• Written By Saif_Ansari
  • Last Modified 14-02-2024

Getting Started With LMS: A Step-by-Step Guide


No wonder a Learning Management System (LMS) can do wonders for your school, but should building it be rocket science? Is there any step-by-step and quick guide to building an LMS or will it make you scratch your head? Well, let’s find out.

In our previous series of articles, we’ve already seen the importance of LMS and why schools and other educational institutions should build one — and wait… the education market also plays a vital role in this.

According to a report from 2022, the global digital education market reached beyond $300 billion, and in 2019, rapid growth was noticed in users moving to online learning platforms.

Unsurprisingly, almost 98%  of universities have fully transitioned to e-learning, where LMS plays an important role.

Okay, these stats depict that an LMS is something every e-learning institution, especially schools, should take advantage of, but how do we build one?

Well, no more surprise; it’s time to jump right into the first step.

Step 1: Craft Your Learning and Ideas

Ever heard the saying, ‘Failing to plan is planning to fail?’ Well, don’t worry; we’re here to ensure you don’t miss the mark. In this step, you have to begin by defining the purpose of your LMS — is it for customer training, employee onboarding, or maybe creating the next-generation sales force? 

Articulate the problems your LMS will solve, set a budget, identify your target audience, and ponder the age-old question:mium or paid? Dive into a discovery phase to lay the groundwork, gather insights, and shape your LMS vision.

Step 2: Architect the Future

What’s the secret sauce behind a stellar LMS? 

It’s all about the features, right? Think user permissions for security, user management for group assignments, data reports for progress tracking, and a dash of knowledge assessment. 

Sprinkle in notifications, centralised learning materials, and course management for good measure. Like building blocks, these features lay the foundation for an LMS masterpiece.

Step 3: Stack It Right

Choosing the right tech stack is like picking the coolest tools for a superhero — crucial! 

Backend, frontend, databases, hosting — each piece plays a pivotal role. 

Picture Ruby on Rails as your LMS backbone, Vue.js or React.js for the user interface, and databases like PostgreSQL keeping everything secure and lightning-fast. It’s like assembling the Avengers but for tech!

Step 4: Dream, Design, Deliver

Now that you’ve got the blueprint, it’s time to bring it to life. Create a detailed specification and let your imagination run wild with UI/UX design. 

This is where the magic happens — turning ideas into wireframes, and schematics into visuals. Collaborate with your team, visualize the endgame, and watch your LMS take shape.

Step 5: Team Up or Go Solo

Assembling a superhero team for LMS development? You’ve got options. 

In-house teams offer control, but outsourcing is the sidekick that swoops in for one-time projects. 

If you outsource your LMS development, you will have some benefits, such as you can scale up easily, it will save you cost and time, you will have an established development process, and chances of risks being reduced. 

So, choose wisely — your LMS destiny depends on it.

Step 6: Build, Iterate, Conquer

Once teaming up is taken care of, it’s time to build that first version. Adopt an iterative approach — prioritise essential features, add functionality in waves, and watch your LMS evolve.

It’s like crafting a masterpiece, one stroke at a time. Need a litmus test? Consider a minimum viable product (MVP) — a sneak peek to test the waters, just in case the client wants to test the response to the newly built LMS.

Step 7: Rollout the Red Carpet

Lights, camera, action!

Deploy your LMS after rigorous testing, ensuring it shines bright. Follow the project timeline, break tasks into sprints, and celebrate every milestone. The client joins the squad for demo sessions, ensuring the LMS aligns with the grand vision.

Step 8: LMS Rollout and Maintenance

Your LMS is live, but the journey doesn’t end. Welcome to the maintenance phase — corrective tweaks, perfective adjustments, and ongoing support. Monitor performance, gather user feedback, and keep refining your LMS masterpiece.

Wrapping up

And there you have it — your quick and concise guide to getting started with an LMS adventure. Ready to reshape education? The LMS galaxy awaits, and your journey begins now.

Understanding all steps involved is crucial because missing out on even a single step could cost you dearly. So, chase all the steps to make the most out of your LMS creation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: Is building an LMS as complicated as rocket science?

Answer: Not at all! Follow our step-by-step guide, and you’ll be crafting your LMS masterpiece without a single scratch on your head.

Q.2: Why is planning crucial in LMS creation?

Answer: Planning sets the stage! Define your LMS purpose, solve problems, set a budget, and ponder overmium or paid. It’s like having a treasure map for your educational gold mine.

Q.3: What’s the secret sauce behind a stellar LMS?

Answer: It’s all about the features! Think user permissions, data reports, and knowledge assessment — the building blocks that turn your LMS into a superhero.

Q.4: How crucial is choosing the right tech stack in LMS?

Answer: It’s like assembling the Avengers, but for tech! Backend, frontend, databases, hosting — each piece plays a pivotal role. Choose wisely, and your LMS will be unstoppable.

Q.5: Team up or go solo for LMS development?

Answer: You’ve got options! In-house teams offer control, while outsourcing is the sidekick that swoops in for one-time projects. Choose wisely — your LMS destiny depends on it.

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