Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 12 Exam

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  • Written by Harshitha A
  • Last Modified on 30-11-2024
  • Written by Harshitha A
  • Last Modified on 30-11-2024

JKBOSE Class 12 Exam 2025

About Exam

The Jammu Kashmir State Board of School Education is the official organisation that conducts the 10th (SSC) and 12th (HSC) examinations for the summer and winter sessions (JKBOSE). The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education works under the government of Jammu and Kashmir as it is an autonomous body. Moreover, the JKBOSE Class 12 is divided into two zones: the Winter Zone and the Summer Zone.

The exam in the Jammu division begins in February and lasts through March. The JKBOSE publishes the results of the SSC and HSC examinations in May/June. The Jammu division’s winter session date sheet, on the other hand, is available starting in December. This year, The JK Board 12th exams 2025 will be held from February 15 to March 20, 2025 (tentatively), for soft zone and between April 8 and May 9, 2025, for hard zone areas. Read this article to learn more about JKBOSE Class 12 board exams. JKBOSE 12th exam dates will be available on the official website and the result can be checked on www jkbose nic in login.

JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Summary 2025

Let us take a look at the overview of JKBOSE Class 12 exam:

Particulars Details
Class Class 12
Exam Date Soft Zone: February to March, 2025 (Expected)
Hard Zone: April – May 2025 (Expected)
New Academic Session April (Expected)
Time Table Availability January, 2025
Exam Type Board Examination
Frequency of Conduct Once a year
Exam Level Intermediate
Mode of Exam Offline
Exam Duration 3 Hours

JKBOSE Class 12 Official Website


JKBOSE Class 12 Latest Updates 2025


JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2025

Exam Pattern

Students must know the JKBOSE Class 12 exam pattern to understand the syllabus for 2025 better . Students going through the entire exam pattern for JKBOSE Class 12 have a better understanding of the type of questions asked during the exam. They also get to understand the entire marking scheme of the question paper after being well-versed with the exam pattern. 

The best way to know about their strengths and weaknesses is to analyse the exam pattern and work accordingly to score well and achieve their desired results during the JKBOSE Class 12 board exam.

JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Scoring Pattern 2025

Students must understand the Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 12 exam scoring pattern to prepare for their exams in advance and score well. In this article, we have provided all the details about the latest scoring pattern of the JKBOSE Class 12 to help students with their studies.

In the table below, students may see the detailed subject-by-subject test pattern for the JK board 12th exams in 2025:

Subject Theory marks External Marks Internal Marks Total Marks
Accountancy 80 15 5 100
Biology 70 20 10 100
Business Mathematics 100 100
Business Studies 100 100
Chemistry 70 20 10 100
Clothing for the Family 70 20 10 100
Computer Science 70 20 10 100
Economics 100 100
Education 100 100
Entrepreneurship 80 15 5 100
Environmental Science 70 20 10 100
Extension Education 70 20 10 100
Geography 70 20 10 100
Geography 70 20 10 100
History 80 20 (project work) 100
Human Development 70 20 10 100
Informatics Practices 70 20 10 100
Mathematics 100 100
Philosophy 100 100
Physics 70 20 10 100
Political SCience 100 100
Public Administration 100 100
Shorthand and Type Writing 60 40 100

JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Pattern Details – Total Time

Each theory and practical paper for the JKBOSE Class 12 exam in 2025 will last 3 hours and 15 minutes or 195 minutes.

JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Syllabus 2025

Exam Syllabus

The students preparing for the JKBOSE Class 12 exam must go through the Jammu and Kashmir Board syllabus to know all about the important topics covered in the examination. 

Students must be well-versed with the syllabus as it helps them understand the entire exam schedule properly. Students can prepare well for the exams after going through the exam syllabus for the JKBOSE Class 12. 

The JKBOSE Class 12 curriculum 2025 is available on the official website of the Jammu and Kashmir Board. The syllabus for Science stream subjects – Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, and English is provided here in this article.

