBSE Class 11 Psychology Books – In Hindi Medium
Introduction to Psychologyमनोविज्ञान

Psychology Class 11 CBSE Syllabus 2024-25

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) proposes the Psychology CBSE Class 11 Syllabus. It has a total of nine chapters which are designed to develop ideas about the human mind and behaviour among students. The main objective of the CBSE Class 11 Psychology Syllabus is to encourage students to become perceptive, socially aware and self-reflective.

CBSE Class 11 is a crucial stage in a student’s life, and therefore, CBSE has crafted the syllabus to build the foundation and prepare the students for higher studies. Students must cover the entire syllabus to ace the examination and prepare for higher education. Before commencing the preparation, students must develop ideas about the topics and sub-topics in Psychology Class 11 CBSE Syllabus. 

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Syllabus

Students can check the Psychology CBSE Class 11 syllabus from the table below:

Psychology Class 11 CBSE Syllabus – in English MediumPsychology Class 11 CBSE Syllabus – in Hindi Medium
Chapter 1: What is Psychology?अध्याय 1: मनोविज्ञान क्या है?
Chapter 2: Methods of Enquiry in Psychologyअध्याय 2: मनोविज्ञान में जांच के तरीके
Chapter 3: The Bases of Human Behaviorअध्याय 3: मानव व्यवहार के मामले
Chapter 4: Human Developmentअध्याय 4: मानव विकास
Chapter 5: Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processesअध्याय 5: संवेदी, चौकस और अवधारणात्मक प्रक्रियाएं
Chapter 6: Learningअध्याय 6: अधिगम
Chapter 7: Human Memoryअध्याय 7: मानव स्मृति
Chapter 8: Thinkingअध्याय 8: चिंतन
Chapter 9: Motivation and Emotionअध्याय 9: अभिप्रेरणा और संवेगा

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Course Structure 2024-25

Students preparing for CBSE Class 11 Psychology must know the course structure. A fair understanding of the course helps students to strategise their preparation for the examination:

Units Details Periods
Unit I What is Psychology?
The topics in this unit are:

What is Psychology?
Psychology as a Discipline
Psychology as a Natural Science
Psychology as a Social Science
Understanding Mind and Behaviour
Popular Notions about the Discipline of Psychology
Evolution of Psychology
Development of Psychology in India
Branches of Psychology
Psychology and Other Disciplines
Psychology in Everyday Life
27 Periods
Unit II Methods of Enquiry in Psychology
The topics in this unit are:

Goals of Psychological Enquiry
Steps in Conducting Scientific Research
Alternative Paradigms of Research
Nature of Psychological Data
Some Important Methods in Psychology
Observational Method
Experimental Method
Correlational Research
Survey Research
Psychological Testing
Case Study
Analysis of Data
Quantitative Method
Qualitative Method
Limitations of Psychological Enquiry
Ethical Issues
32 Periods
Unit IV Human Development
The topics in this unit are:

Meaning of Development
Life-Span Perspective on Development
Factors Influencing Development
Context of Development
Overview of Developmental Stages
Prenatal Stage
Challenges of Adolescence
Adulthood and Old Age
26 Periods
Unit V Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes
The topics in this unit are:

Knowing the world
Nature and varieties of Stimulus
Sense Modalities
Functional limitation of sense organs
Attentional Processes
Selective Attention
Sustained Attention
Perceptual Processes
Processing Approaches in Perception
The Perceiver
Principles of Perceptual Organisation
Perception of Space, Depth and Distance
Monocular Cues and Binocular Cues
Perceptual Constancies
Socio-Cultural Influences on Perception
18 Periods
Unit VI Learning
The topics in this unit are:

Nature of Learning
Paradigms of Learning
Classical Conditioning
Determinants of Classical Conditioning
Operant/Instrumental Conditioning
Determinants of Operant Conditioning
Key Learning Processes
Observational Learning
Cognitive Learning
Verbal Learning
Skill Learning
Factors Facilitating Learning
Learning Disabilities
20 Periods
Unit VII Human Memory
The topics in this unit are:

Nature of Memory
Information Processing Approach: The Stage Model
Memory Systems: Sensory, Short-term and Long term Memories
Levels of Processing
Types of Long-term Memory
Declarative and Procedural; Episodic and Semantic
Nature and Causes of Forgetting
Forgetting due to Trace Decay, Interference and Retrieval Failure
Enhancing Memory
Mnemonics using Images and Organisation
19 Periods
Unit VIII Thinking
The topics in this unit are:

