CBSE Class 9 exam is the foundation stone for your higher classes. You need the best 9th CBSE study material to score well in the exam. The study material also helps you to cover the entire syllabus efficiently. Where can you find this study material for? Well, finally, you have come up to the right place because you will find the best study material prepared by experts for in this article. You can understand complex topics easily if you follow the suggested study material as they are written in simple language.
If you want to score high and qualify for the exam with flying colours, you must check out the CBSE class 9 study material for every subject. The best part is that if you face any doubt about any topic, you can check out the engaging videos that support the text. Read this article to learn more about CBSE class 9 study material.
Ace Your Exam With 9th CBSE Study Material
CBSE Class 9 syllabus prescribed by the board is vast. Embibe’s study material simplifies the most difficult portions of a subject the students usually struggle with. Now you can smartly learn new concepts by utilising these excellent study material. Check out the details below.
9th CBSE Board Study Material: Check Practice Questions Here
After completing the syllabus, students usually look for 9th CBSE Board practice questions to boost their preparation. You can check out the links below.
Incredible Benefits of 9th CBSE Board Study Material
Students preparing for the exam will benefit tremendously from the study modules available on Embibe. Some of them are listed below.
The study material suggested by Embibe is prepared in simple language. The best outcome of the study material is you will be able to apply the concepts easily.
These study material promote critical and creative thinking in students. You can easily analyse and synthesise different topics. The learning will become fun with engaging content.
If you face any doubts, you can easily clear them by visiting the official website of Embibe and checking out the videos. You don’t need any other resources if you already have this study material. Additionally, you can attempt mock tests to boost your preparation.
Steps to Attempt 9th CBSE Mock Tests
If you have already finished your syllabus, you must attempt mock tests to find out your strong and weak areas. After attempting the mock tests, don’t forget to evaluate your performance. It will help you to understand where exactly you are standing right now. Attempt mock tests on the Embibe app. Follow the steps below:
1st Step: Visit Embibe’s official website, i.e.,
2nd Step: Use the mobile number/email to log in.
3rd Step: Click on the menu bar “Excelling in School.”
4th Step: Select the Goal “CBSE” from the Dropdown and click on “Next.”
5th Step: Search and Select “9th CBSE” on the search bar and click on “Next.”
6th Step: Select the preferred language and click on “Done.”
7th Step: Click “Test” from the Header Section.
8th Step: Scroll down to the “Subjects” section.
9th Step: Click on any 9th CBSE subjects.
10th Step: Scroll down to click on the chapters from the selected subject to begin the test.
Check out the links below to attempt mock tests on Embibe.
Check out the frequently asked questions on the 9th CBSE study material.
Q: How to attempt the 9th CBSE Board mock tests for?
Ans: Before appearing for the exam, you must attempt mock tests by visiting the Embibe app. You have to log in to access those mock tests for.
Q: How to clear the doubts I face during my preparation?
Ans: You can directly visit the Embibe app to access the video lectures. It will clear all your doubts.
Q: Are Embibe’s study material enough to prepare for the exam?
Ans: The study material provided by the Embibe app will be enough to prepare for the Class 9 CBSE exam. You can score high by following these materials.
Q: Do I have to pay to access these study material?
Ans: These study material are available absolutely for on the Embibe app. Therefore anyone can access them anytime.
Q: From where can I access the best 9th CBSE Study Material?
Ans: You can access the best 9th CBSE study material by visiting the Embibe app. Log into the app by entering your mobile number or e-mail ID.
We hope you liked this article on the 9th CBSE study material. If you still have any doubts, you can install the Embibe app to chat with our experts. Keep browsing Embibe for all the latest updates on the 9th CBSE exam.