JKBOSE Class 12 Mathematics Syllabus 2025

To score excellent marks in JKBOSE Class 12 Maths, students should build a strong foundation in the concepts. Later, they should solve practice problems and take mock tests to analyse their understanding in the topics. Below we have provided the Mathematics syllabus for the JKBOSE Class 12 exam:

Units Chapters Topics
Unit 1- Relations and Functions Relations and Functions
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
1. Relations and Functions –
Types of Relations: Reflexive, symmetric, transitive and equivalence relations. One to one and onto functions, composite functions, inverse of a function. Binary operations.
2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions –
Definition, range, domain, principal value branches. Graphs of inverse trigonometric functions. Elementary properties of inverse trigonometric functions.
Unit 2- Algebra Matrices
3. Matrices –
Concept, notation, order, equality, types of matrices, zero matrix, transpose of a matrix, symmetric and skew symmetric matrices. Addition, multiplication and scalar multiplication of matrices, simple properties of addition, multiplication and scalar multiplication. Non – commutativity of multiplication of matrices and existence of non – zero matrices whose product is the zero matrix (restricted to square matrices of order 2. Concept of elementary row and column operations. Invertible matrices and proof of the uniqueness of inverse, if it exists; (Here all matrices will have real entries).
4. Determinants –
Determinant of a square matrix (up to 3 x 3 matrices) , properties of determinants, minors, cofactors and applications of determinants in finding the area of a triangle, Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix. Consistency, inconsistency and number of solutions of systems of linear equations by examples, solving systems of linear equations in two or three variables (having unique solution) using inverse of a matrix.
Unit 3- Calculus Continuity and Differentiability
Applications of Derivatives
Applications of the Integrals
Differential Equations
5. Continuity and Differentiability –
Continuity and differentiability, derivative of composite functions, chain rule, derivatives of inverse trigonometric functions, derivative of implicit functions. Concept of exponential and logarithmic functions and their derivatives. Logarithmic differentiation.
Logarithmic differentiation, Derivative of functions expressed in parametric forms. Second order derivatives. Rolle’s and Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorems (without proof) and their geometric interpretations and simple applications.
6. Applications of Derivatives –
Applications of derivatives : rate of change, increasing/decreasing functions, tangents & normals, approximation, maxima and minima (first derivative test motivated geometrically and second derivative test given as a provable tool). Simple problems (that illustrate basic principles and understanding of the subject as well as real-life situations).
7. Integrals –
Integration as an inverse process of differentiation. Integration of a variety of functions by substitution, by partial fractions and by parts, only simple integrals of the type to be evaluated.
Definite integrals as a limit of a sum, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (without proof), Basic properties of definite integrals and evaluation of definite integrals.
8. Applications of the Integrals –
Applications in finding the area under simple curves, especially lines, area of circles / parabolas / ellipses (in standard form only), area between the two above said curves (the region should be clearly identifiable).
9. Differential Equations –
Definition, order and degree, general and particular solutions of a differential equation.Formation of differential equation whose general solution is given.Solution of differential equations by method of separation of variables, homogeneous differential equations of first order and first degree. Solutions of linear differential equation of the type :
Unit 4- Vectors and three-dimensional geometry Vectors
Three –dimensional Geometry
10. Vectors –
Vectors and scalars, magnitude and direction of a vector. Direction cosines / ratios of vectors. Types of vectors (equal, unit, zero, parallel and collinear vectors), position vector of a point, negative of a vector, components of a vector, addition of vectors, multiplication of a vector by a scalar, position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio. Scalar (dot) product of vectors, projection of a vector on a line. Vector (cross) product of vectors.
11. Three-dimensional Geometry –
Direction cosines / ratios of a line joining two points. Cartesian and vector equation of a line, coplanar and skew lines, shortest distance between two lines. Cartesian and vector equation of a plane. Angle between (i) two lines (ii) two planes (iii) a line and a plane. Distance of a point from a plane.
Unit 5-Linear Programming Linear Programming 12. Linear Programming –
Introduction, related terminology such as constraints, objective function, optimization, different types of linear programming (L.P) problems, mathematical formulation of L.P. problems, graphical method of solution for problems in two variables, feasible and infeasible regions, feasible and infeasible solutions, optimal feasible solutions (up to three non-trivial constraints).
Unit 6- Probability Probability 13. Probability –
Multiplication theorem on probability. Conditional probability, independent events, total probability. Bayes Theorem, Random variable and its probability distribution, mean and variance of random variable. Repeated independent (Bernoulli) trials and Binomial distribution.
Suggested Textbook : 1) Mathematics Textbook for Class XII, NCERT, Publication.

