• Written By Saif_Ansari
  • Last Modified 08-02-2025

How To Crack JEE Main 2025? Ace JEE Main at First Attempt


How To Crack JEE Main 2025? When the question of how to crack JEE Main arises, the answer lies in a few words—hard work, dedication to study and attempting as many mock tests as possible. Since JEE Main 2025 session 2 will likely be scheduled from April 01 to 08, 2025, it is high time that you gear up the JEE Main 2025 April session preparation. Thus, if you are looking for the JEE Main last-minute preparation tips, you are at the right spot.

As you prepare for the board exam and JEE Main exam, you must get acquainted with the most recommended preparation tips suggested by toppers and subject matter specialists at Embibe. Furthermore, the experts have also curated the mock test series for JEE Main 2025 that can assist you in securing your desired scores. Read on to find the answer on how to crack JEE Main 2025.

JEE Mains Latest Updates:
— JEE Main 2025 Session 2 application form is available now.
— JEE Main application form Session 2 has been released.
— Solve JEE Main Mock Tests to achieve 250+ marks in the JEE Mains exam.

How To Crack JEE Main 2025?

While cracking a competitive exam like JEE Main may sound impossible, it is untrue. Of course, it is daunting because you must be very strategic while preparing and appearing for JEE Main. It all boils down to putting preparation tips into action, experts’ suggestions, and utilising the best study material for the exam. There are other aspects we will talk about in this article.

JEE Main 2025: Attempt All India JEE Mock Test Series

Check the steps given below to practice the JEE Main mock tests for:

  • 1st Step: Visit Embibe’s official website, i.e., embibe.com.
  • 2nd Step: Login through your mobile number/email.
  • 3rd Step: Select your Goal as ‘JEE Main’ under Engineering.
  • 4th Step: Click Next and select your preferred language.
  • 5th Step: Once done, click the links below to take the TEST.
JEE Main Mock TestJEE Main Mock Test
JEE Main Physics Mock TestJEE Main Mathematics Mock Test
JEE Main Chemistry Mock Test

How To Prepare for JEE Main 2025?

It would be best to have a smart preparation plan to crack NTA JEE Main 2025 with a high score. Notably, the syllabus of JEE Main and the board exams are more or less the same, so you do not have to worry much. Studying, practising, and revising will help aspirants in scoring good marks. All you have to do is keep in mind the exam pattern of the respective exams.

JEE Main 2025: Check Revision Strategy

The revision strategy of the aspirants for JEE Main must be such that almost the entire syllabus is covered, keeping in mind the weightage of the respective chapters. In fact, the candidates can do this by smartly creating their revision strategy. However, creating a plan is not enough; candidates should take tips from this article and try to apply them.

Here are a few crucial points that the candidates should include in their JEE Main revision plan:

  • Prepare a JEE Mains timetable
  • Revision of the least studied topics before beginning new ones.
  • Revision of important chapters for JEE Main
  • Revision of your weak chapters
  • Revision of the whole syllabus
  • Take JEE Main Test online after completing each chapter

How to Crack JEE Main on the First Attempt?

Candidates should master the chapters important from the exam point of view. In fact, this will ensure that they do not lose out on marks from chapters that are likely to be asked in JEE Main 2025. If you are in a position to answer questions of any type and difficulty level from these chapters, you will secure good marks in the JEE Main exam.

However, candidates must have detailed knowledge of every important concept and topic from the JEE Main important chapters. Above all, to score a good rank, aspirants must also learn all the formulae, reactions, equations, and other important points by heart, coupled with solving JEE Main practice questions so that aspirants know the application of their knowledge profoundly. Candidates can also take the JEE Main mock test at Embibe.

We suggest that as the candidates prepare for the JEE Main exam, they must focus more on important chapters. Candidates can check the subject-wise important chapters for JEE Mains 2025 from the section below.

JEE Main Important Chapters for Physics

Below is the list of the most important chapters in JEE Main 2025 Physics, which will help the aspirants to prepare for JEE Main 2025:

Physics Easy ChaptersPhysics Difficult Chapters
Wave OpticsMagnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Photoelectric Effect and Electromagnetic WavesCurrent Electricity
ElectrodynamicsElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
Heat TransferProperties of Matter and Fluid Mechanics
Heat and ThermodynamicsAtomic Structure in Modern Physics
Ray OpticsWaves and Sound
Units and Measurements
Semiconductors and Communication Systems

JEE Mains Important Chapters for Chemistry

In the table below, we have listed down the most important chapters in JEE Main 2025 Chemistry, which will assist the candidates in their preparation for JEE Main 2025:

Chemistry Easy ChaptersChemistry Difficult Chapters
Solid StateElectrochemistry
Characteristics of Periodic TableChemical Thermodynamics
Chemical KineticsThermochemistry
Atomic StructureGeneral Organic Chemistry
Chemical Bonding and Molecular StructureAldehydes and Ketones
Electrochemistryp Block Elements
Concept of MoleCarboxylic Acids and Its Derivatives
Nuclear and Surface Chemistry
Coordination Compound
d-block Elements
s-block elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth Metals) and Hydrogen
Gaseous and Liquid State

JEE Main Important Chapters for Mathematics

Below is the list of the most important chapters in JEE Main 2025 Mathematics, which will help all aspirants to prepare for JEE Main:

Mathematics Easy ChaptersMathematics Difficult Chapters
VectorsLimits, Continuity and Differentiability
Determinant and MatricesQuadratic Equation
Straight LineFunctions
3 Dimensional GeometryBinomial Theorem
Sequence & SeriesComplex Number
ProbabilityDefinite Integral and Area Under the Curve
TrigonometryApplications of Derivatives

NOTE: Selecting the exam goal “JEE Main” will give access to the subject-wise learning module by which candidates can get the 3D available study resources for.

