ICSE Board Class 6

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  • Written by Harshitha A
  • Last Modified on 9-12-2024
  • Written by Harshitha A
  • Last Modified on 9-12-2024

ICSE Board Class 6 Exam

About Exam

The Council of the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) is responsible for conducting Class 6 exams every year in different ICSE affiliated schools across the country. The ICSE Board Class 6 Syllabus covers fundamental aspects like Science, Social Science, and Mathematics. The syllabus is structured in a way that makes it easier for the students to understand the basic concepts associated with different subjects.

The ICSE Board Class 6 exam is usually conducted by the schools in the month of March. As per the guidelines published by ICSE, every school evaluates students’ performance and improvements with the help of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) through Formative Assessments and Summative Assessments. Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and two language topics contribute towards evaluating students’ performance appropriately. Continue reading to know more.

ICSE Board Class 6 Exam Summary

The ICSE Board has structured the curriculum in a way that effectively contributes to the learning process of the students. According to the National Policy on Education 1986, English is used as the medium of teaching in India. Students studying in ICSE-affiliated institutions (CISCE-affiliated schools) can take the exams conducted by the board.

The ICSE board focuses on letting the students understand the basics related to the topic, and the books are structured in a way that helps them engage in self-study. Students need to take seven subjects, one of which must be English and one must be a second language, according to the ICSE exam structure. Students must obtain pass scores in at least five ICSE examination papers to pass the exam. Each subject’s pass grade accounts for 35% of the exam’s total score.

Particulars Details
Full Exam Name ICSE Board of Secondary Education 6th Examination
Short Exam Name ICSE Class 6
Name of the Board Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)
Established In 1956
Medium of Instruction English
Overall Passing Marks 35% Marks
Exam Duration 3 hours
Exam Subjects Total six subjects:
English Language
Social studies
Mode of Examination Offline
Address Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)P 35-36, Sector VIPushp Vihar, SaketNew Delhi – 110017
Contact Details (011) 29564831/33/37

ICSE Board Official Website


ICSE Class 6 Exam Pattern


According to ICSE rules, every school evaluates students’ performance and improvement through Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) through Formative and Summative Assessments. Below we have provided the information about Formative and Summative Assessment in detail. Students may refer to it to get a basic idea about the same:

  • Formative Assessment: Formative assessment is based on student participation in quizzes, interviews, visual testing, assignments, practicals, oral testing, projects, puzzles, and group activities, among other things.
  • Summative Assessment: The school authorities decide on a half-yearly assessment schedule, which is rigorously adhered to the ICSE guidelines. In summative assessment. Students are assessed using the ICSE Class 6 curriculum.

Co-scholastic Aeas

Attitude toward school, teachers, peer group, values, aesthetic skills like dance, music, drawing, health and physical education, achievement in co-curricular activities, and participation in competitions are assessed in co-scholastic areas.

Subject Percentage Marks
Formative Assessment (FA)
Percentage Marks
Summative Assessments (SA)
Science 80 20
Mathematics 80 20
Hindi 80 20
English language 80 20
Social studies 80 20
Computer 80 20

ICSE Class 6 Exam Pattern Details – Total Time

A total of two hours are given to students to complete the examination of each subject. However, the total time for the exams will vary depending on the rules and regulations of the school authorities. Another factor that will determine the total time for taking the exams is subject. Students must ensure that they check with their respective school authorities on what the duration of the exams will be. Usually, the duration is mentioned when the exam routine is released by the school authorities. 

ICSE Class 6 Syllabus 2025

Exam Pattern

ICSE schools have a slightly different curriculum than other schools that follow various educational boards, such as CBSE or any state board. As a result, every student should be familiar with the ICSE Class 6 syllabus. The syllabus will provide you with an overview and a list of chapters to be covered in each class or grade.

All Class 6 ICSE students must download the current condensed syllabus for 2025. The syllabus is a valuable resource that will be useful throughout the academic year. 

