• Written By anjalya
  • Last Modified 27-02-2025

CBSE Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Papers


CBSE Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Papers: Achieving great scores in Class 12 CBSE boards Biology exam is not easy. Since the class 12 boards are one of the most important exams, students need to prepare well. The best study tools for CBSE Class 12 boards are previous year’s papers. Students can use CBSE Class 12 Biology previous year’s question papers to get a better understanding of the type and level of questions that will be asked in the test. Furthermore, students can obtain a glimpse of the types of questions that will be asked on the future board exams.

Previous year question papers for Class 12 Biology would also assist them in learning about the changes in exam pattern and syllabus. Students can also use question papers to gauge their degree of preparation and improve their exam speed and accuracy. To know more about CBSE Class 12 Biology Previous Year Question Papers, keep reading. 

Class 12 CBSE Boards: An Overview

Let’s have a look at the Class 12 board exams before we give you the CBSE class 12 Biology previous year question papers:

Exam NameClass 12 Board Exam
Conducting AuthorityCentral Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Exam ModeOffline
CategoryCBSE Previous Year Question Papers
Official Websitecbse.gov.in

CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Papers Download

We have provided CBSE class 12 Biology previous year’s question papers for CBSE Class 12 for the last 5 years. The Class 12 board exam scheduled for 2021 has been cancelled owing to the COVID-19. Because of this we’ve included  2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016 board exams question papers in the table below.

In the section below, you will get year-by-year CBSE Class 12 previous year question papers with solutions in pdf format. Remember to solve these question papers in a timed way when attempting to solve them, since this will help you cope with the exam’s real-time pressure.


CBSE Class 12 Biology Exam Syllabus

The theoretical portion of the Biology paper in Class 12 has a weightage of 70 marks, while the practical portion is worth 30 marks. It is important to understand these mark distribution criteria as it helps the students in planning and prioritising their studies.

Besides, we have also provided information on the practicals, which will be conducted for 30 marks, in addition to the theory. Candidates will be able to practice the experiments, contact their lecturers in a timely manner, and better plan how to ace their tests with the help of the information given below. First, let us take a brief look at the class 12 Biology syllabus.

CBSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2025 covers the following units and chapters:

Unit-VI Reproduction

Chapters Covered:

  • Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
  • Human Reproduction
  • Reproductive Health

Unit-VII Genetics and Evolution

Chapters Covered:

  • Principles of Inheritance and Variation
  • Molecular Basis of Inheritance
  • Evolution

Unit-VIII Biology and Human Welfare

Chapters Covered:

  • Human Health and Diseases
  • Microbes in Human Welfare

Unit-IX Biotechnology and its Applications

Chapters Covered:

  • Biotechnology – Principles and Processes
  • Biotechnology and its Applications

Unit-X Ecology and Environment

Chapters Covered:

  • Organisms and Populations 
  • Ecosystem
  • Biodiversity and its Conservation 
UnitNameMarks Weightage
VIIGenetics and Evolution20
VIIIBiology and Human Welfare12
IXBiotechnology and its Applications12
XEcology and Environment10

Now, here’s a table where the list of practical experiments in Class 12 Biology is given. 

  1. Study of flowers adapted to pollination by various means such as wind, insects, etc. 
  2. Identification of T.S of Blastula or Morula of Frog. 
  3. Preparation of Charts of genetic traits such as rolling of tongue, colour blindness, etc. 
  4. Study of Mendelian inheritance using seeds or beads of different shapes. 
  5. Study of emasculation, tagging and bagging by carrying out an experiment on pollination. 
  6. Comment on morphological adaptations of plants found in xerophytic conditions. 
  7. Identification of common disease causing organisms. 

How to Download Class 12 CBSE Sample Papers?

The CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Biology, as well as the grading scheme, have already been available on the official website of CBSE. To obtain the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Biology, students can follow the steps outlined below:

  • First, go to the official website of CBSE – cbse.nic.in.
  • Scroll down and click on the “Student Corner“ option.
  • On that page, click on “Examination Material“.
  • The students will be redirected to a new page where the list of CBSE Class 12 Previous Year Papers will be displayed. 
  • Click on a specific year’s question papers.
  • Now select the subject “Biology”.
  • CBSE Class 12 Biology Question Papers will be downloaded.

