• Written By Aditi_M
  • Last Modified 27-02-2025

IBPS PO Eligibility 2025: Age Limit, Qualification, Nationality, Percentage, Rules for PWD


IBPS PO Eligibility 2025: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is starting online applications for IBPS PO in August 2025. IBPS has released the official calendar for Probationary Officers. The official notification is yet to be released. Interested candidates can check the eligibility criteria from the official website, i.e., ibps.in.

Candidates can also check the detailed eligibility criteria from this article. The eligibility criteria contain the age limit, nationality, educational qualification, and other requirements. Candidates must check these criteria carefully before applying for the exam. Furthermore, they must ensure they meet the criteria in order to apply. If any candidates are found ineligible, IBPS will cancel such candidates’ candidature. Read on to find out more!

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IBPS PO Eligibility 2025

The eligibility conditions for IBPS PO released by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection comprise the following parameters:

  • Nationality Conditions
  • Age Limit
  • Educational Qualification
  • Criteria to Avail EWS Reservation
  • Criteria to Avail PwD Reservation

IBPS PO Exam Overview

Before checking the eligibility criteria, let us first have an exam overview of IBPS PO below:

Name of the Recruitment ExamInstitute of Banking Personnel Selection Probationary Officer
Commonly known asIBPS PO 
Conducting BodyInstitute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)
Name of PostProbationary Officers/ Management Trainees
Participating Organisations11 Public Sector Banks except SBI
Level of ExamNational
Number of VacanciesTo be notified
Mode of Application Online
Mode of ExamOnline
Number of StagesThree: Prelims, Mains, and Interview
Official WebsiteIbps.in

IBPS Clerk PO Practice Questions

Candidates can access unlimited IBPS PO Prelims practice questions from Embibe and improve their preparation level. They can follow the below-mentioned steps to take the IBPS PO Prelims practice questions:

  • 1st Step: Visit Embibe’s official website, i.e., embibe.com.
  • 2nd Step: Use your mobile number/email to log in and select ‘Practice’.
  • 3rd Step: Then select your Goal as ‘IBPS PO Prelims’ under Banking.
  • 4th Step: Click Next and select your preferred language.
  • 5th Step: Once done, click on the below-mentioned links to practice the IBPS PO Prelims questions:
Practice IBPS PO Prelims Reasoning QuestionsPractice English IBPS PO Prelims Language QuestionsPractice IBPS PO Prelims Quantitative Aptitude Questions

IBPS PO Nationality Conditions

Candidates with any of the following nationality statuses shall be eligible to appear for the IBPS PO examination. 

  • Citizen of India
  • Subject of Nepal
  • Subject of Bhutan
  • Tibetan refugees who came to India before January 1, 1962, with the intent of permanent settlement in India
  • A person of Indian origin who has migrated from any of the following with a goal of permanent settlement
    • Pakistan
    • Burma
    • Sri Lanka
    • East African countries of Kenya
    • Uganda
    • the United Republic of Tanzania
    • Zambia
    • Malawi
    • Zaire
    • Ethiopia 
    • Vietnam

Note: Candidates under the category mentioned in points #2, #3, #4, and #5 must hold the eligibility certificate favoured by the Government of India. 

IBPS PO Age Limit

Candidates need to meet the age criteria based on their category. The upper age and lower age limits set by IBPS for general category and EwS category candidates as of August 2025 are as follows:

  • Upper Age Limit: 30 Years
  • Lower Age Limit: 20 Years

IBPS provides age relaxation to the candidates based on their category. Age limit relaxations for different categories are mentioned in the table below:

IBPS PO Age Relaxation

CategoryAge Relaxation
Other Backward Classes (OBC)3 Years
Scheduled Caste (SC)5 Years
Scheduled Tribes (ST)5 Years
Persons affected by the 1984 riots5 Years
Ex-servicemen, including commissioned officers and ECOs/SSCOs, rendered at least five years of military service5 Years
Person with Disability10 Years

Note: Candidates who intend to get an age relaxation are required to submit relevant certificates in original and photocopies at the time of the interview or at any stage of the recruitment process.

