• Written By Saif_Ansari
  • Last Modified 07-03-2025

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science 2025


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science: Class 10 is one of the most important years in a student’s academic career. Students need to be thorough with all the subjects in order to get a perfect score. To score high marks on the CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam, students need to have good practice along with referring to the prescribed textbooks. The best way to do this is by solving sample papers. They are published by the Central Board of Secondary Education every year. Sample papers familiarise students with the board exam format for History, Geography, and Civics, which are the three components of a Social Science paper.

Solving sample papers not only allows students to have access to questions that may be asked in the board exam but also to evaluate their knowledge. The CBSE sample papers PDF also include the marking system to help them prepare according to the weightage of each topic. Read the article to learn more about the sample papers for Class 10 Social Science.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Latest Update:
— CBSE has released CBSE Class 10 Social Science 2025 sample papers and marking scheme for the academic year 2024-25. Download all CBSE Class 10 SS sample paper PDFs given on this page.

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Papers 2025

Solving sample papers is an essential part of a thorough study session. Students must solve sample papers prescribed by the board in order to have an idea about which type of questions are asked in the exam. This provides students with a real-time exam experience and motivates them to do better. After solving the sample papers, students can also attempt CBSE Class 10 Social Science mock tests on Embibe.

These tests are and give students the required practice. We have provided the sample papers for the academic session 2024-25 for Class 10 Social Science.

SubjectSample PaperMarking Scheme
CBSE Class 10 Social Science 2024-25CBSE Class 10 SS Sample PaperCBSE Class 10 SS Marking Scheme

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Previous Year Sample Papers

For a detailed understanding of the exam, it is important for students to go through some of the previous year’s papers. Solving previous years’ sample papers will provide students with a lot of important questions. Students will also get to know the exam pattern and can prepare accordingly. Below, we have provided the Class 10 Social Science sample papers from 2015 to 2020.

YearSocial Science Sample Paper
2023-2024Class 10 Social Science SQP
2022-2023Class 10 Social Science SQP
2019-2020Class 10 Social Science SQP
2018-2019Class 10 Social Science SQP
2017-2018Class 10 Social Science SQP
2016-2017Class 10 Social Science SQP
2015-2016Class 10 Social Science SQP

How to Download CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10 Social Science?

Aspirants must include sample papers in their preparation plan as it has multiple benefits, which we are going to discuss in this section. One of the distinguishing features of CBSE sample papers for Class 10 is that students get confident in answering various question types.

Students can download the Class 10 sample papers PDF for Social Science from the official website of CBSE by following the instructions given below:

  • 1st Step: Visit the official website of CBSE Academics- cbseacademic.nic.in.
  • 2nd Step: The home page will appear on the screen.
  • 3rd Step: Select ‘sample question paper’ available on the tab.
  • 4th Step: Select ‘SQP of the current year’ and ‘Class X session’ from the drop-down menu.
  • 5th Step: A list of subjects, along with the download link of the sample paper, will appear on the screen.
  • 6th Step: Click on SQP in front of social science.
  • 7th Step: Students will be able to see the PDF of the sample paper on the screen.
  • 8th Step: Download the Class 10 Social Science sample paper.

Benefits of Solving CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Papers

Solving sample papers occasionally allows the students to test their preparation. It also brings a break to monotonous learning. Students can also download the previous year’s sample papers to check the frequently asked questions. Given below are some of the benefits of solving CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Papers.

  • History, Geography and Civics require good retaining power to answer the questions. Practising CBSE sample papers helps students improve their information-retention capabilities and exam techniques.
  • Aspirants must make it a point to solve the sample paper within the time specified as this helps them improve their answering speed even in the final exam, which is much needed.
  • Sample papers give an overview of the questions asked in the board exam.
  • Students can use the sample papers to identify their strengths and weaknesses for improvement.
  • Regular practice of sample papers boosts the confidence of students.

FAQs on CBSE Class 10 Sample Papers for Social Science

Given below are some of the frequently asked questions on CBSE Class 10 Social Science sample papers:

Q. From where can I download the Class 10 Social Science sample papers?

Ans: Students can download the Class 10 Social Science sample papers from this page.

Q. Do CBSE sample papers for Class 10 Social Science include a map section?

Ans: Yes, the CBSE Social Science sample paper of Class 10 includes a map section.

Q. How many sections are there in Class 10 CBSE Social Science sample papers?

Ans: CBSE Class 10 Social Science sample paper includes History, Geography, Civics and map section. 

Q. What should be the next step after solving sample papers?

Ans: After solving CBSE Class 12 Social Science sample papers, students must attempt mock tests. Students can find CBSE Class 12 mock tests on Embibe.

Q. Where can I find CBSE Class 10 study materials?

Ans: Students can find the CBSE Class 10 study materials on Embibe.

We hope you found this article helpful. For more details and information regarding CBSE Class 10 exams, stay tuned on Embibe.

Adaptive Practice with Solutions To Help You Ace Important Topics for CBSE Class 10