• Written By dhiyana
  • Last Modified 17-10-2024

Haryana Board Class 11 Topics: Subject-wise Important Topics


Why is Class 11 important? From Class 11 onward, you begin preparing for various entrance exams like Medicine, Engineering, Law or Management. The curriculum for most entrance exams is vast and the syllabus is a combination of basics learnt in Class 11 and Class 12. Thus, Class 11 is equally important as others. Proper planning and effective preparation strategy are essential to get a good score in your class 11.

The first step is to be aware of the Haryana Board Class 11 chapters and topics. Embibe Big Book for Haryana Board Class 11 covers 65+ chapters and all the important topics under each chapter. Additionally, you can also access interactive 3D learning books for. Check out the article to know more about the Haryana Board Class 11 Subject-wise Important Topics.

HBSE Topics for Class 11th

You need not turn over a hundred pages to find the topics in each chapter. This article puts all the important topics in one place. At Embibe, you have thedom to select which chapters and topics you want to learn. Additionally, you can also take subject-wise mock tests.

You can access the Class 11 Topics for Haryana Board unlimited times for. Additionally, you can also save your favourite videos and rewatch them anytime. It’s time to end the process of learning from the boring textual content to understand the topics and finish the syllabus. Switch to Embibe’s 3D videos to ensure you don’t have any learning gaps.

Haryana Board Class 11 Physics Topics

Class 11 Physics is considered to be the toughest of all the subjects by various students. However, you need not worry. Embibe’s videos help you go beyond your syllabus, get an in-depth understanding of the topics and enhance your knowledge. Check out the 11th Haryana Board Topics for Physics from the table below:

Chapter NumberChapter NameTopics
1Physical WorldUnderstanding Physics
Scope of Physics
Relation between Physics, Technology and Society
Fundamental Forces of Nature
Nature of Physical Laws
2Units and MeasurementsPhysical Quantities
The International System of Units
Measurement of Length
Measurement of Mass
Measurement of Time
3Motion in a Straight LinePosition, Path Length and Displacement
Speed and Velocity
Kinematic Equations for Uniformly Accelerated Motion
Relative Velocity
4Motion in a PlaneScalars and Vectors
Position Vector, Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
Motion in a Plane with Constant Acceleration
Relative Velocity in Two Dimensions
Projectile Motion
5Laws of MotionForce
Law of Inertia
Newton’s First Law of Motion
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Impulse and Change in 
6Work, Energy and PowerThe Scalar Product of Vectors
Work Energy Theorem
Kinetic Energy
Work Done by a Variable Force
7Systems of Particles and Rotational MotionRigid Body
Center of Mass
Motion of Center of Mass
Linear Momentum of a System of Particles
The Vector Product of Vectors
8GravitationKepler’s Laws
Inertial and Gravitational Mass
Universal Law of Gravitation
The Gravitational Constant
Acceleration Due to Gravity of the Earth
9Mechanical Properties of SolidsElastic Behaviour of Solids
Stress and Strain
Hooke’s Law and Modulus of Elasticity
Stress and Strain Curve
Elastic Moduli
10Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Pressure Inside a Fluid
Pascal’s Law
Atmospheric Pressure and Gauge Pressure
Hydraulic Machines
11Thermal Properties of MatterTemperature and Measurement of Temperature
Ideal Gas Equation and Absolute Temperature
Thermal Expansion
Specific Heat Capacity and Molar Heat Capacity
Principle of Calorimetry
12ThermodynamicsGeneral Terms in Thermodynamics
Thermal Equilibrium
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
Heat, Internal Energy and Work
First Law of Thermodynamics
13Kinetic TheoryMolecular Nature of Matter
Kinetic Theory of an Ideal Gas
Law of Equipartition of Energy
Specific Heat Capacity of Gases
Mean Path and RMS Speed
14OscillationsPeriodic and Oscillatory Motions
Simple Harmonic Motion
Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion
Velocity and Acceleration in Simple Harmonic Motion
Force Law for Simple Harmonic Motion
Classification of Waves
Transverse and Longitudinal waves
Equation of a Progressive Wave
Speed of a Travelling Wave

