Are you still waiting for CLAT exam subject-wise analysis to evaluate your performance? The Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs) successfully conducted the CLAT 2022 exam on June 19, 2022. Since you spent a lot of time studying for the exam, we understand you must have had mixed emotions after giving the exam. We have provided a thorough CLAT exam analysis for 2022 to ease your anxiety.
You can learn about the exam’s difficulty level and questions asked in the exam by checking out this CLAT exam analysis. Read on to learn more.
CLAT Exam Analysis Highlights
Embibe has a team of experts who have shared a detailed review of the CLAT exam. The exam analysis was given based on the feedback given by the test-takers. Let us check out the CLAT Entrance Exam highlights first.
According to the candidates, the exam’s overall degree of difficulty was simple to moderate. The question paper was lengthy, though, and most students thought several portions were a little unclear. Compared to last year, the current affairs segment was simple.
Check out the overall difficulty level of the CLAT exam 2022, section-wise exam analysis, and more.
No. of Questions
Good Attempts
Difficulty Level
Easy (but lengthy)
Logical Reasoning
Legal Reasoning
Current Affairs, including General Knowledge
Quantitative Techniques
CLAT Current Affairs Exam Analysis
The current affairs section’s general difficulty level was easy, notwithstanding a few irrelevant questions. Most of the questions were asked from the standard topics, while the majority of them were predictable. There were seven paragraphs in all, each with five questions. There were 1-2 static GK-related questions following each passage.
There were questions on the ISRO, Drone Shakti in the Union Budget, corporate social responsibility, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, patents & green technology.
CLAT Legal Reasoning Exam Analysis
Compared to the previous two years, most of the questions in this section were easy. There were a couple of constitution-based passages. Most students said it was a bit difficult to understand passages based on monism and dualism.
Questions were asked about the Special Marriage Act, the law of writs, bigamy-related criminal laws, personal laws, and public international law. A handful of the questions involved hypothetical scenarios.
CLAT Logical Reasoning Exam Analysis
There were 6 sections in all, each followed by 5 questions. All of the questions in this section dealt with typical critical reasoning concepts, including the Central/Main Idea, how the author supported it, how to draw a conclusion from it, how to identify the passage’s title, and how to infer something from it. A few questions on assumptions and one or two questions on inferences were also included.
Those who have solved mock tests and know when to move on from a question and when to invest time re-doing them will score relatively well in this section.
CLAT English Exam Analysis
Compared to the previous year, the English section was rather long. Due to the length of the passages, the majority of the questions were challenging to understand. There were a total of six reading comprehension sections, and they were centered on topics like washing your hands, public speaking, the modern animal rights movement, Saroo, the beggar from Madhya Pradesh, and the goddess Gaia.
CLAT Quantitative Techniques Exam Analysis
The section had a relatively low overall difficulty level, and students could complete it in little more than 15 minutes. There were no challenging questions on the paper. There were five questions on percentage and loss and a total of ten questions on percentages. Additionally, the topic distribution pattern was very similar to that of the previous year.
Check out the frequently asked questions about CLAT exam analysis.
Q: Is the CLAT exam challenging?
Ans: The CLAT Exam is moderately difficult, according to the analysis from the previous year. But the degree of difficulty changes every year.
Q. How is the analysis of the CLAT 2022 exam prepared?
Ans: We offer the live exam analysis for CLAT 2022 based on the input we obtained from students on the exam day.
Q: What is included in the CLAT 2022 exam analysis?
Ans: The number of questions from each subject, the difficulty of each section, and the number of good attempts are just a few of the details included in the CLAT Analysis. Additionally, students can find out the types of questions asked in the exam.
Q: Do the experts suggest any tricks to clear the CLAT exam?
Ans: Solve previous year’s papers and take mock tests daily to boost your preparation. It’s crucial to complete the previous year’s question papers and study the entire syllabus to analyse your preparation level.
Q: Does CLAT questions get repeated?
Ans: Yes, you can anticipate repeated questions in the CLAT exam. Therefore, for thorough preparation, it is advised to solve as many previous year’s papers as you can.
We hope you liked this article on CLAT exam analysis. If you still have any queries, you can install the Embibe app and chat directly with our experts. Bookmark this page for the latest updates.