JKBOSE Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus 2025

In Class 12 Chemistry, students may be required to answer a question through balancing a chemical equation. Thus, students must learn the concepts clearly and practice sample questions for the same. Below we have provided the Chemistry syllabus for the JKBOSE Class 12 exam:

Chapters Topics
Solid State 1. Classification of solids based on different binding forces: Molecular, lonic, covalent and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids (elementary idea). Unit cell in two dimensional and three dimensional lattices, calculation of density of unit cell, packing in solids, packing efficiency, voids, number of atoms per unit cell in a cubic cell, point defects, electrical and magnetic properties. Band theory of metals, conductors, semiconductors and insulators and n and p type semiconductors.
Solutions 2. Types of solutions: Expression of concentration of solutions of solids in liquids, solubility of gases in liquids, solid solutions, colligative properties – relative lowering of vapour pressure, Raoult’s law, elevation of boiling point, depression ofzing point, osmotic pressure, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties, abnormal molecular mass, Van’t Hoff factor.
Electrochemistry Redox reactions, conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivity, variations of conductivity with concentration, Kohlrausch’s Law, electrolysis and law of electrolysis (elementary idea), dry cell-electrolytic cells and Galvanic cells, lead accumulator, EMF of a cell, standard electrode potential, Nernst equation and its application to chemical cells, Relation between Gibbs energy change and EMF of a cell, fuel cells, corrosion.
Chemical Kinetics 3. Rate of a reaction (Average and instantaneous), factors affecting rate of reaction: Concentration, temperature, catalyst; order and molecularity of a reaction, rate law and specific rate constant, integrated rate equations and half-life (only for zero and first order reactions), concept of collision theory (elementary idea, no mathematical treatment). Activation energy, Arrhenius equation.
Surface Chemistry 4. Adsorption- Physisorption and chemisorption, factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids, catalysis, homogenous and heterogenous activity and selectivity; enzyme catalysis colloidal state distinction between true solutions, colloids and suspension; lyophilic, lyophobic multi-molecular and macromolecular colloids; properties of colloids; Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, coagulation, emulsion – types of emulsions.
General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements 5. Principles and methods of extraction – Concentration, oxidation, reduction – electrolytic method and refining; occurrence and principles of extraction of aluminium, copper, zinc and iron
p-Block Elements 6. Group 15 Elements:
General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, oxidation states, trends in physical and chemical properties, Nitrogen preparation properties and uses; compounds of Nitrogen, preparation and properties of Ammonia and Nitric Acid, Oxides of Nitrogen (Structure only); Phosphorus- allotropic forms, compounds of Phosphorus : Preparation and Properties of Phosphine, Halides and Oxoacids (elementary idea only).
7. Group 16 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, oxidation states, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties, dioxygen: Preparation, Properties and uses, classification of Oxides, Ozone, Sulphur – allotropic forms; compounds of Sulphur: Preparation Properties and uses of Sulphur-dioxide, Sulphuric Acid: industrial process of manufacture, properties and uses; Oxoacids of Sulphur (Structures only).
8. Group 17 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, oxidation states, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties; compounds of halogens, Preparation, properties and uses of Chlorine and Hydrochloric acid, interhalogen compounds, Oxoacids of halogens (structures only).
9. Group 18 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties, uses.
d- and f- Block Elements 10. General introduction: Electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of transition metals, general trends in properties of the first row transition metals – metallic character, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, ionic radii, colour, catalytic property, magnetic properties, interstitial compounds, alloy formation, preparation and properties of K2Cr2O7 and KMnO4.
11. Lanthanoids – Electronic configuration, oxidation states, chemical reactivity and lanthanoid contraction and its consequences.
12. Actinides – Electronic configuration, oxidation states and comparison with lanthanide.
Coordination Compounds 13. Coordination compounds – Introduction, ligands, coordination number, colour, magnetic properties and shapes, IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds. Bonding, Werner’s theory, VBT, and CFT; structure and stereoisomerism, importance of coordination compounds (in qualitative inclusion, extraction of metals and biological system).
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 14. Haloalkanes: Nomenclature, nature of C-X bond, physical and chemical properties, mechanism of substitution reactions, optical rotation.
15. Haloarenes: Nature of C-X bond, substitution reactions (Directive influence of halogen in monosubstituted compounds only). Uses and environmental effects of – dichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons, DDT.
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 16. Alcohols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties (of primary alcohols only), identification of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols, mechanism of dehydration, uses with special reference to methanol and ethanol.
17. Phenols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, acidic nature of phenol, electrophilic substitution reactions, uses of phenols.
18. Ethers: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, uses.
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 19. Aldehydes and Ketones: Nomenclature, nature of carbonyl group, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, mechanism of nucleophilic addition, reactivity of alpha hydrogen in aldehydes, uses.
20. Carboxylic Acids: Nomenclature, acidic nature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties; uses.
Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen 21. Amines: Nomenclature, classification, structure, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, uses, identification of primary, secondary and tertiary amines. Cyanides and Isocyanides – will be mentioned at relevant places in text.
22. Diazonium salts: Preparation, chemical reactions and importance in synthetic organic chemistry.
Biomolecules 23. Carbohydrates – Classification (aldoses and ketoses), monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), D-L configuration oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose), polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen); Importance of carbohydrates.
24. Proteins: Elementary idea of – amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides, proteins, structure of proteins – primary, secondary, tertiary structure and quaternary structures (qualitative idea only), denaturation of proteins; enzymes. Hormones -Elementary idea excluding structure.
Vitamins- Classification and functions.
25. Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA.
Polymers 26. Copolymerization, some important polymers: Natural and synthetic like polythene, nylon polyesters, bakelite, rubber. Biodegradable and nonbiodegradable polymers.
Chemistry in Everyday Life 27. Chemicals in medicines – Analgesics, tranquilizers, antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials, antifertility drugs, antibiotics, antacids, antihistamines.
28. Chemicals in food – Preservatives, artificial sweetening agents, elementary idea of antioxidants.Cleansing agents- soaps and detergents, cleansing action.

