JEE Main 2023 Question Paper Analysis: January 24 Shift 1
BENGALURU, January 24: National Testing Agency (NTA) successfully concluded the JEE Main 2023 Session 1 today, January 24, 2023. Shift 1 exam began at 9.00 a.m. and got ended at 12.00 p.m. As per the student’s reactions, the paper was reviewed to be moderately difficult. Almost 60% similarity of the exam pattern questions came in through the previous year’s papers. This webpage will highlight the shift-wise exam difficulty levels for the Jan 24 Shift 1 exam for Paper 1 (B.E/B.Tech paper), along with the reactions of the students who have appeared for the test.
It is advised that candidates must bring one photocopy of their ID card/Aadhar card along with the Covid-19 vaccination certificate and admit card to the exam venue. Candidates will be able to check the subject-wise toughness level here after conducting the JEE Main day 1 shift 1 exam. Continue reading to check the JEE Main 2023 exam analysis here.
January 24 | 12.20 p.m. —Quick Tip; candidates who will be appearing for the second shift test, must go through 3D Geometry from the Mathematics section.
January 24 | 12.15 p.m.— Candidates must bring in their Aadhar card or an e-copy of the Aadhar card to the exam venue.
January 24 | 12.10 p.m.— JEE Main 2023 January 24 Session 1 difficulty level was considered to be moderate.
January 24 | 12.00 p.m.— JEE Main 2023 Session 1 day 1 exam got ended.
January 24 | 9.00 a.m.— NTA authorities started the JEE Main day 1 of exam session 1 2023.
JEE Main 2023 January 24, Shift 1 Paper 1 Question Paper Analysis
Check the table given below for getting acquainted with the subject-wise difficulty level of the JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 1 paper:
Difficulty Level
Extremely Difficult
JEE Main 2023: All India Mock Test Series
To ace the preparation strategy, candidates must take up the All India Mock Test Series for JEE Main 2023 to improve their scores. Check the steps given below for taking the mock tests for offered by Embibe:
1st Step: Visit Embibe’s official website, i.e.,
2nd Step: Login through mobile number/email.
3rd Step: Select Goal as ‘JEE Main’ under Engineering.
4th Step: Click Next and select the preferred language.
5th Step: Once done, click on the below-mentioned links to take the test.
JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 1 Section-wise Analysis
The subject-wise analysis of JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 1 for the B. E/B. Tech paper is provided here in this section:
JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 1 B.E/B. Tech Paper — Physics
As per the question paper analysis, it was found that Physics was extremely difficult to attend. Formula-based questions were asked mostly in the Physics section. Most of the questions were numerical-based ones and it took longer time for the students to solve them. The chapters from where the maximum number of questions appeared in the exam are- Thermodynamics, SHM, Vectors,
JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 1 B.E/B.Tech Paper — Chemistry
Organic questions from GOC and Inorganic chemistry questions came from bonding and d-block elements. The questions were direct and easy to solve. Very few questions came in from the Physical Chemistry section. The number of attempts as per the difficulty level of the Chemistry section can be formulated as Inorganic> Organic>Physical.
JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 1 B.E/B.Tech Paper — Mathematics
The mathematics section was the most difficult one. Maximum questions required much time to solve. Vectors, Integration, and 3D Geometry were some of the important chapters from where the maximum number of questions appeared in the exam.
JEE Main January 24 Shift 1 — Check Students’ Reactions
Gautam: Gautam was having his exam centre at IET Lucknow and he reported that the exam paper was moderately easy. He attempted almost 60-70 questions. Mathematics was the most difficult as per his statement and Chemistry was the easiest among all the subjects in the Paper 1 exam.
Shubh: As per Shubh, Mathematics was much more difficult for him to solve. Most questions came in from the previous year’s papers that he has practised along. Furthermore, he also reported that for him, Inorganic Chemistry questions were easier to solve in the entire paper.