Nature of Thinking
Building Blocks of Thought
The Processes of Thinking
Problem Solving
Nature and Process of Creative Thinking
Nature of Creative Thinking
Process of Creative Thinking
Thought and Language
Development of Language and Language Use
14 Periods
Unit IX Motivation and Emotion
The topics in this unit are:

Nature of Motivation
Types of Motives
Biological Motives
Psychosocial Motives
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Nature of Emotions
Expression of Emotions
Culture and Emotional Expression
Culture and Emotional Labelling
Managing Negative Emotions
Enhancing Positive Emotions
14 Periods
Practical (Projects, experiments, small studies, etc.) 30 marks
The students shall be required to undertake one project and conduct two experiments. The project would involve the use of different methods of enquiry like observation, survey, interview, questionnaire, small studies related to the topics covered in the course (e.g. Human development, Learning, Memory, Motivation, Perception, Attention and Thinking). Experiments could focus on cause-and-effect relationship.
Practical Examination

Practical (Experiments) file 05 Marks
Project file 05 Marks
Viva Voce (Project and experiments) 05 Marks
One experiment 15 Marks
(05 Marks for conduct of practical and 10 Marks for reporting)
Total 30 Marks
60 Period

Psychology Class 11 Question Paper Design 2024-25

Students preparing for Psychology Class 11 examination must know the question paper design ahead of the exams to score well and achieve excellent results. Below we have mentioned the question paper design for the academic year 2024-25 to help students prepare for their exams:

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
S. No. Competencies Total Marks % Weightage
1 Remembering and Understanding: Exhibiting memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers; Demonstrating understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions and stating main ideas 25 35%
2 Applying: Solving problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way. 31 45%
3 Formulating, Analysing, Evaluating and Creating: Examining and breaking information into parts by identifying motives or causes; Making inferences and finding evidence to support generalizations; Presenting and defending opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria; Compiling information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing alternative solutions. 14 20%
Total 70 100%

How Does Embibe Help in Class 11 Psychology Preparation?

Acing the CBSE Class 11 Psychology examination is tough, and its preparation can be quite stressful for many. Here, Embibe comes to the rescue! Students can better understand the latest syllabus and exam pattern of the CBSE Class 11 Psychology from Embibe. Students can take the mock test, check sample papers and NCERT solutions provided at Embibe to improve their preparation.

Students can understand their knowledge on the subject, the time they consume to answer the question compared to the actual time, behavioural loopholes and suggestions to improve the behavioural loopholes etc., from our mock test series. Utilising the resources provided at Embibe reduces the time consumed for the preparation. Thus, students can revise and score well in the examinations. 

CBSE Class 11 Psychology Preparation Tips

CBSE Class 11 Psychology preparation tips help students complete the syllabus and ace the examinations. The preparation tips created by our experts are listed as follows:

  • Understand Psychology CBSE Class 11 syllabus and check topics and the sub-topics. Getting familiar with the syllabus helps students effectively strategise their preparation.
  • Make a habit of studying for 5 hours a day. Take proper rest and breaks to stop yourself from draining your energy.
  • Prepare a timetable considering the difficult and easy topics included in the syllabus. Following the timetable helps students keep track and complete the syllabus at the estimated time.
  • Revise daily as it helps you retain the concept for a long time. Also, regular revision helps you spend less time on the topics already covered.
  • Develop the habit of making notes. It helps the students understand the concepts better. Making notes in bullet point format will also help have a quick revision just before the examination.

FAQs on CBSE Class 11 Psychology

Q.1: Is the Psychology subject from Class 11 hard?

Ans: It is not difficult to ace the CBSE Class 11 Psychology examination if the student understands the syllabus and strategises the preparation.

Q.2: What are the chapters included in CBSE Class 11 Psychology?

Ans: CBSE Class 11 Psychology has nine chapters namely- What is Psychology?, Methods of Enquiry in Psychology, The Bases of Human Behavior, Human Development, Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes, Learning, Human Memory, Thinking and Motivation and Emotion.

Q.3: Where can I find all the details about Psychology Class 11?

Ans: Students can find all the details about Psychology Class 11 on Embibe.

Q.4: How to download the NCERT Class 11 Psychology textbook?

Ans: Students can download the textbook from this page or from the official website.

Q.5: Is the mock test really helpful to improve my CBSE Class 11 Psychology scores?

Ans: Students can take the Class 11 Psychology mock test embibe to understand their knowledge on their subject and get familiar with the exam pattern.

Adaptive Practice with Solutions To Help You Ace Important Topics for 11th CBSE