Haryana Board Class 11 Mathematics Topics

Math becomes easier when you start understanding the concepts rather than memorizing them. With Embibe’s 3D visualisation you will be able to understand topics faster and retain them for a longer period. Learning becomes more fun and interesting with these 3D visualisations. Check out the Class 11 Mathematics Topics for Haryana Board from the table below:

Chapter NumberChapter NameTopics
1SetsSets and Their Representations
Types of Sets
Operations on Sets
Difference of Sets
2Relations and FunctionsSets and Their Representations
Types of Sets
Operations on Sets
Difference of Sets
3Trigonometric FunctionsAngles
Introduction to Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric Functions of Sum and Difference of Two Angles
Trigonometric Equations
4Mathematical InductionThe Principle of Mathematical Induction
5Complex Numbers and Quadratic EquationsComplex Numbers
Algebra of Complex Numbers
The Modulus and the Conjugate of a Complex Number
Argand Plane and Polar Representation
Quadratic Equations
6Linear InequalitiesTypes of Inequalities
Solutions of Linear Inequalities in One Variable
Solutions of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
7Permutation and CombinationFundamental Principle of Counting
Factorial Notation
Permutations when All the Objects are Distinct
Permutations when All the Objects are Not Distinct Objects
8Binomial TheoremBinomial Theorem for Positive Integral Indices
General and Middle Terms
Multinomial Theorem
9Sequences and SeriesIntroduction to Sequences and Series
Arithmetic Progression
Arithmetic Mean
Geometric Progression
Geometric Mean
10Straight LinesBasics of 2D Coordinate Geometry
Slope of a Line
Various Forms of the Equation of a Line
General Equation of a Line
Distance of a Point From a Line
11Conic SectionsSections of a Cone
12Introduction to Three Dimensional GeometryCoordinate Axes and Coordinate Planes in 3D
Distance Formula in 3D
Section Formula in 3D
13Limits and Derivatives
Introduction to Limits
Limits of Polynomials and Rational Functions
Limits of Trigonometric Functions
First Principle of Differentiation
Algebra of Derivative of Functions
14Mathematical ReasoningStatements
New Statements from Old
Logical Connectives and Quantifiers
Validating Statements
15StatisticsMeasures of Dispersion
Mean Deviation
Variance and Standard Deviation
Analysis of Frequency Distributions
16ProbabilityRandon Experiments
Axiomatic Approach to Probability
17Properties of TriangleRelations among Sides and Angles of a Triangle

Haryana Board Class 11 Chemistry Topics

You need not refer to multiple platforms to watch videos for a topic for your Chemistry preparation. Embibe’s 3D videos make it easy to finish a chapter or topic without having to go through chunks of textual content. Click on the link given below to access Haryana Board Class 11 Chemistry Topics:

Chapter NumberChapter NameTopics
1Some Basic Concepts of ChemistryNature of Matter
Properties of Matter and Their Measurement
The International System of Units (SI)
Uncertainty in Measurement
Laws of Chemical Combination
2Structure of AtomDalton’s Idea of Atom
Discovery of Sub-Atomic Particles
Atomic Models
Dual Behaviour of Electromagnetic Radiation
Particle Nature of Electromagnetic Radiations
3Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesNeed for Classifying Elements
Genesis of Periodic Classification
Modern Periodic Law and the Present Form of the Periodic Table
Electronic Configurations and Types of Elements
Periodic Trends in the Properties of Elements
4Chemical Bonding and Molecular StructureKossel-Lewis Approach to Chemical Bonding
Ionic or Electrovalent Bond
Bond Parameters
The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory
Valence Bond Theory
5States of MatterIntermolecular Forces and Thermal Energy
The Gaseous State
The Gas Laws
Ideal Gas Equation
Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
6ThermodynamicsTerminology in Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics
Applications of Thermodynamics: Work
Applications of Thermodynamics: Enthalpy
Measurement of Energy Changes: Calorimetry
7EquilibriumTypes of Equilibrium
Equilibrium in Physical Processes
Equilibrium in Chemical Processes
Law of Chemical Equilibrium and Equilibrium Constants
Homogeneous Equilibria
8Redox ReactionsClassical Idea of Redox Reactions
Redox Reactions in Terms of Electron Transfer
Oxidation Number
Types of Redox Reactions
Balancing of Redox Reactions
Preparation of Dihydrogen
Properties of Dihydrogen
Water- Structure and Properties
10The s-Block Elementss-Block Elements
Group 1 Elements: Alkali Metals
General Characteristics of the Compounds of the Alkali Metals
Anomalous Properties of Lithium
Some Important Compounds of Sodium
11The p-Block Elementsp-Block Elements
Group 13 Elements: The Boron Family
Important Trends and Anomalous Properties of Boron
Some Important Compounds of Boron
Uses of Boron and Aluminium and Their Compounds
12Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and TechniquesIntroduction to Organic Compounds
Tetravalency of Carbon
Structural Representation of Organic Compounds
Classification of Organic Compounds
Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
13HydrocarbonsClassification of Hydrocarbons
Arenes or Aromatic Hydrocarbons
14Environmental ChemistryEnvironmental Pollution
Atmospheric Pollution
Water Pollution
Soil Pollution
Industrial Waste

Haryana Board Class 11 Biology Topics

As a field of science, Class 11 Biology helps you understand the living world and the ways its many species function and evolve. Studying via interactive videos would be more interesting rather than going through book tests. Click on the link below to access the Haryana Board Class 11 Biology Topics.

Chapter NumberChapter NameTopics
1The Living WorldCharacteristics of Living Organisms
Diversity in the Living World
Taxonomic Categories of Organisms
Taxonomic Aids
2Biological ClassificationIntroduction to Biological Classification
Kingdom Monera
Kingdom Protista
Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom Plantae
3Plant KingdomIntroduction to Plant Kingdom
Division Bryophyta
Division Pteridophyta
4Animal KingdomBasis of Classification of Animals
Classification of Animals
5Morphology of Flowering PlantsAn Introduction to Morphology of Flowering Plants
6Anatomy of Flowering PlantsPlant Tissues
Plant Tissue System
Anatomy of Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous Plants
Secondary Growth in Plants
7Structural Organisation in AnimalsAnimal Tissues
Cockroach- Morphology and Anatomy
8Cell: The Unit of Life
Cell – The Unit of Life
Cell Theory
The Cell- An Overview
Prokaryotic Cell
Eukaryotic Cell
9BiomoleculesAnalysing Chemical Composition
Primary and Secondary Metabolites
10Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionCell Cycle
11Transport in PlantsMeans of Transport in Plants
Plant Water Relations
Long Distance Transport of Water
Uptake and Translocation of Mineral Nutrients
12Mineral NutritionStudy of Mineral Requirements on Plants
Essential Mineral Nutrients
Translocation of Solutes
Mechanism of Absorption of Elements
Soil as Reservoir of Essential Elements
13Photosynthesis in Higher PlantsPhotosynthesis as Means of Autotrophic Nutrition
Early Experiments to Understand Photosynthesis
Sites of Photosynthesis
Pigments Involved in Photosynthesis
Light reaction of Photosynthesis
14Respiration in PlantsIntroduction to Respiration in Plants
Aerobic Respiration
Respiratory Balance Sheet
15Plant Growth and DevelopmentPlant Growth
Development in Plants
Plant Growth Regulators
16Digestion and AbsorptionHuman Digestive System
Digestion of Food in Humans
Absorption of Digested Food products
Disorders of Human Digestive System
17Breathing and Exchange of GasesRespiratory Organs in Animals
Mechanism of Breathing
Exchange of Gases
Transport of Gases
Regulation of Respiration
18Body Fluids and CirculationBlood
Lymph- The Tissue Fluid
Circulatory Pathways
Double Circulation
Regulation of Cardiac Activity
19Excretory Products and their EliminationExcretion in Animals
Human Excretory System
Urine Formation
Mechanism of Concentration of the Filtrate
Regulation of Kidney Functions
20Locomotion and MovementTypes of Movement in Humans
Muscular System of Humans
Skeletal System of Humans
Disorders of Human Skeletal and Muscular Systems
21Neural Control and CoordinationNeural System
Human Neural System
Neuron-The Structural and Functional Unit of Neural System
Physiology of Nerve Conduction
Central Neural System
22Chemical Coordination and IntegrationEndocrine Glands and Hormones
Hormones of Heart, Kidney and GI Tract
Mechanism of Hormone Action

