39 Insightful Publications
Thrust and Pressure: Have you ever noticed how our feet get trapped in loose sand, but
Synthetic Fibres are man-made fibres. Such fibres are made through chemical synthesis. Furthermore, they are
Addition and Subtraction of Integers: We use the addition and subtraction of integers in our day-to-day
Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de' Galilei was an Italian physicist and engineer in the 16th
Irrational numbers are real numbers which are not perfect fractions. This means that irrational numbers
Vegetative Propagation: Roots are not the only source of growth for plants. Reproduction in plants
Have you ever wondered who discovered the cell? Or what are cells? Or how are
Covalent Bonds are the bonds between atoms which are formed by sharing electrons, unlike transfer
Types of Respiration: How we humans breathe through the human respiratory system involves a network
Stress: A rubber band stretches when an external force is applied, but the rubber band restores