The JEE Main 2023 first shift of April 10, 2023 is over and candidates across the country are eager to know the JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 paper analysis. Experts with a wealth of knowledge and experience in engineering entrance exams analysed the JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 paper, which turned out to be moderate to easy. They analysed the paper on various parameters, including the difficulty level of the exam, the number of easy, moderate, and difficult questions, the type of questions asked in different sections, and the weightage of the topics.
The JEE Main 2023 exam analysis will help candidates understand the difficulty level of the paper, the type of questions asked, and the overall pattern of the exam. Therefore, the JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 paper analysis will ultimately help aspirants understand the level of preparation required to crack the JEE Main exam, providing them with guidance for achieving their goals. Continue reading this article for the detailed JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 paper analysis.
Live Updates!
April 10, 2023 (12:00 pm): The JEE Main 2023 shift 1 (Session 2) exam is over.
April 10, 2023 (11:39 am): As of now, only 30 minutes remain until the conclusion of the JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 exam.
April 10, 2023 (10:45 am): Candidates preparing for the JEE Main 2023 Session 2 exams can enhance their revision process by referring to the previous years’ JEE Main question papers available on the official website.
April 10, 2023 (09:45 am): Familiarise yourself with the JEE Main 2023 exam trends by accessing the JEE Main exam analysis of Session 1 (January Session).
April 10, 2023 (09:00 am): The JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 (Session 2) exam begins.
JEE Main April 10 Shift 1 Paper Analysis: Overall Difficulty
The JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 paper analysis is crucial for candidates who have appeared for the exam, as it provides them with an idea of the overall difficulty level of the exam. The overall difficulty level of the exam is an important parameter that helps candidates to evaluate their performance and make necessary improvements in their preparation strategy. The analysis of the JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 paper reveals that the exam was moderate to difficult level, with a few tricky questions.
The table below can be used by candidates to check the overall difficulty level of each subject in the JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 paper:
Overall Difficulty Level
Moderate to Easy
Take Mock Tests for JEE Main 2023
As the competition for JEE Main is very high, it is essential for candidates to prepare thoroughly for the exam. Taking mock tests is one of the best ways for the JEE Main preparation process. It helps candidates evaluate their preparation level, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and improve their performance. Mock tests provide candidates with a real exam environment and help them get familiar with the exam pattern, type of questions asked, and exam difficulty level.
So, if you are planning to appear for the JEE Main exam, make sure to take advantage of these mock tests and improve your chances of cracking this exam:
1st Step: Visit Embibe’s official website, i.e.,
2nd Step: Input the mobile number or email in the fields provided to log in.
3rd Step: From the menu bar, click on “Getting into my dream undergraduate college”
4th Step: Select the Goal “Engineering” from the Dropdown and click on “Next”.
5th Step: Search and Select “JEE Main” on the search bar and click on “Next”.
6th Step: Now,select the preferred language (English or Hindi) and click on “Done”.
7th Step: Click “Test” from the Header Menu Section.
8th Step: Scroll down to the “Take Full Tests” section.
9th Step: Click on any JEE Main test to begin attempting the mock tests.
For candidates and educators seeking to gain valuable insights into the structure, difficulty level, and weightage of topics, the JEE Main 2023 exam analysis is an essential resource. To access shift-wise JEE Main 2023 paper analysis, refer to the table below:
JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 Subject-wise Analysis
JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 subject-wise Analysis is a comprehensive resource that provides detailed insights into the difficulty level, type of questions, and weightage of each topic covered in the JEE Main exam’s first shift.
We have provided the detailed JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 exam analysis in the following sections. The subject-wise JEE Main 2023 exam analysis covers all the subjects, including Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, providing a holistic view of the exam’s structure and difficulty level.
Refer to the following sections for the complete JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 subject-wise analysis.
JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 Mathematics Analysis
The questions in the Mathematics section of JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 were lengthy and time-consuming. In the morning shift exam, many questions were asked from Coordinate Geometry and Calculus.
JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 Physics Analysis
The JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 Physics section was moderate. Candidates found the most questions aligned with the NCERT books. Also, the Physics section was mainly dominated by questions on Electrostatics, Optics, and Modern physics.
JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 Chemistry Analysis
The Chemistry section of JEE Main 2023 shift 1 was moderate to easy level. Candidates found most questions in this section easier to solve. The Chemistry section had more questions from Physical Chemistry in comparison to Organic Chemistry.
JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 Paper: Subject-wise Good Attempts
Check the following table for subject-wise good attempts (number of questions) in JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 paper:
Good Attempts
18 to 20
22 to 24
20 to 22
Overall Good Attempts
60 to 66
JEE Main 2023 Student Reaction (April 10 Shift 1)
Refer to the student reactions on the JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 exam below:
Vivek: The questions in the Chemistry section were mostly from the syllabus of Class 12.
Pranav: Mathematics was a little difficult to attempt. I found many questions from the Class 11 syllabus.
JEE Main Analysis 2023: Check Previous Year Analysis
In the following table, we have provided JEE Main 2022 shift-wise analysis with solution PDFs:
We hope this article on JEE Main 2023 April 10 Shift 1 paper analysis helps you. At Embibe, candidates can access the vast library of JEE Main mock tests. Sign up on Embibe to access all JEE Main tests.
Stay tuned to Embibe for the latest updates about JEE Main 2023 examination.