Best Books for IBPS PO Prelims 2025

Tips and Techniques in English for Competitive ExamsDisha Expert Team
State Bank Probationary Officers Preliminary ExaminationDr. Lal And Jain
Quantitative Aptitude And ReasoningShyam Saraf, Abhilasha Swarup
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive ExamDisha Expert Team
New Pattern Data Analysis & InterpretationEr. Deepak Agarwal, D.P. GUPTA
Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Use of English Idioms & PhrasesKiran Expert Team
IBPS CWE-IX PO/MT Pre. Exam – Quantitative AptitudeJBC Expert Team
IBPS CWE-IX PO/MT Pre. Exam – Reasoning AbilityJBC Expert Team
Data Interpretation & Data SufficiencyDhankar Expert Team
Reasoning Ability Exam Goal Post for Banking ExamsDreamtech Expert Team
Mental Ability TestsDr. Lal & Jain

IBPS PO Educational Qualification

Candidates holding a Graduation degree in any discipline are eligible for taking the IBPS PO examination. The degree must be held from a University recognised by the government of India. Alternatively, candidates holding an equivalent qualification recognised by the Central Government shall be eligible for the exam. 

Important Note: 

  • The candidate should have a valid mark sheet or degree certificate on the day of registration. The certificate/mark sheet shall indicate the percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in the qualifying exam.
  • The educational qualification must be held by any University/ Institution/ Board recognised by the government of India/ approved by government regulatory bodies.
  • Candidates have to indicate the percentage obtained in Graduation calculated up to two decimals. In case CGPA / OGPA is awarded, candidates must convert the same into a percentage for entering academic details in the online form.

IBPS PO Eligibility to Avail EWS Reservation

Applicants can avail of reservation if they belong to Economically Weaker Sections of the society. Candidates are eligible for the EwS reservation to get the recruitment based on IBPS PO if they fulfil the following criteria.

  • Candidates whose gross family annual income is less than Rs. 8,00,000.
  • Candidates whose families possess any of the following, regardless of the annual income, shall be ineligible to avail of the EwS reservation:
    • Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. or above
    • 5 acres of agricultural land or above
    • A residential plot of 100 sq. yards or above in the notified municipalities
    • A residential plot of 200 sq. yards or above in areas other than the notified municipalities
  • Candidates shall produce an Income and Asset Certificate issued by the Competent Authority to avail the benefits of EWS reservation.
  • The term ‘Family’ includes the candidate seeking the reservation benefit, his/her parents, siblings below the age of 18 years, spouse and children below the age of 18 years.

IBPS PO Eligibility to Avail PwD Reservation

Under section 34 of ‘The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act- 2016′, persons with benchmark disabilities are eligible for reservation under the PwD category. The categories of disabilities eligible to avail of the reservation under the Act are mentioned below.

  • Deaf and hard of hearing
  • Low vision or blindness
  • Intellectual disability, mental illness, autism, and specific learning disability
  • Locomotor disabilities, including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, muscular dystrophy, dwarfism, and acid attack victims

Candidates can also check:

IBPS PO Apply OnlineIBPS PO Mock Test
IBPS PO PreparationIBPS PO Books
IBPS PO SalaryIBPS PO Study Material
IBPS PO SyllabusIBPS PO Cut-off
IBPS PO PrelimsIBPS PO Notification

FAQs on IBPS PO Eligibility Criteria 2025

Candidates may come across several queries regarding the IBPS PO eligibility criteria. Therefore, we have provided some of the frequently asked questions below to help them resolve their doubts:

Q.1: Who prescribes the eligibility criteria for IBPS PO?
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection prescribes the IBPS PO eligibility criteria.

Q.1: What is the age limit to appear for IBPS PO 2025?
As per the IBPS PO eligibility criteria, general/EWS category candidates must fall in the age group of 20 years to 30 years. However, reserved category candidates are eligible for age relaxations.

Q.3: What is the educational qualification required to appear for IBPS PO?
Candidates holding a graduation degree from a recognised university/ institute in India are eligible to appear for the IBPS PO selection process.

Q.4: I belong to the OBC category as per the state norms but not in the central list. What category should I mention while filling the application form?
Such candidates need to apply under the general category for IBPS PO.

Q.5: How many times I can appear for IBPS PO?
There is no cap on the number of attempts for IBPS PO. Thus, candidates can appear for the exam as many times as possible until they meet the upper age limit as per their category.

We hope this article on IBPS PO Eligibility Criteria 2025 helps you. If you have any questions, feel to check our website or download our app.

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