• Written By Pavithra VG
  • Last Modified 25-01-2023

Groundwater- Important Source of Water: Surface Water and Groundwater


Groundwater: One of the main reasons for the presence of life on the earth is water. Water is one of the essential constituents of life. About \(70\% \) of the human body consists of water. Many biological processes in our body are carried out in the presence of water, as water is a universal solvent. In this article, Groundwater- Important Source of Water, you will know about water, its distribution on the earth, sources of water, i.e., surface water and groundwater in detail.

How is Water Distributed on the Earth?

Water is a wonder liquid and known to be the lifeblood of our planet, earth. About \(71\% \) of our earth is covered with water. Oceans hold around \(97\% \) of the earth’s water.

This water is saline, meaning it is extremely salty and thus unsafe to drink. Freshwater accounts for only \(3\% \) of the earth’s water, with \(68.7\% \) in glaciers and icecaps, \(30.1\% \) in groundwater, and less than \(1\% \) in lakes, swamps, and living things, i.e., less than \(1\% \) of the earth’s water is fresh surface water accessible by people. Oceans, rivers, tube wells, seas, springs, and other water sources are the most common.

What are the Sources of Water?

The various sources of water on our planet earth are divided into the following two main categories, i.e., surface water and groundwater.

When rain falls, some of it evaporates back to the atmosphere. Some run off the surface, forming streams and rivers called surface water, and some pass through the soil into the non-porous rocks beneath called groundwater.

Surface Water

The water that is present at the surface of the earth is called surface water. Surface water can further be classified as:

  1. Rainwater: If water droplets fall in the form of liquid on the surface of the earth, it is called rain. It is the purest form of water as it is formed naturally.
  2. River, lake, and stream water: Water in these water bodies constitutes about \(0.3\% \) of all the water available on the earth and comes either from rainfall or melting of snow (glaciers) on the mountains.
  3. Sea and ocean water: They are the largest sources of water on the earth. However, the water is saline, i.e., it is highly salty. Thus, its consumption is harmful.

After rainfall, water gets collected in the low-lying areas to form ponds and lakes. In hilly regions, the runoff waterfalls from higher areas form rivers that flow into valleys. These rivers are diverted to distribute water for agricultural purposes by building long water canals. These canals form a network of water supply and are very helpful for agricultural activities. These rivers further flow into seas or oceans.


Groundwater is an important source of water that is found under the ground. Rainwater gets collected in the soil by seeping (leaking) into the gravel and rocks at the bottom. The water that seeps into the ground accumulates under the ground is known as groundwater.

The seepage of rainwater from the surface of the soil is called infiltration.

The underground level where all the space between the soil particles and rocks is filled with water is called the water table. An aquifer is groundwater stored between the hard rock layers below the water table. Groundwater is the source of wells and lakes. When this water comes out forcefully under pressure, it forms a spring.


The Importance of Groundwater as a Source of Freshwater

Groundwater, i.e., water present below the surface of the earth, is one of the important natural resources and a source of fresh water.  About three-fourths of our earth is covered with water. In this, oceans hold around \(97\% \) of all the earth’s water, which is unfit to use due to salty nature, and only around \(3\% \) is freshwater. Out of that, \(30.1\% \) is groundwater. Groundwater is used for different purposes like commercial use, domestic use, industrial use, etc.

Freshwater is Crucial for Human Activities

Water is essential for the existence of not only human beings but also plant and animal life. Even though around \(97\% \) of water is present in the ocean, it cannot be used due to its salty nature. Hence freshwater is used for different purposes. The uses of freshwater are as follows:

  1. Body functions: Plants, animals, and human beings need water for their survival. Plants need water to prepare their own food and for the germination of seeds. They absorb water from the soil through their roots. Animals and human beings need water for digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  2. Domestic use: Water required for household activities is called domestic water. It includes various purposes such as drinking, food preparation, bathing, washing clothes and dishes, flushing toilets, and watering gardens and lawns.
  3. Commercial use: This includes the use of freshwater for hotels, restaurants, offices, other commercial facilities, and civilian and military institutions.
  4. Industrial use: Water is a valuable resource for industries and is used at all levels of production. It is used for purposes such as processing, cleaning, transportation, dilution, cooling, and electricity generation.
  5. Agricultural use: In India, a major portion of water is used for agriculture purposes. Agriculture accounts for \(70\% \) of all water withdrawals globally. Of all agricultural water, \(90\% \) is used for irrigation. Water is also needed for livestock.
  6. As a habitat: Different freshwater bodies are the habitats for different kinds of plants, animals, fish, and microorganisms.
  7. For recreational purposes: Water is used for swimming, fishing, sailing, and other water sports.

Why is Groundwater an Important Source of Water?

During the summer season or in case of failure of rainfall, people depend on the water from ground sources for domestic and agricultural purposes. Borewells are constructed by boring or drilling a hole in the earth until the aquifer is reached. Groundwater is withdrawn through hand pumps and tubewells. Groundwater can also be obtained by digging wells.


Water is the most common and important substance for the survival of life after the air. In the article, groundwater- Important source of water, you have explored the distribution of water on the earth, two main sources of water, i.e., surface water and groundwater, its meaning and nature. With this article, you are able to explain how groundwater is an important source of freshwater and crucial for human activities.

FAQs on Groundwater- Important Source of Water

Q.1. What is the source of water for underground water recharge?
Rain is the source of water for underground water. Some amount of rainwater passes through the soil into the non-porous rocks beneath to form groundwater.

Q.2. Why is groundwater an important source of water?
On the earth, only around \(70\% \) is freshwater. Out of that, \(30.1\% \) is groundwater. During the summer season or in case of failure of rainfall, people depend on the water from ground sources for domestic and agricultural purposes. Hence groundwater is an important source of water.

Q.3. What are the sources of groundwater?
The hand pumps and tubewells are the sources of groundwater. Groundwater can also be obtained by digging wells.

Q.4. What are the two main sources of groundwater?
The sources of groundwater are hand pumps and tubewells.

Q.5. What are the four types of water?
The four types of water are groundwater, surface water, rainwater, and stormwater.

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