• Written By Hridesh Jain
  • Last Modified 08-02-2025

IIT JEE Study Plan 2025 – Know How to Score More


IIT JEE Study Plan 2025: Candidates preparing for JEE Advanced 2025 require a different approach than JEE Mains to excel as this is the exam that leads a student into IITs, which are only 23 across the country. The number of students preparing for the exam is high, and the number of seats available at IIT is limited. Hence the competition is high, and candidates must prepare rigorously to ace the exam with desired marks.

Let’s break the ice, JEE Advanced is tough, but with proper preparations, anyone can ace the exam with desired marks. And what is the first step to effective preparations? you might wonder. Well, the answer is simple preparing an effective study plan and following it religiously. Dive into the article to access a detailed study plan to prepare for JEE Advanced.

IIT JEE 2025 Study Plan

If you have less than 5 months before the JEE Advanced and are diligently making plans to organise your IIT JEE study plan, you must keep in mind certain key things, some of which are discussed below in the following sections:

JEE Advanced Mock Test Series 2025
JEE Advanced All India Test 1 Paper 1JEE Advanced All India Test 2 Paper 2
JEE Advanced All India Test 2 Paper 1JEE Advanced All India Test 2 Paper 2
JEE Advanced All India Test 3 Paper 1JEE Advanced All India Test 3 Paper 2


Students are extremely passionate about their preparations. They craft strategies and design lengthy timetables. They decide to put in 4-6 hours of studies every day (some even more). And in order to avoid distractions, no usage of mobile phones, and so on. Loads of righteous constraints and sacrifices, but, sadly, this is adhered to only for a short duration. Or it’s just an ideal state that everyone wishes to prepare like that but cannot?

Here’s how to do a few things slightly differently. Stick to the daily timetable. Create a simpler and more realistic timetable which is easy to follow.


Concentration is a prerequisite for effective learning. Pay more attention when reading the first time. Following are some tips and tricks that will help you improve your concentration:

  • Meditation
  • Having fixed hours of sleep (Usually 6-7 hours)
  • Eating well
  • Reading aloud
  • Have a quiet and undisturbed environment
  • Taking small breaks

Selecting the Best Study Materials

Selecting the best JEE Advanced books and study materials can help you make your preparations a smooth sail. The materials will help you understand concepts easily and remember them for longer. Refer to the below pointers to know the list of study materials you must own in order to be exam ready:


Opt for spaced revision. For example, if you complete the S-block elements today, you should ideally revise it again the next week, then two weeks later, then a month later, then 2 months later, then 3 months later, and so on and so forth. Your mind will recognise this pattern, and before or during exams, you won’t have to spend the extra brain power by going through that entire thing again.

Is Self-Study Important, or Is My Coaching Class Sufficient?

There is a straight answer to this. Self-study is the most important thing in your IIT JEE preparations. Coaching classes are just facilitators; they won’t give you the end result. At the end of the day, you have to take the extra effort to learn concepts and find new ways to learn and practice independently.

We hope the above article has answered all your doubts and queries. Embibe wishes you good luck and all the best.

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JEE Advanced 2025 Preparation TipsJEE Advanced 2025 Admit Card

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