• Written By Saif_Ansari
  • Last Modified 22-02-2025

CBSE Sample Papers For Class 12 Maths 2025 PDF With Solution, Marking Scheme


CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths: CBSE Class 12 is a board-level exam, and students must put their best foot forward in studying for the finals. In CBSE Class 12 Maths, students can score full marks, which can improve their overall class percentage. They should have an all-around exam strategy to understand the concepts and be able to solve the problems correctly. An important aspect of the exam plan is solving sample papers. CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths will introduce students to the exam pattern.

CBSE Sample Papers For Class 12 Maths Latest Update:
— CBSE has announced the Class 12 Mathematics sample question papers in PDF, along with the Marking Scheme for Academic Year 2024-2025. Check out the table added below for direct PDF links.

The sample papers will also help students know how to answer all the necessary questions within the time limit while also sparing time for reviewing their answers and attempting extra questions. In this article, we have provided sample papers for CBSE Class 12 Mathematics for students to download quickly. They can also solve hundreds of sample problems on the Embibe app and strengthen their conceptual knowledge.

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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths 2025

Students can check out the CBSE Class 12 Mathematics sample question papers in PDFs below, along with the marking scheme for academic year 2024-2025:

CBSE Class 11 Subjects Sample Question Paper / Marking Scheme
MathematicsMathematics Question Paper | Maths Marking Scheme
Mathematics (Applied)Maths Applied Question Paper | Mathematics Applied Marking Scheme

CBSE previously released the sample papers for the 2024-25 exam. Students can also check the sample papers for the year 2024-25 for Mathematics and Mathematics Applied for comprehensive knowledge.

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths 2023-24

CBSE Class 12 Maths Sample Paper 2023-24CBSE Class 12 Maths Marking Scheme
CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Applied Sample PaperCBSE Class 12 Mathematics Applied Marking Scheme
CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper CBSE Class 12 Mathematics Marking Scheme

Download CBSE 12th Maths Previous Year Sample Papers Year Wise in PDF

Students should practice this year’s sample paper and previous year’s question papers to prepare for CBSE 12th Math exam. By referring to the previous year’s CBSE sample papers for Class 12 Maths, students get an idea of the type of questions they will face in the exam, exam pattern, changes to the syllabus (if any), etc.

CBSE Class 12 Sample PaperCBSE Class 12 Marking Scheme
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Term 1- 2021-22CBSE Class 12 Marking Scheme for Maths Term 1 – 2021-2022
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths Term 2 – 2021-22CBSE Class 12 Marking Scheme for Maths Term 2- 2021-22
Class 12 Maths Sample Paper 2020-21Class 12 Maths Marking Scheme 2020-21
Class 12 Maths Sample Paper 2019-20Class 12 Maths Marking Scheme 2019-20
Class 12 Maths Sample Paper 2018-19Class 12 Maths Marking Scheme 2018-19

How To Download CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths?

Students preparing for the 12th Maths should use the CBSE sample paper for holistic preparation for the exam. If students want to download the sample paper and marking scheme from the official website, check the below-mentioned steps:

  • 1st Step: Go to the official website of CBSE Academic, i.e. cbseacademic.nic.in.
  • 2nd Step: Find the “Sample Question Paper” tab on the homepage and click on it. 
  • 3rd Step: Choose the academic session and Class XII from the drop-down menu. 
  • 4th Step: Click on the SQP” link in the row for Maths. 
  • 5th Step: The CBSE Class 12 Maths model question paper (SQP) will open on the screen. Download the same as a PDF and save it in the system.    

CBSE Class 12 Maths 2025: Marking Scheme

Check the latest marking scheme of CBSE Class 12 Maths from the table below:

I.Relations and Functions08
IV.Vectors and Three–Dimensional Geometry14
V.Linear Programming05
Total Theory80
Internal Assessment20
Grand Total100

CBSE Class 12 Maths Syllabus 2025

We have provided the detailed Maths syllabus for the year 2024-25:

ChaptersImportant Topics
Relations and FunctionsTypes of relations: reflexive, symmetric, transitive and equivalence relations. One-to-one and onto functions.
Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsDefinition, range, domain, principal value branch. Graphs of inverse trigonometric functions.
MatricesConcept, notation, order, equality, types of matrices, zero and identity matrix, transpose of a matrix, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices. Operation on matrices: Addition and multiplication and multiplication with a scalar. Simple properties of addition, multiplication and scalar multiplication. Oncommutativity of multiplication of matrices and existence of non-zero matrices whose product is the zero matrix (restrict to square matrices of order 2). Invertible matrices and proof of the uniqueness of inverse, if it exists; (Here, all matrices will have real entries).
DeterminantsDeterminant of a square matrix (up to 3 x 3 matrices), minors, co-factors and applications of determinants in finding the area of a triangle. Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix. Consistency, inconsistency and number of solutions of system of linear equations by examples, solving system of linear equations in two or three variables (having unique solution) using inverse of a matrix.
Continuity and DifferentiabilityContinuity and differentiability, derivative of composite functions, chain rule, derivative of inverse trigonometric functions, derivative of implicit functions. Concept of exponential and logarithmic functions.
Derivatives of logarithmic and exponential functions. Logarithmic differentiation, derivative of functions expressed in parametric forms. Second-order derivatives.
Applications of DerivativesApplications of derivatives: rate of change of bodies, increasing/decreasing functions, maxima and minima (first derivative test motivated geometrically and second derivative test given as a provable tool). Simple problems (that illustrate basic principles and understanding of the subject as well as real-life situations).
IntegralsIntegration as inverse process of differentiation. Integration of a variety of functions by substitution, by partial fractions and by parts, Evaluation of simple integrals of the following types and problems based on them.
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (without proof). Basic properties of definite integrals and evaluation of definite integrals.
Applications of the IntegralsApplications in finding the area under simple curves, especially lines, circles/ parabolas/ellipses.
Differential EquationsDefinition, order and degree, general and particular solutions of a differential equation. Solution of differential equations by method of separation of variables, solutions of homogeneous differential equations of first order and first degree. Solutions of linear differential equation.
VectorsVectors and scalars, magnitude and direction of a vector. Direction cosines and direction ratios of a vector. Types of vectors (equal, unit, zero, parallel and collinear vectors), position vector of a point, negative of a vector, components of a vector, addition of vectors, multiplication of a vector by a scalar, position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio. Definition, Geometrical Interpretation, properties and application of scalar (dot) product of vectors, vector (cross) product of vectors.
Three – dimensional GeometryDirection cosines and direction ratios of a line joining two points. Cartesian equation and vector equation of a line, skew lines, shortest distance between two lines. Angle between two lines.
Linear ProgrammingIntroduction, related terminology such as constraints, objective function, optimization, different types of linear programming (L.P.) problems. graphical method of solution for problems in two variables, feasible and infeasible regions (bounded), feasible and infeasible solutions, optimal feasible solutions (up to three non-trivial constraints).
ProbabilityConditional probability, multiplication theorem on probability, independent events, total probability, Bayes’ theorem, Random variable and its probability distribution, mean of random variable.

Take CBSE Class 12 Maths Mock Test for

Embibe’s CBSE Class 12 Maths Mock Test covers a wide range of topics, ensuring comprehensive preparation for the exam. It offers detailed performance analysis and personalized feedback, helping students identify their weak areas and work on them. The mock test is easily accessible online, making it a convenient and time-efficient way for students to prepare for their board exams. With Embibe’s CBSE Class 12 Maths Mock Test, students can gain the confidence and preparation they need to ace their exams.

Test SeriesAttempt CBSE Class 12 Maths Mock Test
Maths Mock Test 1Attempt CBSE Class 12 Maths Mock Test 1
Maths Mock Test 2Attempt CBSE Class 12 Maths Mock Test 2

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FAQs on CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers for Maths 2025

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions on CBSE sample papers for Class 12 Maths:

Q: Where can I download the CBSE 12th Maths sample papers?

Ans: CBSE releases the sample papers for the Class 12 Maths exam. Students can download it using the links given in this article.

Q: Can I download the CBSE Class 12 Maths sample papers for?

Ans: Yes, students can download the CBSE Class 12 Maths sample papers for on Embibe.

Q: Can I score well after solving CBSE Class 12 sample question papers?

Ans: Students can definitely score well after going through the sample question papers as it enhances their problem-solving skills.

Q: Is Embibe a great platform to prepare for CBSE Class 12 board exams?

Ans: Yes, Embibe offers various study materials, detailed plans, and much more to help students score well in the CBSE board exams.

Q: Where can I find the detailed Maths syllabus for CBSE Class 12?

Ans: Students can find the detailed Maths syllabus for CBSE Class 12 on Embibe.

We hope this article on CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Maths is useful to you. Stay tuned to Embibe for the latest updates on CBSE Class 12 Maths.

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