• Written By Aditi Jain
  • Last Modified 08-01-2025

HSSC Admit Card 2025: Download Hall Ticket


HSSC Admit Card 2025: Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) will release the HSSC Admit Card 2025 soon on its official website. Candidates have to use their HSSC login credentials, such as User ID and Password, to get the hall tickets. Once the HSSC call letter is available on the website, we shall provide you with the latest links for the same to get hold of it.

Candidates appearing for the HSSC exam must carry their admit cards to the exam centre with them. Failure to do so can lead to their application being rejected. Candidates must download their respective HSSC Gram Sachiv admit card and admit card for the other related exams. As the HSSC exam dates come closer, the respective authority will release the admit card for the exam.

HSSC Admit Card 2025: Important Dates

Candidates can get all information regarding the Haryana Police exam date and admit card release date from the official website. As of now, no official information regarding the release date of the Haryana Police exam is given. Nonetheless, as per the previous years, the admit card for all the examinations should be tentatively released by the month of May.

In the section below, we are providing tentative information. In case of any latest information, we will update you about the same.

Name of PostsAdvertisement Number Admit Card Date
HSSC ConstableTo Be Announced
HSSC Sub Inspector (Male)To Be Announced
HSSC Sub Inspector (Female)To Be Announced
HSSC Police Constable In Commando WingTo Be Announced
HSSC Staff NurseTo Be Announced
Group C Police Constable To Be Announced
T.G.T., Clerk, Instructor and Other PostsUpcoming
Assistant Manager, Accountant, Programmer & Other Posts Upcoming
P.G.T. H.E.S. – II (Group B Services) Upcoming
Skill Development (Instructor)To Be Announced
Junior EngineerTo Be Announced
Gram SachivTo Be Announced
Canal PatwariTo Be Announced
PatwariTo Be Announced
Clerk Group CTo Be Announced

HSSC Admit Card Download 2025

The Haryana Staff Selection Commission publishes the HSSC Hall Ticket on its official website. According to the latest rules, the HSSC constable admit card and hall tickets for all the other posts will be made available online only. Students can follow the steps given below to download the admit card for their respective examinations.

  • 1st Step: Visit the HSSC official website: hssc.gov.in.
  • 2nd Step: Now click on the ‘Login’ tab from the top right corner of the page (refer to the image below).
hssc admit card login
  • 3rd Step: Enter your ‘Login ID’, and ‘Password’ and click on the ‘Sign In’ button (refer to the image below).
hssc login page
  • 4th Step: Click on the HSSC admit card link. The HSSC hall ticket will open on the screen.
  • 5th Step: Save the HSSC hall ticket as a PDF and take a few printouts for future reference

Make sure you carry the hard copy of the admit card/call letter on the day of the exam/interview. No candidates will be allowed to attend the exam without a valid hall ticket/admit card and photo ID proof.

Documents To Be Carried Along With HSSC Call Letter

Candidates appearing for the Haryana police exam must carry their Haryana police admit card. This is applicable for the examination of all other posts. Apart from their admit cards, the candidates must also carry other documents along with their call letters. Here, we have enlisted the documents required to be brought. Candidates must go through these pointers to have a clear understanding of the same:

  1. Ration Card
  2. PAN Card
  3. Bank Passbook
  4. Passport
  5. Driving License
  6. Voter ID
  7. College ID
  8. Aadhar Card
  9. Any Valid Identity Proof Signed by the Gazetted Office

Details Mentioned on HSSC 2025 Admit Card

Candidates must cross-check all the details and contact the helpline number of the conducting body in case of any discrepancies. Here, we have enlisted the information available on the hall ticket. Candidates must go through the same for a better understanding:

  1. Name of the Candidate
  2. Date of Examination
  3. Examination Centre Code
  4. Date of Birth
  5. Father Name
  6. Gender (Male/Female)
  7. Test Centre
  8. Enrollment Number
  9. Reporting Time
  10. Applicant’s Photograph
  11. Space for the Candidate’s Signature
  12. Space for Examiner’s Signature

Haryana SSC Admit Card Important Points

Here are a few essential points to remember regarding the HSSC call letter/hall ticket 2025:

  1. The officials will notify the candidate regarding the release of the HSSC Admit Card through registered email and mobile number.
  2. Once the HSSC admit card is downloaded, candidates must affix the photo in the specified space.
  3. Candidates must carry a valid photo ID proof along with the HSSC admit card or call letter.
  4. Candidates must note that the name of the candidate on the call letter (provided during the process of registration) should exactly match the name on the photo identity proof.
  5. In case the photo in the HSSC Admit Card is blurred or not clear, then candidates will be required to provide two separate recent pictures which are clear.
  6. Candidates must sign on their admit card in front of the invigilator only.
  7. Candidates should carry all the required documents along with the admit card and submit them at the exam centre for verification purposes only.
  8. Check the date, time, exam venue and other details on the admit card prior to the exam day. Report to the authority in case of any discrepancy or missing details.
  9. Candidates should carry a ballpoint pen along with them.
  10. Mobile phones and electronic devices are strictly prohibited in the examination centre.
  11. Any request to change the exam centres will not be entertained once the final allotment of exam centres is done.
  12. Read the instructions mentioned on the admit card and abide by them.
  13. Candidates are advised not to laminate the admit card issued by the officials.
  14. Candidates who impersonate will be legally punished.
  15. It is mandatory for all the candidates to sit in the examination hall till the exam time completes even after finishing the paper early.

Important COVID-19 Guidelines

The Central Government has released some important guidelines to be followed in offline examination with respect to the Covid-19 pandemic. Candidates appearing for the examinations need to ensure that they follow all the guidelines thoroughly. Not following the guidelines can lead to the candidature being revoked on spot. Therefore, to avoid any such inconvenience, the candidates must follow the guidelines thoroughly.

  1. It is mandatory for all the candidates to have the installed latest version of the ‘Arogya Setu’ App on their mobile phones.
  2. The Aarogya Setu status must show the candidate’s risk factor.
  3. Candidates will have to display the Aarogya Setu status at the entry gate. Thereafter, candidates will be required to switch off their mobile phones and deposit them at the designated location, to be collected while exiting.
  4. Candidates must carry a hand sanitiser, gloves and face masks at the exam centre.
  5. Candidates’ faces should be covered with protective masks.
  6. Candidates must make sure that they don’t have any COVID-19 symptoms. In case they do, their entry will be strictly prohibited on the spot.
  7. Also, candidates will have to maintain the social distancing norms at the examination centre.

Haryana SSC Contact Details

If candidates find any discrepancy in the details mentioned on the HSSC call letter, then they will have to immediately contact the official authorities. Check the HSSC official authority contact details below:

Department: Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Address: Bays No. 67-70, Sector-2, Panchkula, Haryana, Pin-134151
Phone: +91-172-2566597

FAQs on HSSC Admit Card

Here, we have enlisted the frequently asked questions related to the HSSC Admit Card 2025. Candidates must read these questions and answers to clear out their doubts regarding the same subject:

Q.1: When will the HSSC SI 2025 Admit Card be released?
Ans. HSSC 2025 Admit Card for the Sub Inspector (Male and Female) posts of Group C of the Police Department will be released soon.

Q.2: How can I download the HSSC Constable admit card?
Ans. Candidates can download the HSSC Constable admit card from the respective admit card download links. Candidates will have to enter their ‘Login ID’ and ‘Password’ to log in and download the admit card.

Q.3: Can I download the HSSC SI admit card online?
Ans. Yes, in fact, the HSSC SI admit card is available for online download only.

Q.4: Is the HSSC admit card available in offline mode?
Ans. No, HSSC admit cards are not released in offline mode. Candidates will have to visit the official website and download the admit card.

Q.5: Is it necessary to carry HSSC Admit Card to the exam centre?
Ans. Yes, it is compulsory to carry an admit card along with the photo ID proof to the exam centre. Without these, candidates will not be allowed to appear for the exam.

Q.6: When will the HSSC SI exam be conducted?
Ans. The HSSC SI exam date 2025 will be released soon by Haryana Staff Selection Commission.

Also Check:

HSSC Recruitment HSSC Syllabus
Haryana Gram Sachiv Admit Card HSSC Gram Sachiv Result
HSSC Answer Key HSSC Result

We hope this article on HSSC Admit Card helps you. If you have any questions, please post them in the comment section below. We will get back to you at the earliest.

Stay tuned to Embibe to catch all the updates about the HSSC Admit Card 2025!

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