FCI Manager Phase I Books 2023: List of Best FCI Manager Phase I Books
Various observations mention that examinees cannot answer every question accurately in the exam due to their lack of conceptual knowledge and time to complete the whole syllabus. But, why is that? The reason is that candidates do not refer to the right books for their studies. Instead, they choose the less effective study materials that fail to offer conceptual knowledge.
That’s why choosing the right book for a particular subject or exam is important for preparation. If you are an aspirant for the FCI Manager Post, you can’t just choose any book and expect to clear a highly competitive exam. You need better and more reliable resources to understand the concepts quickly.
Afraid not! We have provided a list of the best books for FCI Manager Phase I preparation. You can refer to these best books and prepare for the exam. So? Why delay? Scroll down and get the best books for FCI exam preparation.
Best Books for FCI Manager Phase 1 Preparation 2023
We all know that if we have a clear understanding of concepts and practice exam questions before the exam, we have a better chance of getting high marks. The same goes for FCI Manager Phase 1. You can crack the exam if you have better concept knowledge and practice.
With interactive concept learning videos, practice questions, and mock tests, Embibe is the best place for government exam preparation. And you know what? It’s all of cost!!
So, are you determined to crack FCI Manager Phase I? Then, here are the direct links for subject-wise FCI Manager books from Embibe:
Access unlimited FCI Manager Phase I exam questions at Embibe and boost your confidence to face the examination. Follow the below-mentioned steps to take the practice test series:
1st Step: Visit Embibe’s official website, i.e., embibe.com.
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3rd Step: Select the Goal as SSC under the Government Job section.
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6th Step: Click Practice from the Header Section.
7th Step: Scroll down to the Subjects section.
8th Step: Click on any subject for FCI Manager Phase 1 practice tests.
Check Subject-wise FCI Manager Phase 1 Books 2023
Are you looking for the best book for a particular subject? Well, we knew you would. That’s why we have listed down some important subject-wise books for FCI Manager Phase I here.
FCI Manager Books for Reasoning Ability
Check the list of books for FCI Manager Phase 1 Reasoning Ability below:
Name of Books
Author/ Publisher
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning
R.S Aggarwal/ S. Chand Publisher
A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal & Non-Verbal
B.S Sijwali, Indu Sijwali
Analytical Reasoning
MK Pandey / Magical Book Series
Test of Reasoning
Edgar Thorpe / Pearson
Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning (English/Hindi)
Kiran Publication
Logical & Analytical Reasoning
A.K Gupta
Best Books for FCI Manager Numerical Aptitude
Know the best FCI Manager books for Numerical Aptitude below:
Name of Books
Author/ Publisher
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination
R.S Aggarwal/ S.Chand Publisher
Quicker Mathematics
Elementary and Advanced Mathematics
Kiran Publication
Fast Track Objective Arithmetic
Rajesh Varma/ Arihant Publication
Practice Book on Quicker Maths
M.Tyra, K.Kundan/ Magical Publication
FCI Manager English Language Books
Find FCI Manager Phase 1 books for the English Language section below:
Name of Books
Author/ Publisher
Objective General English
S.P. Bakshi
Quick learning Objective General English
R.S. Aggarwal & Vikas Aggarwal
Perfect Competitive English
V.K. Sinha
Competitive General English
Kiran Prakashan
Word Power Made Easy
Norman Lewis
High School English Grammar and Composition
Wren and Martin
FCI Manager General Studies Books
Check the list of the best books for FCI Manager Phase 1 General Studies below:
Check the frequently asked questions related to FCI Manager books below:
Q: What are the subjects in FCI Manager Phase I?
Ans: The FCI Manager Phase 1 question paper conatins questions from Numerical Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English Language, and General Studies.
Q: What are the best books for FCI Manager Phase 1 Reasoning Ability?
Ans: The best books for Reasoning Ability are A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S Aggarwal, A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal & Non-Verbal by B.S Sijwali and Indu Sijwali, and Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning (English/Hindi) by Kiran Publication.
Q: What are the best FCI Manager books for the English Language section?
Ans: Some of the best books for the English Language are Objective General English by S.P. Bakshi, Quick learning Objective General English by R.S. Aggarwal & Vikas Aggarwal, Competitive General English by Kiran Prakashan, and High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin.
Q: Which book should I refer to for FCI Manager Phase I Numerical Aptitude?
Ans: You can refer to Numerical Aptitude books, such as Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by R.S Aggarwal, Quicker Mathematics by M.Tyra, Elementary and Advanced Mathematics by Kiran Publication, and Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Arihant Publication.
Q: Which FCI Manager books are the best for General Studies?
Ans: You can study General Studies from books like General Knowledge by Lucent, General Knowledge by Arihant Publications, Rapid General Knowledge for Competitive Exams by Disha Experts, and Manorama’s Yearbook.
We hope this detailed article on FCI Manager Phase I Books 2023 helps you. If you have any queries regarding the exam, feel to check our app. We will be happy to help you out.
Stay tuned to Embibe for the latest news and updates on FCI Manager 2023.