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Importance of Nutrients: Nutrients are food-based chemicals that provide humans with energy. They are the building blocks for repair and growth, and the nutrient helps control chemical processes. There are various types of nutrients which are classified into two broad categories, micro and macronutrients. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins fall under macronutrients while vitamins and minerals are called micronutrients. The article also focuses on the importance of the minerals, the importance of Vitamin D etc.
What is the importance of nutrients in our body that we consume in our diet? What is the importance of vitamin c and carbohydrates importance? Let’s get to know more about this in the article below.
Nutrients are important chemical components of food required by an organism for its growth and maintenance. The human body cannot synthesise the majority of the nutrients on its own and is thus required to get different nutrients from different types of food.
Nutrients based on the amounts required in an organism can be broadly classified into two categories: macronutrients and micronutrients.
A balanced diet can be defined as a diet that includes all the important nutrients along with water and roughage in the right amount that is needed by the body. A balanced diet differs according to the age and medical condition of a person. For example, a child needs more protein than an adult.
There are a total of seven important nutrients in food. The five main nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Water and roughage are also two essential nutrients needed by the body. Each of these nutrients has its own functions:
Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy-providing nutrients for the majority of organisms including humans. Carbohydrates are basically defined as the hydrates of carbon. They are commonly called sugars or saccharides. Carbohydrates are found in the form of sugars, starches and fibres found in fruits and vegetables, grains, dairy, etc.
As discussed earlier, carbohydrates are mainly found as sugars, starches and fibres in a variety of food products.
Carbohydrates break down into smaller and simpler units called monosaccharides like glucose or fructose by the digestive system of humans. These monosaccharides are absorbed in our small intestine, i.e. ileum, mainly and enter the bloodstream. When these carbohydrates reach the liver during circulation, excess glucose is stored as glycogen (animal storage polysaccharide).
Glucose is the ready source of energy for cells and the only source of energy for our brain. Glucose is further broken down during cellular respiration to yield ATP in our cells. One gram of carbohydrates provides 4.1 Kcal of energy. Since carbohydrates protect proteins from being utilised for energy, it is called the protein-sparing action of carbohydrates.
Ever Imagined Why Athletes Drink Glucose Before or During the Game?
Glucose is a simple carbohydrate that provides instant energy to our body—drinking this before the game helps our body to work faster and increases stamina by producing more ATP.
Fats are mainly simple lipids, which are made up of fatty acids and complex molecules called glycerol. Fats contain three fatty acids, attached to a compound called glycerol, and are chemically called triglycerides.
Some important sources of fats are as follows:
Have you ever thought about why digesting fats is a slow process?
Here is your answer: Water helps in the digestion and excretion of food in our bodies. Since fats do not dissolve in water, it makes it a little harder for our body to break them into simpler forms. Hence, fats spend the longest duration in our stomach.
The term Protein is derived from the word “proteios”, meaning “holding the first place” or “primary”. Proteins are made up of many smaller units called amino acids, which are attached to one another to form long chains. The amino acids are linked to each other by a peptide bond or amide linkage. The sequence of amino acids determines each protein’s structure and its specific function.
Some important sources of proteins are as follows:
Why Should Children and Pregnant Women include More Protein in their Diet?
Proteins are important for the proper growth and development of the body. Growing children or pregnant women need a lot of protein to support the growth and maintenance of muscles, bones, organs, and other body cells.
Apart from these, people with serious injuries and aged people should also add a good amount of protein to their diet. This helps in healing the wounds faster and prevents muscle loss in old age.
Vitamins is the term derived from a Latin word called ‘Vitamine’, ‘Vita’ means life and ‘amine’ as vitamins were presumed as amino acids. Vitamins are required in small quantities in our body and are called protective nutrients.
There are a total of \(13\) essential vitamins. These vitamins are classified into two types, water-soluble and fat-soluble, based on their solubility.
1. Water-soluble Vitamins: Vitamins that dissolve in water fall under this category. There are nine water-soluble vitamins in our food namely Vitamin \({B_1},\) Vitamin \({B_2},\) Vitamin \({B_3},\) Vitamin \({B_5},\) Vitamin \({B_6},\) Vitamin \({B_7},\) Vitamin \({B_9},\) Vitamin \({B_{12}}\) and Vitamin \(C\).
