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February 3, 2025Introduction To Biotechnology: What do you mean by Introduction to Biotechnology? Biotechnology is a combination of biology and technology, and hence the name Biotechnology. Biotechnology is the application of technology to use, change, or improve a component or the entire biological system for the benefit of industry and human welfare. This article covers the different fields of Biotechnology and much more. To know more interesting facts about Introduction to Biotechnology, scroll down the article.
Biotechnology is a field of applied science that makes products and processes out of living organisms and their derivatives. Healthcare, medicine, biofuels, and environmental safety all use these products and processes.
i. The Second World War proved to be a significant barrier to scientific progress. Following the conclusion of the second world war, numerous extremely important findings were published, paving the way for contemporary biotechnology and its current status.
ii. J D Watson and F H C Crick solved the puzzles surrounding DNA as genetic material for the first time in 1953 by presenting a structural model of DNA, widely known as the “Double Helix Model of DNA.” This model was able to explain a variety of DNA replication events, as well as its involvement in heredity.
Fig: DNA Structure
iii. Dr Hargobind Khorana was able to manufacture DNA in a test tube, and Karl Mullis added value to Khorana’s finding by amplifying DNA in a test tube to a thousand times its original amount.
iv. Other scientists were able to introduce foreign DNA into another host and even monitor the transmission of foreign DNA into the following generation using this technological innovation.
v. Ian Wilmut, an Irish scientist, succeeded in cloning a sheep in \(1997\) and called the cloned sheep “Dolly.”
vi. The Human Genome Project finished sequencing the human genome in \(2003\).
vii. Boyer used biotechnology to isolate a gene for insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels) from the human genome in \(1978\). He then implanted it into bacteria, which enabled the gene to generate more insulin for diabetics.
Fig: Human Insulin
viii. Modern biotechnology provides products and solutions to treat uncommon diseases, decrease our environmental impact, feed the poor, utilise less and cleaner energy, and improve industrial production processes. There are currently:
a. Patients have access to more than \(250\) biotechnology health care items and vaccinations, many of which are for diseases that were previously untreatable.
b. Agricultural biotechnology is used by more than \(13.3\) a million farmers across the world to enhance yields, minimise insect damage, and lessen the environmental effect of farming.
c. Across North America, more than \(50\) biorefineries are being developed to test and enhance methods for producing biofuels and chemicals from renewable biomass, which can help decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
Biotechnology has benefited human existence in a variety of ways through innovations that have made life easier for him. Biotechnology benefits several scientific disciplines by providing products for their progress.
Fig: Genetic Engineering
i. Tissue culture is a biological research approach that involves transferring segments of tissue from an animal or plant to an artificial environment where they may survive and function.
ii. A single cell, a population of cells, or a full or part of an organ can all be cultured. Cells in culture can proliferate, alter size, shape, or function, perform specialised tasks (muscle cells, for example, can contract), and interact with other cells.
Fig: Tissue Culture
Cloning is the process of creating a genetically identical copy of another cell, tissue, or organism. A clone is a material that has been duplicated and has the same genetic composition as the original. Dolly, a Scottish sheep, was the most famous clone.
a. Gene cloning: Gene cloning is the process of making copies of genes or DNA segments.
b. Reproductive cloning: Reproductive cloning is the process of making duplicates of entire animals.
c. Therapeutic cloning: Embryonic stem cells are created by therapeutic cloning. Researchers aim to employ these cells to produce healthy tissue in the human body to replace sick or injured parts.
Fig: Cloning – Dolly
Biotechnology is still improving the way we live today, and it is doing it in a more responsible way. Crop modification is killing the essence of natural farming. Genetically modified organisms have the potential to damage the natural environment. Biotechnology has resulted in a broad and virtually limitless range of useful biotechnology products that help us live longer, healthier lives and have a more plentiful and sustainable food supply. Humanity has reached this degree of comfort thanks to biotechnology. Biotechnology has both positive and negative aspects.
Q.1. Who is the father of biotechnology?
Ans: Karl Ereky, a Hungarian agricultural engineer, coined the term ‘biotechnology’ in \(1919\). He is regarded by some as the “father” of biotechnology.
Q.2. Who is the father of genetic engineering?
Ans: Paul Berg is the “father of genetic engineering”.
Q.3. What is modern biotechnology?
Ans: Biotechnological approaches for manipulating genetic material and cell fusion beyond conventional breeding barriers are referred to as modern biotechnology.
Q.4. Which is the first cloning vector?
Ans: The first cloning vector is plasmid pBR322.
Q.5. What is a vector in biotechnology?
Ans: A vector is a DNA molecule that is used to transport foreign genetic material into another cell so that it can be reproduced and/or expressed (e.g., plasmid, cosmid, Lambda phages). Recombinant DNA is a vector that contains foreign DNA.
Study The Applications Of Biotechnology
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