Haryana Board Class 11 Best Books

Here are some expert-suggested books to ace Haryana Board Class 11 exam on first attempt:

The Living WorldBiological Classification
Plant KingdomAnimal Kingdom
Morphology Of Flowering PlantsAnatomy Of Flowering Plants
Structural Organisation In AnimalsCell: The Unit Of Life
BiomoleculesCell Cycle And Cell Division
Transport In PlantsMineral Nutrition
Photosynthesis In Higher PlantsRespiration In Plants
Plant Growth And DevelopmentDigestion And Absorption
Breathing And Exchange Of GasesBody Fluids And Circulation
Excretory Products And Their EliminationLocomotion And Movement
Neural Control And CoordinationChemical Coordination And Integration
SetsRelations And Functions
Trigonometric FunctionsPrinciple Of Mathematical Induction
Complex Numbers And Quadratic EquationsLinear Inequalities
Permutations And CombinationsBinomial Theorem
Sequences And SeriesStraight Lines
Conic SectionsIntroduction To Three Dimensional Geometry
Limits And DerivativesMathematical Reasoning
Some Basic Concepts Of ChemistryStructure Of Atom
Classification Of Elements And Periodicity In PropertiesChemical Bonding And Molecular Structure
States Of MatterThermodynamics
EquilibriumRedox Reactions
HydrogenThe S-block Elements
The P-block ElementsOrganic Chemistry Some Basic Principles And Techniques
HydrocarbonsEnvironmental Chemistry
Physical WorldUnits And Measurement
Motion In A Straight LineMotion In A Plane
Laws Of MotionWork, Energy And Power
Systems Of Particles And Rotational MotionGravitation
Mechanical Properties Of SolidsMechanical Properties Of Fluids
Thermal Properties Of MatterThermodynamics
Kinetic TheoryOscillations

Following are the frequently asked questions and their answers related to Haryana Board Class 11 Topics:

Q: Where can I find the topic-wise list for Haryana Board Class 11?

A: Students can check out the topic-wise list for Haryana Board Class 1 from this article.

Q: How many chapters are there in Haryana Board Class 11 Mathematics?

A: There are 17 chapters in Haryana Board Class 11 Mathematics.

Q: Where can I get books for Haryana Board Class 11?

A: Students can get books for Haryana Board Class 11 on the Embibe platform.

Q: Where can I take mock tests for Haryana Board Class 11?

A: Embibe provides mock tests for Haryana Board Class 11. Check out the app or website to take the mock test.

Q. Where can I practice questions for Haryana Board Class 11?

A: You can practice unlimited Haryana Board Class 11 questions for at Embibe.

We hope this article on the Haryana Board Class 11 Topics 2025 is helpful. In case of any queries, check our website or download our app. Stay tuned to embibe.com for the latest news and updates on Haryana Board 2025.

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