• Written By Saif_Ansari
  • Last Modified 20-02-2025

CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Biology 2025


CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Biology 2025: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) designs the syllabus for Class 11. They have released the updated syllabus for Class 11 Biology, which students can find in the article below. Therefore, students of CBSE Class 11 pursuing Science stream must follow the syllabus for Biology properly. The syllabus lays a foundation for the concepts that students will learn in Class 12.

The CBSE Class 11 Biology syllabus covers some interesting topics and concepts that will help students significantly in the later run. They can check the syllabus and practice numerous questions from Embibe to boost their exam preparation. To complete their syllabus, students must also take mock tests available on Embibe. These learning materials will play an important role in helping students prepare for exams easily.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Biology Latest Update:
CBSE has added the CBSE Class 11 Biology syllabus for Academic Year 2024-25. Check out the official PDF for Biology Classes XI & XII (2024-25) curriculum.

CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Biology 2025

The CBSE Class 11 Biology syllabus focuses on understanding the basic principles of Biology. It helps create awareness among learners about the diversity of living organisms. Before learning the next chapters, students must study the current chapter thoroughly and understand basic concepts. Understanding the basic concepts will help them do well in the exam.

Also, make sure to solve the exercises given at the end of the chapters in the NCERT textbooks. Solving those exercises will help students improve their writing speed and answer accuracy. They will also get an idea of the types of questions that are asked in the CBSE Class 11 Biology final examination. Furthermore, students can also practice questions from Embibe for Class 11 Biology. There are more than 250 questions for each chapter of Class 11 Biology on Embibe that will help students become familiar with the syllabus.

The aim behind designing the particular syllabus is that students should get good exposure to various biology branches. Let us first have a look at the theory part of the CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Biology:

CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Biology: Theory

It is advisable that students take mock tests after completing their syllabus to be well-prepared for exams. Mock tests for Class 11 Biology CBSE are available for on Embibe. Students can also take chapter-wise mock tests separately and prepare for exams accordingly.

CBSE Class 11 Biology Theory part carries a total of 70 marks. The duration of the exam is 3 hours. Different units covered under the CBSE Class 11 Biology syllabus are as follows:

1Diversity of Living Organisms15
2Structural Organization in Plants and Animals10
3Cell: Structure and Function15
4Plant Physiology12
5Human Physiology18

CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus: Units and Chapters

Let’s have a look at the chapters covered under the different units of the Biology Syllabus for Class 11. The chapters covered are as follows:

Name of the UnitName of the Chapter
Unit 1 – Diversity of Living OrganismsChapter 1: The Living World
Chapter 2: Biological Classification
Chapter 3: Plant Kingdom
Chapter 4: Animal Kingdom
Unit 2 – Structural Organization in Animals Chapter 5: Morphology of Flowering Plants
Chapter 6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Chapter 7: Structural Organisation in Animals
Unit 3 – Cell: Structure and FunctionChapter 8: Cell: The Unit of Life
Chapter 9: Biomolecules
Chapter 10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Unit 4 – Plant PhysiologyChapter 11: Transport in Plants
Chapter 12: Mineral Nutrition
Chapter 13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Chapter 14: Respiration in Plants
Chapter 15: Plant – Growth and Development
Unit 5 – Human PhysiologyChapter 17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases
Chapter 18: Body Fluids and Circulation
Chapter 19: Excretory Products and their Elimination
Chapter 20: Locomotion and Movement
Chapter 21: Neural Control and Coordination
Chapter 22: Chemical Coordination and Integration

CBSE Syllabus For Class 11 Biology: Practical Evaluation Scheme

CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Biology Practical is conducted for 30 marks. Students must perform practical experiments in their school thoroughly so that they can prepare for the exams properly. They must check what is the syllabus for practical exams and the marking scheme. The evaluation scheme of the practicals is as follows:

