CBSE Class 12 Admit Card 2025: The admit card/hall ticket for CBSE Class 12 was released on February 5, 2025. Every year, the Central Board...
CBSE Class 12 Admit Card 2025
February 9, 2025CBSE Class 12 Student Reaction: The Central Board of Secondary Education has conducted the Term 1 and Term 2 exams for CBSE Class 12 for the academic year 2024-25. The Term 1 exams were conducted from December , 2024. The Term 2 exams were conducted from April , 2025 to June , 2025. The students are still awaiting the results. Meanwhile, we have gathered the CBSE Class 12 student’s reaction for a few major subjects.
By going through the student’s reaction for each of these subjects, it becomes easy to analyze the difficulty level of the paper. Students can get relieved from the fact that the question paper seemed the same for everyone. In this article, we have provided the student reaction for Biology, Economics, Computer Science, Mathematics, History, Physical Education, Accountancy, Hindi, Physics, English, Geography and Political Science.
The authoritative body for conducting the Class 12 board exams is the Central Board of Secondary Education. The board designs the exam syllabus, decides the exam paper pattern, releases the date sheet and conducts the exams. Before knowing the student’s reaction for the CBSE Class 12 board exams, let us have an overview of the exam and other details.
Exam Events | Details |
Exam | CBSE Class 12 |
Conducting Body | Central Board of Secondary Education |
Term 1 Exam Date 2025 | December , 2025 |
Term 2 Exam Date 2025 | April , 2025 to June , 2025 |
Term 1 Results Date 2025 | March , 2025 |
Term 2 results Date 2025 | July (tentative) |
Official Website | |
Knowing the student’s reaction creates a general perception about the question paper. It helps the students determine the nature of the question paper, its difficulty level and how well they have performed compared to their fellow students. Student’s can go through the subject-wise student reaction to know their exam performance.
The students expressed mixed reactions after the exam. Students stated that the numerical section of the exam was difficult and the theory exam was easy. A student belonging to Ghaziabad stated that she was not quick in numerical calculation which is why the numerical questions seemed tricky, but the theory based questions were easy.
But, reports suggested that the questions based on the nuclear fission were asked from the removed syllabus portion from CBSE board Class 12 Physics of Term 2.
One girl from Mayur Vihar Delhi stated that the question paper was not easy and there were many numerical questions asked in the exam.
Students stated that the Term 2 paper was moderately difficult and Physics question paper can never seem really easy to attempt. One student named Mayank stated that the students were required to think and understand the questions properly before writing the exam.
However, students from the centers of Noida seemed happy that all the questions were asked from the syllabus and nothing was out of the syllabus. Some students said that numerical questions required much time to derive the solutions and that the questions were a little tricky.
Students are expecting to score good marks in Physics Term 1 exam as compared to the Term 2 exam.
It was reported that the students at the exam centers were seen happy and joyful. One of the students named Mayuri Das from CBSE Class 12 Biology stated that the exam paper was lengthy but good. Students belonging to Malviya Nagar, Delhi stated that the exam paper was easy to attempt and also balanced. As the paper was longer than expected, students had to keep writing till the end.
Also, all the questions from the paper were taken only from the syllabus that was prescribed to the students. No question was asked out of the syllabus. Another student from Mayur Vihar stated that he found the question paper easy. Most of the questions required diagrams to be drawn and he expects to score 90% in the exam.
On the whole, the question paper was easy and most of the students were happy with the question paper. Most of the opinions given by the students stated that they hope to score good marks compared to the Term 1 Biology paper of CBSE.
Student’s perception towards the CBSE Class 12 Economics paper was that the paper was very difficult and it was more difficult than expected. Also, they said that the numerical portion of the exam was much more difficult to attempt than the theory portion.
One student from Ghaziabad reportedly stated that she never expects an easy question paper but the Economics paper was beyond that. But according to one student from Faridabad, the question paper was application based which is why it was easy. Most of the students were happy with the question paper and their exam performance. They said that the question paper was not completely theoretical based and it required more of a practical approach and so, it was quite easy to attempt the paper.
Compared to the Term 1 exam, the scores may not be higher but can be equal said some of the students.
Reports stated that the students at the exam center seemed happy after the completion of the exam. Most of the students were happy because it was the last exam and they were happy to end it. It was reported that many students exhibited mixed feelings regarding the question paper. Also, a group of students said that the question paper was easy and that they hope to score good marks than Term 1 exam.
“The questions were asked from the books and the case study question was a little tricky but manageable” said one student.
On the whole, students were confident that they can score good marks in the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science exam this time.
Some students stated that the CBSE Term 2 Mathematics exam for the year 2024 was in alignment with the CBSE sample paper and practice papers. The question paper was not really difficult and students who practiced the problems well said they would expect a score of more than 90% in the exams.
All the questions were asked from the syllabus and it was not really an easy question paper but a manageable one as per some students.
However, the case study questions seemed difficult and this time, the question paper was more difficult than the Term 1 question paper as stated by some students outside the Mayur Vihar center. Also, students did not expect an easy question paper and hence it was not really difficult for them to solve the paper.