JKBOSE Class 12 Physics Syllabus 2025

The syllabus of JKBOSE Class 12 Physics contains concepts like electrostatics, magnetism, electricity, etc. These topics will help students prepare for competitive exams well. Below provided is the Physics syllabus for the JKBOSE Class 12 exam:

Units Chapters Topics
Unit 1 Electrostatics 1. Electric Charges and Fields –
Electric charges: conversation of charge, Coulomb’s law – force between two point charges, forces between multiple charges, superposition principle and continuous charge distribution.
Electric field, electric field due to point charge, electric field lines, and electric dipole, electric field due to dipole, Torque on a dipole in uniform electric field.
Electric flux, statement of Gauss’s theorem and its application to find field due to infinitely long straight wire, uniformly charged infinite plane sheet and uniformly charged thin spherical shell (field inside and outside).
2. Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance –
Electric potential, potential difference, and electric potential due to a point charge, a dipole, and a system of charges; equipotential surfaces, electrical potential energy of a system of two point charges and an electric dipole in an electrostatic field.
Conductor and insulators, charges and bound charges inside a conductor. Dielectrics and electric polarisation, capacitors and capacitance, combination of capacitors in series and in parallel, capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric medium between the plates, energy storage in a capacitor.
Unit 2 Current Electricity 3. Current Electricity –
Electric current, flow of electric charges in a metallic conductor, drift velocity, mobility and their relation with electric current; Ohm’s law, electrical resistance, V-I characteristics (linear and nonlinear), electrical energy and power, electrical resistivity and conductivity, temperature dependence of resistance. Internal resistance of a cell, potential difference and emf of a cell, combination of cells in series and in parallel, Kirchhoff’s laws and simple applications, Wheatstone bridge, metre bridge (qualitative ideas only). Potentiometer – principle and its applications to measure potential difference and for comparing EMF of two cells; measurement of internal resistance of a cell.
Unit 3 Magnetic Effects of Current & Magnetism 4. Moving Charges and Magnetism –
Concept of magnetic field, Oersted’s experiment. Biot – Savart law and its application to the current carrying circular loop. Ampere’s law and its applications to infinitely long straight wire. Straight and toroidal solenoids (only qualitative treatment), force on a moving charge in uniform magnetic and electric fields. Force on a current-carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field, force between two parallel current-carrying conductors-definition of ampere, torque experienced by a current loop in uniform magnetic field; moving coil galvanometer-its current sensitivity and conversion to ammeter and voltmeter.
5. Magnetism and Matter –
Current loop as a magnetic dipole and its magnetic dipole moment, magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron, bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid, magnetic field lines; earth’s magnetic field and magnetic elements. Para, dia, and ferro-magnetic substances with examples. Electromagnets and factors affecting their strength, permanent magnets.
Unit 4 Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current 6. Electromagnetic Induction –
Electromagnetic induction; Faraday’s laws, induced EMF and current; Lenz’s Law, Eddy currents. Self and mutual induction.
7. Alternating Current –
Alternating currents, peak and RMS value of alternating current/voltage; reactance and impedance; LC oscillations (qualitative treatment only), LCR series circuit, resonance; power in AC circuits. AC generator and transformer.