Evaluation SchemeMarks
One Major Experiment Part A (Experiment No. 1, 3, 7, 8)5
One Minor Experiment Part A (Experiment No. 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)4
Slide Preparation Part A (Experiment No. 2, 4, 5)5
Spotting Part B7
Practical Record + Viva Voce4
Project Record + Viva Voce5

CBSE Syllabus For Class 11 Biology: Practical Syllabus

A: List of Experiments

1. Study and describe a locally available common flowering plant from any one family: Solanaceae or Liliaceae (Poaceae, Asteraceae, or Brassicaceae can be substituted in case of particular geographical location), including dissection and display of floral whorls, anther and ovary to show a number of chambers (floral formulae and floral diagrams).

2. Preparation and study of T.S. of dicot and monocot roots and stems (primary).

3. Study of osmosis by potato osmometer.

4. Study of plasmolysis in epidermal peels (e.g. Rhoeo/lily leaves or flashy scale leaves of
onion bulb).

5. Study of distribution of stomata on the upper and lower surfaces of leaves.

6. Comparative study of the rates of transpiration in the upper and lower surfaces of leaves.

7. Test for the presence of sugar, starch, proteins and fats in suitable plant and animal

8. Separation of plant pigments through paper chromatography.

9. Study of the rate of respiration in flower buds/leaf tissue and germinating seeds.

10. Test for the presence of urea in urine.

11. Test for the presence of sugar in urine.

12. Test for the presence of albumin in urine.

13. Test for the presence of bile salts in urine.

B. Study/Observer of the following (spotting)

1. Parts of a compound microscope.

2. Specimens/slides/models and identification with reasons – Bacteria, Oscillatoria, Spirogyra, Rhizopus, mushroom, yeast, liverwort, moss, fern, pine, one monocotyledonous plant, one dicotyledonous plant and one lichen.

3. Virtual specimens/slides/models and identifying features of – Amoeba, Hydra, liver fluke, Ascaris, leech, earthworm, prawn, silkworm, honeybee, snail, starfish, shark, rohu, frog, lizard, pigeon and rabbit.

4. Mitosis in onion root tip cells and animal cells (grasshopper) from permanent slides.

5. Different types of inflorescence (cymose and racemose).

6. Human skeleton and different types of joints with the help of virtual images/models only.

CBSE Class 11 Biology Books

Studying from the best books is extremely crucial for students who wish to excel in their exams and score higher marks. The CBSE Class 11 Biology books are available for on Embibe for students to access them easily. Some of the books which are prescribed for Class 11 Biology are:

CBSE Class 11 Biology Books
BIOLOGY Textbook for Class XI NCERT Exemplar Biology – Class 11 Companion Biology Class 11
TRUEMAN’S ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY VOL. I For XI Class of 10+2 All in One BIOLOGY CBSE Class 11 Embibe Big Book for Biology for Class 11

FAQs on CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus 2025

Some frequently asked questions on CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus are as follows:

Q: Where can I get CBSE Class 11 Biology syllabus?

Ans: The CBSE Class 11 Biology Syllabus for theory and practical exams is given in the article above.

Q: Where can I find CBSE Class 11 Biology mock tests for all chapters?

Ans: Students can find CBSE Class 11 Biology mock tests for all chapters on Embibe.

Q: Where do I get NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology?

Ans: You can find NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology at Embibe.

Q: How many chapters are there in NCERT Class 11 Biology?

Ans: As per the revised syllabus, there are 22 chapters in NCERT Class 11 Biology. 

Q: What is the exam pattern of CBSE Class 11 Biology?

Ans: CBSE Class 11 Biology exam is held in two parts- Practical (30 marks) and Theory (70 marks). The exam is held for three hours.

The article above deals with the CBSE Class 11 Biology syllabus. Students must follow the syllabus thoroughly so that they can properly prepare for the exams. For further updates on CBSE Class 11 Biology exams, subscribe to Embibe.

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