• Written By Saif_Ansari
  • Last Modified 22-02-2025

CBSE Sample Paper Biology Class 12 2025


CBSE Sample Paper Biology Class 12: Students pursuing Biology in CBSE Class 12 often opt for a career in Medicine. Students aiming to pursue a career in this field should make sure to follow the CBSE Class 12 Biology sample papers carefully to score higher marks in the examination. 

The CBSE Class 12 Biology sample paper is designed as per the latest syllabus and marking scheme. With the term II exams being just around the corner, students must ensure to practise the sample papers carefully. The sample papers are designed with a combination of answer keys, previous year sample papers and more. The students can refer to the article given below to download the PDF.

CBSE Sample Paper Biology Class 12 Latest Update:
— CBSE has announced the Class 12 Biology sample question papers in PDF, along with the Marking Scheme for Academic Year 2024-2025. Continue reading for direct PDF links.

Students can get their hands on the best practice questions and CBSE Class 12 mock tests below:

Practice CBSE Class 12 Subject-Wise QuestionsCBSE Class 12 Subject-Wise Mock Test
Physics QuestionsPhysics Mock Test
Chemistry QuestionsChemistry Mock Test
Mathematics QuestionsMathematics Mock Test
Biology QuestionsBiology Mock Test

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Biology 2025

The Biology question paper is modelled depending on the sample papers for Class 12 Biology. Candidates can directly download the CBSE sample papers for Class 12 Biology using the links given in the table below: 

CBSE Class 12 Subjects Sample Question Paper / Marking Scheme
BiologyBiology Question Paper | Biology Marking Scheme

Previous Years’ CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Biology

Students are also suggested to practice previous years’ sample question papers. It gives the students an idea about the type of questions asked in the exam, question trends, changes made in exam patterns or syllabi, etc. Students preparing for the medical competitive exams can also significantly receive benefits by practising the sample papers.

Click on the links given in the table below to download previous years’ CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Biology:

Academic YearSample PaperMarking Scheme
2023- 24Download PDFDownload PDF
2022- 23Download PDFDownload PDF
2021- 22Download PDFDownload PDF
2020- 21Download PDFDownload PDF
2019- 20Download PDFDownload PDF
2018- 19Download PDFDownload PDF
2017- 18Download PDFDownload PDF
2016- 17Download PDFDownload PDF
2015- 16Download PDFDownload PDF

How to Download CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Papers?

CBSE Class 12 Biology students can download the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Biology along with the marking scheme by following the steps: 

  • 1st Step: Visit the official CBSE Academic website.
  • 2nd Step: Click on the “Sample Question Paper” tab. 
  • 3rd Step: Select the academic session (SQP 2023-24 is current), Class XII, and subject from the drop-down menu. 
  • 4th Step: The CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Question Paper (SQP) will open on the screen.
  • 5th Step: Download the same as a PDF.    

CBSE Class 12 Biology Exam Pattern 2025

Students who are preparing for CBSE Class 12 Biology should be aware of the exam pattern of CBSE Class 12 Biology:

  1. The total duration of the Biology theory exam would be 3 hours.
  2. The maximum mark for the Biology theory paper is 70. 
  3. The Biology theory question paper has four sections – Section A, Section B, Section C, and Section D.
  4. There will be a total of 33 questions in the Biology theory paper. 
  5. Section A has a total of 16 questions, wherein 14 question carries 1 mark and 2 questions are case-based. 
  6. Section B consists of nine questions, and each question is worth two marks. 
  7. Section C contains five questions, and each question is worth three marks.
  8. Section D has three questions, and the value of each question is five marks. 
  9. There is no overall choice in the Biology exam; however, some questions will have an internal choice. The examinees have to attempt only one question in such internal choice questions.  
  10. The examinees can draw neat and properly labelled diagrams wherever required. 

Students can practice CBSE Class 12 Biology questions here.

CBSE Class 12 Biology Mark Distribution

It is also very important for candidates to know the chapter-wise mark distribution. Knowing the exam mark distribution in advance will help students figure out which chapters are more important.

UnitChapterNo. of PeriodsMarks Distribution
VIIGenetics and Evolution4018
VIIIBiology and Human Welfare3010
IXBiotechnology and its Applications3014
XEcology and Environment3014

Benefits of Practicing CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Biology

Below, we have mentioned some of the advantages of practising Class 12 Biology CBSE Sample Papers:

  1. Practising the sample papers helps you know the type of questions asked in the exam and helps you identify question trends, important topics, and important questions. 
  2. It will build confidence to ace the exam more efficiently. 
  3. Questions in the sample papers are taken from the entire syllabus of the subject as per the prescribed marking scheme. So, it tests your overall exam preparation as well. 
  4. You get to know your strong and weak areas by solving the sample papers. You can then work on improving your weak areas before the board exam.
  5. The sample paper Class 12 Biology with solution provides a brief insight into the examination. When the students practice the sample papers regularly, it becomes easier for the students to improve their speed and accuracy.
  6. Practising the CBSE sample paper Class 12 Biology will also help in improving the time management skills of the students.
  7. Students must practice the sample papers along with the CBSE Class 12 Biology textbook to speed up their preparation.

FAQs on CBSE Class 12 Biology Sample Papers 2025

Q: What are some of the benefits of practising Class 12 CBSE Biology sample papers?

Ans: Practicing the sample papers helps you know the type of questions asked in the exam and also identifies question trends, important topics, and important questions. It tests your overall exam preparation. It also helps you know your strong and weak areas.

Q: When can I download the CBSE Class 12 Biology Model Papers?

Ans: CBSE has already published the sample papers for 12th Biology. To make it convenient for the students, we have provided direct download links for CBSE Class 12 Biology sample papers on Embibe.

Q: From where can I download the 12th Bio CBSE Sample Papers?

Ans: You can download Model Papers for Class 12 Biology from the official website of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) at cbse.nic.in. The direct links are also provided on this page.

Q: For better results, should I also practice the previous year’s CBSE Sample Papers?

Ans: Yes, for a better result in the board exam, you should also practice the previous year’s CBSE Biology sample papers. 

Q: What are the benefits of CBSE sample papers?

Ans: Students appearing for their CBSE Class 12 board exams should consider downloading the sample papers. Practising the sample papers will make it easier for the students to score higher marks in the examination. Students can refer to the sample papers and previous year’s question papers from the past five years to improve their preparation.

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CBSE Class 12 Biology SyllabusCBSE Class 12 Biology Notes

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