2. Fat-soluble Vitamins: Vitamins that dissolve in liquid fats are called fat-soluble vitamins. There are only four of these, Vitamin \(A,\) Vitamin \(D,\) Vitamin \(E\) and Vitamin \(K.\)
Following are some important functions and sources of different vitamins:
Name of Vitamin | Sources | Physiological Role and Deficiency Disease |
Vitamin A (Retinol) | Cod liver oil, milk, butter, cheese, maize, carrot, papaya, tomato, mango | Needed for retinal pigment synthesis, embryo development, hair growth, skin. Deficiency Disease: Xerophthalmia (dry eyeball) and night-blindness |
Vitamin D (Calciferol) | Eggs, cod liver oil, sunlight | Needed for bone and teeth formation, calcium absorption. Deficiency Disease: Rickets in children |
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) | Green vegetables, brown flour, liver, vegetable oil, germinating seeds, wheat | Needed to prevent haemolysis of RBC, maintain fertility, act as a natural antioxidant and keep skin healthy. Deficiency Disease: Anaemia, muscular dystrophy (breakdown of muscles) and infertility |
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone) | Leafy vegetables like spinach, coriander and radish top. Also synthesised by bacteria in the colon. | Needed for synthesis of prothrombin and blood clotting. Deficiency Disease: Hypoprothrombinemia – delays blood clotting |
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) | Citrus fruits, tomato, guava, green vegetables. | Needed for healthy gums and teeth, maintenance of collagen fibres and act as natural antioxidant required to develop immunity and defend our body against the covid-19 virus. Deficiency Disease: Scurvy |
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) | Yeast, eggs, milk, potatoes, liver and meat. | Needed for nerve, heart, muscle functioning. Deficiency Disease: Beriberi |
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) | Yeast, eggs, milk, curd, pulses, green vegetables. | Needed for the growth of the body and the production of red blood cells. Deficiency Disease: Cheilosis of lips and mental retardation |
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) | Animal and plant tissues | Needed for making coenzymes. Deficiency Disease: Anaemia and diarrhoea |
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) | Kidney, liver, egg, fish, meat. Synthesised in the human colon. | Needed for blood cell (RBC) maturation, DNA synthesis. Deficiency Disease: Pernicious anaemia |
Why We Expose Small Children to Early Morning Sunshine?
Exposing our skin to sunshine helps to produce vitamin D in the body. This helps to prevent a deficiency disease called rickets in children. Vitamin D is required for the absorption of calcium and mineralisation of bones with parathyroid hormone.
Minerals are used in our body in the form of their salts and not as elements. Like vitamins, these are also called protective nutrients. Following are important functions and sources of some minerals:
Minerals | Functions |
Calcium: It is the most important mineral ion existing in Ca+2 form and is absorbed along with the phosphate group in the digestive system. Source: Milk, paneer, beans, fish, leafy vegetables | 1. Needed for bone and teeth. 2. Needed for blood clotting. 3. Needed for muscle contraction. |
Phosphorus: It mainly exists in the form of phosphate ions in our body and forms part of the buffer system and bones. Source: Nuts, beans, seafood, peas, lentils. | 1. Needed for bone and teeth. 2. Needed for nucleic acids. |
Iodine: The deficiency of this mineral causes error in metabolism and also goitre. Source: Salt, fish and dairy products. | 1. Needed for the functioning of thyroid hormones |
Iron: This mineral ion can never be removed from our body once absorbed by any of the excretory means. Source: Liver, meat, fruits, dates, fig, sea-foods | 1. Needed for formation of haemoglobin and myoglobin. 2. Needed for respiration and energy production. 3. It forms part of the cytochrome system. |
Sodium: It is one of the most abundant mineral ions present in body fluids. Source: Vegetables, fruits, Sea-food. | 1. Needed for body fluid balancing. 2. Needed for nerve impulse transmission. |
Potassium: This mineral ion maintains the osmolarity of body fluids along with sodium ions. Source: Vegetables, fruits, Sea-food. | 1. Needed for body fluid balancing. 2. Needed for nerve impulse transmission. |
Zinc: This mineral ion exists in the form of Zn+2 in our body and plays a vital role in building immunity. Also, it has been associated with developing immunity against the covid-19 virus. Source: Vegetables and fruits | 1. Needed for building immunity. 2. Needed for the functioning of various enzymes. |
What Makes Vitamins and Mineral Protective Nutrients?
Although needed in very small quantities, both vitamins and minerals are essential for normal physiological functioning and immunity. For example, sulphur (S) is needed for immunoglobulin formation and functioning. Thus, these trace elements of our diet provide us with the power to fight against disease-causing pathogens, viruses or bacteria.