Unit 5 Electromagnetic Waves 8. Electromagnetic Waves –
Need for displacement current, Electro-magnetic waves, their characteristics, (qualitative ideas only), transverse nature of electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic spectrum (radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X- rays, gamma rays) including elementary facts about their uses.
Unit 6 Optics 9. Ray Optics and Optical Instruments –
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Ray Optics: Refraction of light, total internal reflection and its applications, optical fibers, refraction at spherical surfaces, lenses, thin lens formula, lensmaker’s formula, magnification, power of a lens, combination of thin lenses in contact, refraction of light through a prism. Optical instruments: Microscopes and astronomical telescopes (reflecting and refracting) and their magnifying powers.
10. Wave Optics –
Wave Optics Wave optics: Wavefront and Huygens principle, reflection and refraction of plane waves at a plane surface using wave fronts. Proof of laws of reflection and refraction using Huygens principle. Interference, Young’s double slit experiment and expression for fringe width, coherent sources and sustained interference of light, diffraction due to a single slit, width of central maximum.
Unit 7 Dual Nature of Matters 11. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter –
Radiation and Matter Have a Dual Nature The dual nature of radiation, the photoelectric effect, the observations of Hertz and Lenard, and Einstein’s photoelectric equation-particle nature of light De-Broglie relation, matter waves-wave nature of particles.
Unit 8 Atom & Nuclei 12. Atoms –
Experiment with alpha particles; Rutherford’s model of the atom; Bohr model, energy levels, and hydrogen spectrum.
13. Nuclei –
Nucleus composition and size Nuclear fission, nuclear fusion; mass-energy relationship, mass defect.
Unit 9 Electronic Device 14. Electronic Devices –
Semiconductor Electronics
Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits Energy bands in conductors, semiconductors and insulators (qualitative ideas only). Semiconductor diode – I-V characteristics in forward and reverse bias, diode as a rectifier; Special purpose p-n junction diodes: LED, photodiode, solar cell and their characteristics.
Unit 10 Communication System System components of communication (block diagram only), Signal bandwidth (speech, television, and digital data), transmission medium bandwidth, electromagnetic wave propagation in the atmosphere, sky, and space wave propagation
Modulation is required: An amplitude-modulated wave is created and detected.

JKBOSE Class 12 Biology Syllabus 2025

Biology is a lengthy subject. Students need to write to-the-point answers to get good marks. They should also practice drawing diagrams to support their answers. Below we have provided the Biology syllabus for the JKBOSE Class 12 exam:

Units Chapters and Topics
Reproduction in Flowering Plants 1. Asexual Reproduction
2. Sexual Reproduction:
Genetics 3. Heredity and Variation
4. Search for Genetic Material and DNA as Genetic Material
5. Biosynthesis
Biology and Human Welfare 6. Plant Breeding
7. Tissue Culture
8. Microbes in Human Welfare
Ecology and Environment 9. Meaning of Ecology, Environment, Habitat and Niche
10. Population and Ecological Adaptations
11. Ecosystems
12. Biodiversity and its Conservation
13. Environmental Issues
Section B Zoology
Reproduction 1. Asexual Reproduction
2. Human Reproduction: 
3. Reproductive Health
Genetics and Evolution 4. Mendelian Disorders in Humans
5. Origin of Life: 
Biology and Human Welfare 6. Health and Disease
7. Insects and Human Welfare
Biotechnology and its Application 8. Applications in Health