On the whole, it can be determined that the students were mentally prepared that the paper would not be easy and so it was not out of their expectations.
This time, the history paper was found to be lengthy but easy to be completed in time. Students were happy which was evident on their faces as they came out of the examination hall. Some students are expecting to score more than 90% in the exam. Sharda from Ghaziabad said that the History paper was much easier than the other papers attempted this year. Going further she said that the geography paper was not really easy but the history paper seemed good.
The History paper was based on the sample papers that were released by the CBSE on its official website. Some students stated that the Term 2 paper was subjective and therefore it was easier to attempt than the Term 1 exam paper.
One boy from the Government School of Delhi stated that the exam paper was very easy and that he knew the answers for all the questions and attempted all the questions. Some students felt that the sample papers released by CBSE were of great help. Solving the sample papers made the solving of the exam paper much easier.
One student from Ghaziabad claimed that solving the exam paper was equivalent to solving the sample question paper. Most of the students said that they were expecting to score good marks in the Physical Education exam.
On the whole, the paper was easier to attempt than the previous term paper as per the student’s feedback.
Students stated that the difficulty level of the exam can be categorized as easy but the question paper was lengthy. Some students found it difficult to complete the question paper on time. Having a glance at the question paper made students realize that they need to hurry up to start writing the exam soon.
A few students however stated that as the accounts question paper demands a numerical approach, the questions were designed accordingly which made the question paper lengthy.
Some students are expecting to score good marks in Term 2 exams when compared to the Term 1 exams.
It was stated that the CBSE Class 12 Hindi paper was compatible with the sample paper officially released by the board. Maximum marks were covered in essay writing and letter writing as per the reports.
The Hindi literature section of the exam was given an internal choice with questions carrying either 3 marks or 2 marks.
Overall, the paper was convenient for the students to score good marks and most of the students stated that the question paper was easy to attempt.
The exam paper was found to be easy and students stated that the questions were based on the sample papers released by the CBSE Class 12 English Term 2 sample paper. The questions related to passages and literature were easy.
Students were happy after attempting the exam paper and they were able to easily understand the passage questions. They felt that almost all the questions were direct and easy.
As compared to the Term 1 English question paper, the difficulty level was the same and there was not much difference seen in the papers.
Students said that when compared to the Term 1 exam, the Term 2 exam was easier. Students were happy that all the questions were directly asked from the NCERT text books. Although a few students thought that it would be difficult to complete answering all the questions on time, they could finally complete the paper within the time.
Most of the students were happy that the questions from the subjective exam could be answered easily and they had definite answers to write.
For a few students, Section E was found to be difficult and for others, the same section seemed easy.
On the whole, there were mixed reactions from the students regarding CBSE Class 12 Geography exam.
The question paper was rated as easy by most of the students. Some students stated that the exam paper can be categorized between easy and moderate. One student named Deepika from Arts stream of Class 12 said that the exam paper was similar to that of Term 1 and high scores can be expected.
Few students claimed that going through the question paper made them realize that they know answers for all the questions and they were satisfied with the exam paper. One student said that all the questions were based on the application of theory and the paper was declared as easy by the students. Most of the students were happy that nothing was out of the syllabus.
Students can find the CBSE Class 12 exam analysis for Term 1 and Term 2 2025.
Below mentioned are some of the frequently asked questions related to CBSE Class 12 Student Reaction
Q.1: Are students satisfied with CBSE Class 12 results 2024?
Ans: Most of the students expressed their opinion saying that they were not given the marks according to the expectations. As per the survey, 53% of the students rated their score as 4 or 5 where 5 can be known as extremely satisfied. 24% of the students rated their scores as 1 or 2 which says that they are not satisfied.
Q.2: What was the student reaction for CBSE Class 12 Physics question paper 2024?
Ans: Students stated that the numerical section of the exam was difficult and the theory exam was easy. Some students said that numerical questions required much time to derive the solutions and that the questions were a little tricky.
Q.3: What do you do if you are not satisfied with 12 marks?
Ans: Students who are not satisfied with the marks achieved in the exam can attempt the improvement or compartmental exams. In such cases, the marks achieved in the compartmental exams can be considered as final marks.
Q.4: Are CBSE Class 12 marks important?
Ans: CBSE Class 12 marks are very important for the students as they determine the student admission into good colleges. Also, some of the job interviews consider a student’s score achieved in CBSE Class 12.
Q.5: What was the student reaction for CBSE Class 12 History Term 2 question paper 2024?
Ans: As per the feedback, it was stated that the history paper was found to be lengthy but easy to be completed in time. Some students are expecting to score more than 90% in the exam. Students also said that the Term 2 paper was subjective and therefore it was easier to attempt than the Term 1 exam paper.
We hope that this article on CBSE Class 12 Maths Previous Year Question Papers 2018 was helpful in learning with Embibe. Stay tuned to Embibe for the latest updates on CBSE Class 12, exam preparation tips and more information!