ICSE Class 6 Maths Syllabus

ICSE Class 6 Maths deals with a lot of interesting concepts that will help them later on as well. When students practice the questions from the ICSE class 6 mathematics, they get to clarify all their doubts and strengthen their foundation for higher classes. Below we have provided the latest ICSE Class 6 Maths syllabus for the students:

Chapter No. Chapter Name
1 Numbers
2 Whole Numbers
3 Negative Numbers and Integers
4 Sets
5 Fractions
6 Decimals
7 Playing with Numbers
8 Ratio and Proportion
9 Percentage
10 Profit and Loss
11 Speed, Time and Distance
12 Algebra
13 Exponents
14 Fundamental Concepts and Operations
15 Linear Equations in One Variable
16 Basic Geometry
17 Angles and Their Properties
18 Parallel Lines and Transversal
19 Practical Geometry
20 Triangles
21 Quadrilaterals and Circles
22 Linear Symmetry
23 Recognition of Solids
24 Perimeter and Area
25 Volume and Surface Area
26 Data Handling

ICSE Class 6 Science Syllabus

ICSE Class 6 Science syllabus deals with chapters such as Matter, Force, Measurements and more. In Class 6, only the basics or foundational level concepts of these chapters are explained. Students must ensure that they carefully follow the Class 6 Science syllabus and prepare for their exams accordingly. Refer to the table below for ICSE Class 6 Science syllabus:

Chapter No. Chapter Name
1 Matter
2 Measurements
3 Force, Energy, and Work
4 Simple Machines
5 Light and Shadows
6 Magnetism
7 Introduction to Chemistry
8 Matter
9 Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures
10 Air and Atmosphere
11 Water
12 Changes Around Us
13 Rocks and Minerals
14 The Living and the Non-living
15 The Plant: Structure and Function
16 Classification of Plants
17 Classification of Animals
18 Useful Plants and Animals
19 The Cell
20 The Human Digestive System
21 The Respiratory System
22 The Circulatory System
23 Health and Hygiene
24 Rocks and Soil
25 Our Environment
26 Adaptation
27 Pollution and Pollutants

ICSE Class 6 Study Plans to Maximise Score

Exam Syllabus

Students preparing for ICSE Class 6 exams need to have a proper study plan. A study plan is a key way to prepare a proper strategy that will help the students in the long run. Students in Class 6 can get a wide range of opportunities that would eventually help them take up the exams. These are also a great way to prepare for the exams. The study plans will help to clarify the concepts and ensure students are able to grasp the concepts easily without any problem. 

ICSE Class 6 Exam Preparation Tips

It is important that the students have their ICSE Class 6 preparation tips right from the beginning of the academic session. It acts as a roadmap and approach that the students must follow while preparing for their exams. Here are some preparation tips to help students with their exam preparations for scoring well in ICSE Class 6:

  • To get good grades in the exam, you will need a thorough approach and a study plan.
  • One should be aware of their strengths and weaknesses and prepare accordingly for the exams.
  • Try to practice the numericals in chapters that need calculations as much as possible. Mathematics, for example, involves problems that require numerous computations; therefore, it is preferable to practice and solve them on paper.
  • We at Embibe are here to assist you if you have any difficulties with the 6th ICSE syllabus. You may always turn to our platform for help with challenging problems and mastering complex concepts.
  • Always stick to a schedule that allows you to study every day without putting too much pressure on yourself.
  • If you’re unsure about something, do not be afraid to ask your teachers or elders or even use the Embibe platform. They will be able to respond to all of your inquiries.
  • To avoid boredom and the pressure of learning, try to develop an interest in each subject.
  • Never forget that nothing is truly impossible. The word itself implies that ‘I am a possibility’.
  • Try to study every day to finish all of the topics before the exam; don’t leave too much to the last minute.

