39 Insightful Publications
What is Cloning in Biology? Cloning simply means creating exact replicas or copies. Cloning in
Hydroponics is considered to be a type of hydroculture. It is a technique that contributes
Fruit is the edible and nutritious component of the plant that also bears seeds. Even
Generation and Conduction of Nerve Impulse: A living creature is made up of several cell
You have landed on the right page to learn about Hardy-Weinberg Principle. Are all the
Vascular Bundles in Plants: Have you ever noticed the veins at the bottom side of your arms?
Pleiotropy: Pleiotropy is described as a single gene's expression of several traits. The term "pleiotropy"
Solid Waste Management: Solid waste management includes the process of collection of waste and treating
Every living organism has a life cycle. All living organisms take birth, grow, and reproduce,
Kingdom Animalia: We belong to the Class Mammalia, which comes under the Phylum Chordata of