Water does not provide any nutrition to the body, so why is it so important?
Two third (approximately \(70%\)) of the human body consists of water. Even though water doesn’t have any nutritional value, it is very important for the proper functioning of all internal organs as it serves to provide nutrients to cells as the main transporting system of our body. Our body cannot function in the absence of water as it is required for all the processes and metabolic activities.
For example, water plays an important role in the process of digestion, absorption, circulation, excretion, etc.
Roughage is also known as dietary fibres. They are very important components of food that are needed by our body. Like water, roughage also does not have any nutritional value. Rather these are materials that cannot be digested by the body. Then you might think why these can be important to us? Here is your answer.
Since roughage is indigestible, it can hold more amount of water and help in the process of digestion. Also, they add bulk to the food and allows better excretion of waste materials from the body. Eating foods that are rich in roughage helps to prevent constipation too.
Green leafy vegetables, peels of many fruits and vegetables, whole grains and pulses are some rich sources of roughage.
We all know that we cannot survive without eating food. Have you ever imagined why is that so? Why do our bodies need food? Why is it important for us to eat food regularly? Can’t we just eat once and get over it? If you have all these doubts in your mind, then you have reached the right place.
Nowadays, we hear everyone talk about boosting immunity to fight against covid-19. Nutrients provide us with the power to fight against any disease.
It is not just humans who need nutrients. Plants and all other living organisms require nutrients deriving nutrition from different sources or modes. We have already learnt that plants are called autotrophs or producers.
Plants are called autotrophs as they can synthesise their own food through photosynthesis. The process of photosynthesis requires minerals, carbon dioxide, water and sunlight. Plants need various nutrients for germination, growth, reproduction and all other processes.
Soil is the reservoir for most of the nutrients that a plant needs to grow, reproduce. Basically, we have divided the nutrients needed by plants into three categories:
The roots of the plants absorb water and nutrients from the soil. These nutrients are transported through the stem to all the cells of the plant.
You might have heard about NPK fertilisers! NPK stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. These three are the major nutrients required by plants. Below are the functions of these nutrients:
Trace elements or micronutrients such as iron, zinc, manganese, copper and boron are essential for better growth and development of the plants.
Lack of one or more nutrients for a long period leads to different types of diseases; these diseases are called deficiency diseases. These diseases can be prevented with the help of a balanced diet.
In a nutshell, there is no single food that supplies all the nutrients that our body requires. Hence, it is important that we include different types of food to get different nutrients for our bodies. Consuming a balanced diet, which includes all the nutrients, helps us stay healthy and live longer.
Q.1: What are the three most important nutrients?
Ans: Carbohydrates, fats and protein are considered three important nutrients in food. These are also called macronutrients as they are required in large amounts by the body.
Q.2: Which nutrients help in developing immunity and are essential to fight the covid-19 virus?
Ans: Nutrients like vitamins (particularly vitamin C) and minerals (like zinc) help in building a strong immune system to fight against diseases like covid-19.
Q.3: What are the different types of vitamins?
Ans: Vitamins are of two types based on their solubility. There are water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin A, D, E and K are fat-soluble and vitamin C and B-complex are water-soluble vitamins.
Q.4: What are nutrients?
Ans: Nutrients are important chemical components of food needed by our body for its growth and maintenance, to perform various metabolic activities and to remain healthy.
Q.5: What are the different nutrients of the food and what are their functions?
Ans: Nutrients like carbohydrates and fats are required for the production of energy, proteins are needed for the growth and maintenance of the body and vitamins and minerals are the nutrients required for a strong immune system and many other metabolic activities. Water and roughage are the nutrients that help in the digestion and excretion of food in the body. Hence, all seven nutrients are important.
Q.6: What is PEM?
Ans: PEM stands for protein-energy malnutrition, a deficiency disease that arises due to a lack of proteins in the diet. Marasmus and Kwashiorkor are types of PEM.
Q.7. Why is water the most important nutrient?
Ans: Two-third of the human body consists of water; all organs need water to carry their functions. Slight dehydration can lead to serious harm to the body. Hence, water is the most important of all the other six nutrients. Water is essential for the digestion of food and the excretion of waste products in the body.
Now that you have a detailed article on the Importance of Nutrients in our Daily Life, we hope you take your exam well. In case of any issue connect with us at Embibe or do let us know about it in the comments section below and we will get back to you soon.