CISF Head Constable Exam Result 2023: Central Industrial Security Force is referred to as CISF. The CISF holds a nationwide exam each year to find qualified people to fill positions such as constable, fireman, tradesman, etc. Candidates who want to serve the nation can take advantage of the CISF Recruitment chance. Candidates must pass the physical examination, written exam, and medical test in order to be considered for this renowned position.
Practice CISF Head Constable Exam Unlimited Questions
Practice CISF Head Constable Exam Unlimited Questions
**Steps to practice CISF Head Constable test questions are mentioned below in this article.
This article will state the result release date of the CISF Head Constable position along with the other relevant specifications such as details mentioned on the result, how to download and more. Continue reading further to know more!
CISF Head Constable Result 2023: Check Details Here
Candidates who will be appearing for the CISF Constable exam must know about the exam overview. This is tabulated here below:
Exam Particulars
Organisation Name
Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
Post Name
Head Constable, Constable/ Fire, Assistant Commandants (Executive), etc.
Result Announcement Mode
Selection Process
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST), Written Examination, Document Verification (DV), Medical Examination, etc.
Below is a step-by-step approach for downloading your CISF Head Constable Results. Soon when the organisation releases it, the link to verify your results will be updated.
Following are some of the common questions on the CISF Head Constable results 2023:
Who conducts the CISF Head Constable exam?
The Central Industrial Security Force Department conducts the CISF Head Constable exam.
What is the CISF Head Constable passing mark for a General candidate?
About 35% passing mark is required for a General caste candidate for the CISF Head Constable exam.
What documents are required for checking the CISF Head Constable results?
In order to check the CISF Head Constable results, candidates must have valid login information which consists of the registration number and the password.
When will be the CISF Head Constable exam 2023?
The CISF Head Constable exam 2023 will be tentatively conducted in April 2023.
What is the full form of CISF?
CISF stands for Central Industrial Security Force.
We hope this article on CISF Head Constable exam results 2023 helps you. Stay tuned to Embibe for more updates on the CISF Head Constable 2023.