By all means, candidates must ensure they understand all the concepts and topics in all these important chapters in detail. Practice and remember all the formulae, reactions, and equations, as well as the steps to solve various problems. Now, refer to some of the best books for JEE Main for this purpose.

Revision of Weak Chapters for JEE Main

JEE Main aspirants must always remember to identify and work on their weak areas or concepts to improve their chances of securing a good rank. By now, you must be aware of the chapters you have less confidence.

So, try to learn and revise them. Also, solve practice questions as you study for the boards. As the board exams are over now, start taking the JEE Main mock test series and self-evaluate to find out:

  • Chapters and concepts that got you the most incorrect answers
  • Chapters and concepts that you could not attempt or answer
  • Chapters and concepts you took more time to answer

Once the aspirants have identified such chapters, the next step is learning and revising the related concepts and solving practice questions. The JEE Main mock test will help you identify your preparation level and improvement areas.

Useful Tips to Crack JEE Main 2025

We have provided a few useful tips to keep in mind while preparing for JEE Mains:

  • Some topics asked in the previous years’ exams of JEE Main were simple. Even if aspirants feel that a few topics are complex, we suggest they should solve them on a basic level. 
  • Remember, you should practice only questions already solved or for which solution is available. Hence, try to avoid practising unsolved questions. 
  • Use the books and notes from your last two syllabi to practice for the exam. It will be easier for you to memorise the concepts you have already studied.

How To Study for JEE Main 2025? Last-minute Exam Preparation Tips

Go through the points provided below regarding how to prepare for JEE Mains:

  • If your basics are unclear, refer to the NCERT textbooks or the video tutorials of JEE Main study material to clear your doubts, especially for the important chapters of the JEE Main. 
  • If there is any chapter you have not touched, leave them unless they are in the list of important chapters.
  • Solve as many JEE Main practice questions as possible. Remember, at the end of the day, you have to convert your knowledge to marks, which is possible only if you master the syllabus topics and learn to apply your knowledge during exams.
  • Create a realistic timetable and allocate separate time for every subject based on your strengths and weaknesses. Spend more time on Maths if this is your weak subject. Remember, one month is a crucial time for preparation. So, study smartly and rigorously. At the same time, do not burn yourself out.
  • Allocate separate times for revision, practice, and taking mock tests.
  • Even if you cannot go through all the chapters, know the important topics from each chapter from which questions are asked. Go through those topics.
  • NCERT books are a great source of information but not enough to prepare JEE Main. Refer to additional reference books for important topics. Choose one or two reference books you find simple to understand for clearing your concepts and stick to those to study.

How Does Embibe Help Candidates in Cracking JEE Main 2025?

Embibe’s JEE Main mock test series is designed to match the same level of difficulty, chapter-wise/concept-wise distributions, exam pattern, and marking scheme as the actual JEE Main exam. Also, Embibe provides unlimited JEE Main practice questions for each subject along with detailed solutions. Aspirants can also understand the various concepts by utilising Embibe’s JEE study materials.

Find the links for JEE Main Crash Course and Akash Tyagi’s Book below:

Crash Course Books
Practice Physics Crash Course
Practice Chemistry Crash Course
Practice Mathematics Crash Course  
Practice Physics Express

FAQs on How to Crack JEE Main 2025

Candidates can check some of the most commonly asked questions on preparing for JEE Main 2025 and get answers to their doubts.

Q: Is it possible to score a good rank in JEE Main 2025?

Ans: Nothing is impossible with the right attitude and a sound preparation strategy. Candidates who desire a good rank in JEE Main 2025 must be dedicated and work hard to achieve their goals.

Q: How can I crack JEE Main in 1 month?

Ans: To prepare for JEE Main in 1 month, candidates must start with their weak topics/ concepts. Aspirants can go through this detailed article to learn how to crack JEE Main in 1 month.

Q. How to prepare for JEE Mains in 10 days?

Ans: If the candidates revise the entire syllabus, practice mock tests, and implement their learning goals, they can definitely prepare for JEE Main in 10 days and even excel in the exam with a remarkable score.

Q: Is studying from NCERT books enough for JEE Main?

Ans: No. While you should be thorough with the NCERT syllabus from Classes 11 and 12, you must refer to other standard books for the perfect JEE Main preparation.

Q: What is a good score in JEE Mains?

Ans: A score around 70–80 percentile is considered a good score in JEE Main. At the same time, the candidates must be among the top 25,000 ranks to get admission to top engineering colleges in the country.

You can also check:

JEE Main Exam Pattern JEE Main Syllabus
JEE Main Important ChaptersJEE Main Hall Ticket

We hope this detailed article on how to crack JEE Main 2025 helps you. Stay tuned to Embibe for the latest news and updates on JEE Main 2025.

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