39 Insightful Publications
Volume of Cube is an important and fundamental concept that is used in a variety
Singular Matrix: A matrix is a set of rectangular arrays arranged in an ordered way,
Integers: In Mathematics, the term "integer" was derived from Latin. An integer denotes complete or whole. Integers
Methods of integration: If we know an object's instantaneous velocity at each given time, a
General and Middle terms: The binomial theorem helps us find the power of a binomial
Maxima and minima: In linear algebra and game theory, finding maxima or minima is crucial. They
Suppose you have three pencils that are blue, black and yellow and two pens. The
Equation of a Line in Space: Vector is a quantity that has both direction and
Derivatives of Composite and Implicit Functions: Differentiation is the process of finding the derivative, or rate
Equation of Tangent to the Circle: The meaning of the word tangent is 'to touch'.