ICSE Board Exam Detailed Study Plan 2025

Begin by referring to the latest syllabus, study material, and exam information. This will serve as the foundation for the ICSE Board Class 6 exam preparation. Students must follow a subject-wise study plan that will help them prepare for the exams properly:

  • English: Focus on grammar and writing, as there are comparatively higher chances of losing the marks. The previous year’s papers are a great way to practice English and stay ahead of the peers. The latter necessitates extensive practice and requires students to be meticulous.
  • Mathematics: Students must ensure that they go through the syllabus. ML Agarwal is a great book to kickstart the Maths preparation as it will help to clarify the concepts.
  • Science: Students will need to learn these concepts for initial years. Biology does not require a lot of practice at this stage because it is primarily theoretical. Physics and Chemistry, on the other hand, will ensure that they get to learn things easily. Students must practice the numericals as well.
  • Hindi: To do well in this topic, students must put in a lot of practice. Collect numerous sample papers and practice them until being confident.

FAQs on ICSE Board Class 6 Exam

Study Plan to Maximise Score

Given below are some of the frequently asked questions on ICSE Board Class 6 exams:

Q: What is the ICSE syllabus for Class 6?

Ans: The detailed syllabus for ICSE Class 6 Maths and Science is provided in the article above. 

Q: What is the ICSE exam’s level of difficulty?

Ans: The ICSE Board test is considered to be partially difficult, particularly when compared to the difficulty level of other board exams.

Q: Are the ICSE and CBSE textbooks the same?

Ans: No, ICSE textbooks are not the same as other textbooks. NCERT books are used in ICSE. The syllabus for both boards, however, is nearly identical.

Q: Will practicing from ICSE Class 6 books help me in CBSE preparation?

Ans: Yes, the syllabus is more or less the same for both boards. As a result, studying from ICSE Books will be really beneficial. However, before moving on to additional books, you must finish the ICSE texts.

Q: How to prepare for ICSE Class 6 preparation?

Ans: The important preparation tips for ICSE Class 6 are given in the article above. Refer to it to start the exam preparation at the earliest. 

List of ICSE Schools

Previous Year Analysis

There are a huge number of schools providing education to the ICSE class 6 students. Students can check the state-wise list of ICSE schools on its official website.

Some of the schools are listed below:

School State
International School Hyderabad
Noble School Hyderabad
Chaitanya Public School Hyderabad
St Paul’s High School Srikakulam
De Paul School Visakhapatnam
North Point Children’s School Muzaffarpur
Carmel School Bhagalpur
Don Bosco Academy Patna
Salem English School Raipur
Tender Heart high School Chandigarh
Swami Hariharanand Public School Delhi
Sharada Mandir School Goa
The Ashram Chennai
The Valley School Bangalore

List of Future Exams After ICSE Class 6

All Class 6 students must attend a school-level examination to get promoted to the next class. Aside from this school-level exam, several additional national and worldwide competitive exams are held. Exams like these are one approach to bring out students’ passions, abilities, knowledge, and potential. The following are some of the competitive tests that Class 6 students can take:

  • International Science Olympiad (ISO)
  • International Computer Olympiad (ICO)
  • International Drawing Olympiad (IDO)
  • National Social Studies Olympiad (NSSO)
  • International Maths Olympiad (IMO)
  • English International Olympiad (EIO)
  • National Essay Olympiad (NESO)
  • General Knowledge International Olympiad (GKIO)

Some of the competitive exams to which grade 6 students can appear are:

National Talent Search Examination (NTSE): Students are evaluated on the basis of the knowledge and understanding of Science, Maths, Social Science, Mental Ability, and General Knowledge. Qualified students are facilitated by cash prizes and scholarships for the next academic year.

National Level Science Talent Search Exam (NLSTSE): Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and other general awareness questions are included in the National Level Science Talent Search Exam (NLSTSE).

Indian National Olympiad (INO): Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, and Junior Science are all part of the curriculum. A five-stage approach is used in this exam. The written exam administered by NSE is the first stage (National Standard Examination).

GeoGenius: The goal of this exam is to pique your interest in geography. Students must mark the various locations of India on a blank map in this exam.

The National Interactive Maths Olympiad (NIMO) is an examination that assesses and evaluates mental and mathematical abilities.

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