JEE Main 2023 Question Paper Analysis: January 24 Shift 2
JEE Main Analysis 2023: The National Testing Agency (NTA) successfully conducted the JEE Main January Session 1 Day 1 shift 2 exam on January 24, 2023. The JEE Main 2023 January 24 shift 2 was conducted from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Candidates can refer to the below article to get insight into the JEE analysis for January 24 Shift 2. The question paper analysis will give an idea of the difficulty level of the exam along with the solution PDFs. Continue reading the article to access JEE Main mock test and memory-based questions solution for every shift-wise exam.
Live Updates!
January 24, 2023: Shift 2 (6: 00 pm) – The JEE Main 2023 January 24 shift 2 exam has concluded.
January 24, 2023: Shift 2 (5: 15 pm) -Embibe SMEs have released JEE Main 2023 January 24 question and solutions PDF here.
January 24, 2023: Shift 2 (4: 15 pm) – Based on candidates who appeared for the morning shift, the JEE Main 1st attempt 2023 paper was of moderate level.
January 24, 2023: Shift 2 (3: 34 pm) – NTA has released the JEE Main admit card for exams dated January 24 and 25. Download the JEE Main hall ticket from the official website, i.e.
January 24, 2023: Shift 2 (3:00 pm) – The JEE Main 2023 January Session day 1 exam has begun.
JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 2 Analysis: Overall Difficulty
Candidates can refer to the below table to know the subject-wise difficulty of JEE Main January 24 Shift 2 exam. Here is the subject-wise difficulty level of the first shift exam of JEE Main.
Difficulty Level
Relatively Easy
Easy to Moderate
Take Mock Test for JEE Mains 2023
Candidates can refer to the below pointers to know the steps to access the mock test for JEE Main 2023 at Embibe:
1st Step: Visit Embibe’s official website, i.e.,
2nd Step: Login using mobile number/email
3rd Step: Then select ‘Goal’ as ‘JEE Main’ under Engineering
4th Step: Click ‘Next’ and select the preferred language
5th Step: Refer to the below-mentioned links to attempt mock tests.
Based on IIT JEE Main student’s reaction, JEE Main 2023 shift 2 JEE Main 2023 paper’s overall difficulty level was easy and was similar to the previous year’s paper. Candidates who can refer to the below pointers to know the subject-wise JEE Main shift 2 analysis:
JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 2 AnalysisMathematics
The JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 2 Mathematics exam was fairly easy. Most of the questions were from Integration, sets, and statistics topics. As per students, the Calculus section was easy.
JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 2 AnalysisPhysics
The JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 2 Physics exam was easy, and 1 question was from Semiconductors. Most questions were covered by NCERT.
JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 2 AnalysisChemistry
The JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 2 Chemistry exam was easy, and the Physical Organic section had high-weightage questions. Most questions were from NCERT and everyday chemistry, IOC and topics from inorganic chemistry were also asked.
JEE Main 2023 Student Reaction (January 24 Shift 2)
Candidates can find students’ reactions on JEE Main 2023 January 24 Shift 2 exam as follows:
Abhavya: Abhavya said that the JEE Main 2023 Shift 2 exam was similar to the previous year’s JEE Main exams. He said that people who had solved previous years’ JEE Main question papers would have answered the questions better.
Saif: Saif found out that the majority of questions were from NCERT, and he could answer most questions in shift 2.
Sakshi: For her, the Mathematics section was moderately easy yet quite lengthy; however, she managed to do it in time.