• Written By Zeshan Naz
  • Last Modified 17-03-2025

IBPS PO Books 2025: Best Preparation Books with Solutions


IBPS PO Books 2025 and Solutions: The IBPS PO exam is conducted every year for applicants around the country. This exam is considered highly competitive because of the sheer number of applicants who want to become Probationary Officers in public sector banks in the country. However, to get the job, you must have top-notch preparation to make your dream come true. And to do that, refer to the best IBPS PO books.

Studying from the best books is undoubtedly the best way to prepare for any exam. However, the question is, how do you know that you have the best books to prepare for an exam such as the IBPS PO? Do not worry, as in this article, we have provided the best books recommended by subject-matter experts to take your preparation to the next level. These books will give you the best conceptual knowledge to crack the IBPS PO exam and make your dream come true. So, what are you waiting for? Read on.

Embibe’s Best IBPS PO Preparation Books 2025

You may have been referred to some books by your peers, but are they the best books to refer from? These are some of the questions that people normally have. However, at Embibe, subject-matter experts with years and years of experience in their respective fields have prepared books for you to study from and crack the IBPS PO exam.

The IBPS PO books at Embibe have 3D interactive videos to learn concepts and topics. You will be able to learn difficult topics and concepts in no time, and you will see streak improvement in understanding challenging topics. So, let’s get your preparation started by clicking on the links below:

Best IBPS PO BooksAuthors
Tips and Techniques in English for Competitive ExamsDisha Expert Team
State Bank Probationary Officers Preliminary ExaminationDr. Lal And Jain
Quantitative Aptitude And ReasoningShyam Saraf, Abhilasha Swarup
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive ExamDisha Expert Team
New Pattern Data Analysis & InterpretationEr. Deepak Agarwal, D.P. GUPTA
Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Use of English Idioms & PhrasesKiran Expert Team
IBPS CWE-IX PO/MT Pre. Exam – Quantitative AptitudeJBC Expert Team
IBPS CWE-IX PO/MT Pre. Exam – Reasoning AbilityJBC Expert Team
Data Interpretation & Data SufficiencyDhankar Expert Team
Reasoning Ability Exam Goal Post for Banking ExamsDreamtech Expert Team
Mental Ability TestsDr. Lal & Jain

Get the Best IBPS PO Section-wise Books

To have the best preparation, you must refer to the best books for every section. This is because every section is equally important, and to crack the IBPS PO exam, you must ace every section. Moreover, you must make sure that you refer to the IBPS PO syllabus while you refer to the best books. The best IBPS PO section-wise books in this article below.

IBPS PO Books for English Language

This section is common for both Prelims and Mains. The best books for IBPS PO are mentioned below for all stages. Almost all the concepts covered in both stages of the examination are from these books. Check out the details below:

Word Power Made EasyNorman LewisPenguin
English Grammar & CompositionWren and MartinS. Chand
Descriptive General English S P Bakshi and Richa SharmaArihant
Objective English for Competitive ExaminationsHari Mohan Prasad, Uma Rani SinhaMcgraw Hill Education
Objective General EnglishR.S Aggarwal, Vikas AggarwalS. Chand
Practise PapersKiran PrakashanKiran Prakashan

IBPS PO Books for Quantitative Aptitude

This section is very common for both the Preliminary and Main exams of IBPS PO. The best books for IBPS PO for the preparation for the Quantitative Aptitude sections are tabulated below:

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive ExamsR.S. AggarwalS. Chand
Quantitative Aptitude TestN.K SinghUpkar Prakashan
Arithmetic for General CompetitionsNeetu SinghK.D. Publication
Guide to Quantitative AptitudeDinesh KhattarPearson
Data InterpretationArun SharmaMcgraw Hill Education
Data Interpretation K. KundanBSC Publication
Objective Mathematics for Competitive ExamsTarun GoyalArihant

IBPS PO Books for Reasoning Ability

Again, this section is there in both Prelims and Mains. The best books for IBPS PO listed below will, thus, be of help for both stages:

A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal ReasoningBS Sijwali S. Chand
A New Approach to ReasoningB S Sijwali Arihant
Analytical ReasoningM.K. PandeyBSC Publishing
Logical ReasoningK KundanBSC Publishing
Bank PO/ MT Examination Practice WorkbookExperts CompilationArihant

IBPS PO Books for Computer Aptitude

This section is only in the Main exam of IBPS PO (merged with the Reasoning Ability section). The best books for IBPS PO for Computer Aptitude are tabulated below:

BooksAuthor/ Publishing
ComputerRani Ahilya
Objective Computer AwarenessSomya Ranjan Behera

IBPS PO Books for General Awareness

The General Knowledge and Banking Awareness section needs one to read newspapers and current affairs on a regular basis. Apart from that, you can use the following IBPS PO Books:

India Year Book Publications Division, Government of India
Banking Awareness B.K Raut and S.R Behera
Guide to Banking General AwarenessR Gupta
Manorama Pandey BookArihant Publications
Manorama Yearbook 2020 ( English) PaperbackPhilip Mathew
Banking and Economic AwarenessRakesh Kumar

IBPS PO Books for Data Analysis & Interpretation

Preparing for the Quantitative Aptitude section of Prelims will be enough to secure good marks in the Data Analysis and Interpretation section of Mains.

