If you are planning to appear for the HSSC Clerk exam and are eagerly waiting for the authorities to release the answer key on the official website. The answer keys are a great resource for candidates to predict their scores based on the marking scheme by tallying their answers with the answer keys released by the authorities.
Candidates can also analyse the number of correct and incorrect answers. If candidates are not satisfied with the answer key they can raise objections/challenges against the same. After accepting all challenges/objections, the authorities will release the final answer key. Continue reading the article to know the steps to download the answer key and more.
HSSC Clerk Answer Key Dates
Candidates can go through the below table to keep track of the upcoming HSSC Clerk dates:
Exam Date
To be Announced
Release of Answer Key
To be Announced
HSSC Clerk Answer Key Links
The authorities will release 2022 answer key links after the conclusion of the HSSC Clerk exam. Once the authorities release the answer key on the official website the same will be updated below.