How to Solve CBSE Class 12 Biology Previous Year Papers

To get the most out of solving prior year’s question papers, students can use the approaches listed below. 

  • Start by reading the entire paper from start to finish. Take time to think about each question. Try to recall the answers to the questions as quickly as possible. At this point, try to spend as little time as possible.
  • First write answers to one section, and move to the other section. Students have completedom to select any area. Do not, however, answer questions in a random way. Complete the previous part’s questions before moving on to the next section.
  • If the students don’t know the answers to any of the questions, leave it and move on to the next. Do not spend too much time on one question. 
  • Make a serious effort to devote sufficient time to each section and do not skip answering  questions due to the lack of time. Rather, make it a point to keep a constant watch on the clock and work accordingly.
  • Go back and double-check all of the answers  if time permits, after answering the paper. It’s very possible that there are some errors. Returning to and reviewing the answers will help students identify and correct any errors.

Benefits of Solving Class 12 CBSE Biology Papers

Solving the CBSE class 12 previous year papers has a lot of benefits. Some of them are listed below;

  • Aids in the identification of strengths and weaknesses Solving class 12 CBSE Biology previous year question papers can assist students understand their strong and weak areas. Once they identify the subject or portion in which they’re weak at, then they’ll be able to concentrate more on that particular section. Class 12 Biology papers  come in handy throughout this situation. These papers assist students in keeping track of their proCBSE Class 12 Biology while they prepare for the test.
  • Builds and Improves Confidence – It is important to solve as many CBSE Class 12 Biology previous year papers as possible, as it helps the students build and improve their confidence. The more papers they  answer, the more confident you will be in taking the main exam.
  • Familiarises with the Test Pattern – CBSE Class 12 Biology previous year question papers acquaints the students with the question format and marking schemes similar to actual CBSE Class 12 Biology exam. As a result, if a student solves last year’s CBSE Class 12 Biology paper, they’ll learn about the question pattern, section-by-section timing, and the concepts evaluated in the exam.
  • Helps learn time management techniques – Solving previous year’s CBSE Class 12 Biology papers aids students in developing time management methods. While studying for the exam, time management is a crucial factor to consider. Students will  get an idea of how much time they should spend on each question by looking through past year’s question papers, which are mostly replicas of the CBSE Class 12 Biology test they’ll be taking. This will assist them in effectively managing their time on exam day.

FAQs on CBSE Class 12 Biology Previous Y

ear Question Papers:

Q.1: Are the question papers from the previous year sufficient for board exams?

Ans: For class 12th, the previous ten years’ papers are sufficient to increase your overall final exam preparation. However, you must also be thorough with the concepts to perform well in the exams. 

Q.2: Can you get a high score in class 12 Biology exams on the CBSE board exams in a month?

Ans: Among the many hurdles you will face in life, board exams are likely to be the first. However, even with only one month of preparation, it is possible to achieve a score of 90 per cent or higher. Furthermore, if you plan carefully, you will have ample time to be well prepared for the exam.

Q.3: What are the ways to download sample Biology question papers?

Ans: Follow the below steps to download last year’s papers for Biology. 

  • First, go to the official website of CBSE – cbse.nic.in.
  • Scroll down and click on the “Student Corner“ option.
  • On that page, click on “Examination Material“.
  • The students will be redirected to a new page where the list of CBSE Class 12 Previous Year Papers will be displayed. 
  • Click on a specific year’s question papers.
  • Now select the subject “Biology”.
  • CBSE Class 12 Biology Question Papers will be downloaded.

Q.4: Are the questions asked in the exam based on last year CBSE sample papers?

Ans: CBSE sample papers are based on the board’s most recent syllabus, with questions covering the majority of the course’s main themes. When students practise a large number of sample papers, they will come across subjects and questions from prior years’ tests.

Q.5: What are the benefits of solving class 12 CBSE previous years Biology papers?


  • Aids in the identification of strengths and weaknesses
  • Builds and Improves Confidence 
  • Familiarises with the Test Pattern
  • Helps learn time management techniques 

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We hope this article on Class 12 CBSE Biology previous year’s question papers help you in your preparation for the Board exams. Start your preparations and ace the exam with a high score. For any doubts pertaining to CBSE previous year’s question papers, reach out to us.

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