However, suppose you want to solve problems specifically in Data Analysis & Interpretation, like Pie Charts, Bar Graphs, etc. In that case, you can use these IBPS PO Books for the Data Interpretation section:

Data InterpretationArun Sharma Mc Graw Hill Education
Data InterpretationK. KundanBSC Publication
Data Analysis & Interpretation Data SufficiencyKiran PrakashanKiran Prakashan

Attempt IBPS PO Prelims Mock Tests and Improve Your Score

The secret to every great preparation is attempting mock tests. Previous years’ toppers make sure that they attempt mock tests to know where they stand in their preparation and improve their score. Now, you must wonder where you attempt mock tests to improve your chances of getting the job of your dreams.

Embibe provides IBPS PO Prelims and Mains mock tests that you attempt for unlimited times. The best thing about Embibe’s mock tests is the Advance Feedback Analysis (AFA) feature. The AFA will give you a detailed analysis of your performance in the online test series. You will know your exam-taking strategy and how to improve it. Also, the feedback will give you tips on how to improve your time management and problem-solving skills. So, interested in taking Embibe’s mock test? Click on the links below:

Take IBPS PO Prelims Mock Tests
IBPS PO Prelims Mock Test – 1 IBPS PO Prelims Mock Test – 6
IBPS PO Prelims Mock Test – 2 IBPS PO Prelims Mock Test – 7
IBPS PO Prelims Mock Test – 3 IBPS PO Prelims Mock Test – 8
IBPS PO Prelims Mock Test – 4 IBPS PO Prelims Mock Test – 9
IBPS PO Prelims Mock Test – 5 IBPS PO Prelims Mock Test – 10

Steps To Take IBPS PO Prelims Mock Tests

Follow the steps mentioned below to take Embibe’s IBPS PO Prelims online test series:

  • 1st Step: Visit Embibe’s official website, i.e., embibe.com.
  • 2nd Step: Use the mobile number/email to log in.
  • 3rd Step: Click on the menu bar “Getting a Government Job” 
  • 4th Step: Select the Goal “Banking” from the Dropdown and click on “Next”.
  • 5th Step: Search and select “IBPS PO Prelims” on the search bar and click on “Next”.
  • 6th Step: Select the preferred language and click on “Done”.
  • 7th Step: Click “Test” from the header section.
  • 8th Step: Scroll down to the “Subjects” section.
  • 9th Step: Click on any IBPS PO Prelims subjects.
  • 10th Step: Scroll down to click on the chapters from the selected subject to begin the test.

You can also check-

IBPS PO Apply OnlineIBPS PO Mock Test
IBPS PO SalaryIBPS PO Study Material
IBPS PO SyllabusIBPS PO Cutoff
IBPS PO Preparation TipsIBPS PO Notification

FAQs Regarding IBPS PO Books 2025

Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about IBPS PO books 2025.

Q: Where can I attempt IBPS PO mock tests?

Ans: Embibe provides IBPS PO mock tests for Prelims and Mains that you can attempt unlimited times.

Q: How will Embibe’s IBPS PO mock test help me?

Ans: The mock tests at Embibe has a feature called AFA. The AFA will tell you where you stand in your preparation and how to improve your preparation to make your dream of getting the PO job a reality.

Q: What is the syllabus of IBPS PO Prelims & Mains?

Ans: The Prelims syllabus comprises English language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability. However, the Mains Syllabus includes English Language, Data Analysis and Interpretation, Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, and General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness.

Q: Which books are the best for the English Language?

Ans: You can check English Grammar & Composition by Wren & Martin, Word power made easy by Norman Lewis, and many more listed in this article.

Q: Which is the best book for Quantitative Aptitude preparation?

Ans: You can prepare for QA sections from Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by R.S. Aggarwal, Quantitative Aptitude Test by N.K Singh, Guide to Quantitative Aptitude by Dinesh Khattar, etc.

We hope this detailed article on IBPS PO Books 2025 helps you. If you have any queries regarding the exam, feel to check our app. We will be happy to help you out.

Stay tuned to embibe.com for the latest news and updates on the IBPS PO Exam 2025.

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