JKBOSE Class 12 Exam Date 2025

The Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 12 exam 2025 for soft zone areas will be conducted from February 6 to March, 2025. Students are advised to check the detailed exam schedule and read the exam-day instructions carefully. They should revise all the topics thoroughly and take mock tests to evaluate their preparation. The JKBOSE Class 12 exam date 2025 is tabulated below:

JKBOSE Class 12 Date Sheet 2025 for Science & Arts

Exam Date

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Arts

February, 2025


Geography/ Psychology/Music/ Philosophy/ Education

March, 2025

General English

General English

March, 2025


Arabic/ Persian/ Sanskrit/ Economics

March, 2025

Vocational Subjects

IT &ITES/ Retail/Healthcare/ Tourism & Hospitality /Agriculture/ Media and Entertainment/ Beauty and Wellness/ Physical Education and Sports/ Telecommunication/ Plumbing/Electronics & Hardware/Automotive/ Apparels/Makeup and Home Furnishing

Vocational Subjects

IT &ITES/ Retail/Healthcare/ Tourism & Hospitality /Agriculture/ Media and Entertainment/ Beauty and Wellness/ Physical Education and Sports/ Telecommunication/ Plumbing/Electronics & Hardware/ Automotive/ Apparels/ Makeup and Home Furnishing

March, 2025

Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics

Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics

March, 2025

Geology/ Bio-Technology/ Microbiology/ Bio-Chemistry

Urdu/ Hindi/ Kashmiri/ Dogri/ Punjabi/ Bhoti

March, 2025

Computer Science/ Information Practices/ Environmental Science/ Functional English/ Physical Education/ Islamic Studies/ Vedic Studies/ Buddhist Studies/ Electronics/ Food Technology

Computer Science, Information Practices, Environmental Science, Functional English, Physical Education, Islamic Studies, Vedic Studies, Buddhist Studies, Travel, Tourism and Hotel, Management, English Literature, Food Technology

March, 2025


Home Science (Elective), History, Public Administration

March, 2025

Biology(Botany &/ Zoology)/ Statistics

Political Science, Statistics

JK Class 12 Commerce and Home Science Soft Zone Date Sheet

Exam Date

Faculty of Commerce

Faculty of Home Science

April, 2025

General English

General English

April, 2025



Clothing for the family

April, 2025

Vocational Subjects



Tourism & Hospitality

/Agriculture/ Media

and Entertainment/

Beauty and Wellness/

Physical Education

and Sports/



& Hardware/


Makeup and Home


Vocational Subjects.



Tourism & Hospitality

/Agriculture/ Media and

Entertainment/ Beauty

and Wellness/ Physical

Education and Sports/


Plumbing/Electronics &

Hardware/Automotive/Apparels/Makeup and Home


April, 2025


Extension Education

April, 2025

Business Studies


April, 2025

Computer Science

Information Practices



Functional English

Physical Education

Islamic Studies

Vedic Studies

Buddhist Studies

Travel, Tourism and

Hotel Management

Computer Science

Information Practices

Environmental Science

Functional English

Physical Education

Islamic Studies

Vedic Studies

Buddhist Studies

Travel, Tourism and Hotel


Food Technology

April, 2025

Business Mathematics

Public Administration

Human Development

May, 2025



JKBOSE Class 12 Admit Card 2025

Study Plan to Maximise Score

Students must carry their JK Board Class 12 admit cards to the exam centre at all times as it is very important or else the student will be barred from entering the exam hall. The JKBOSE Class 12th admit card has all the relevant information regarding the exam guidelines and students must be aware of that.

JKBOSE Class 12 Study Plan to Maximise Score

Previous Year Analysis

Students must make a study plan ahead of their JKBOSE Class 12 exams to score well and achieve their desired results. Students need to make a detailed study plan to maximise their scores as the Class 12 examination is an important step for students to have a bright future ahead. To help students in the process, we have prepared a detailed study plan for the students in this article.

Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 12 Preparation Tips 2025

Preparation tips ensure that students learn the topics and prepare effectively to achieve optimum results. Students who will be taking the Jammu and Kashmir Board 12th exam in 2025 should read and follow the following helpful preparation recommendations to ace the exam:

  • Go Through the Syllabus: This is the very first and most crucial Jammu and Kashmir Board 12th preparation tip. The most critical aspect of any exam preparation is knowing the curriculum. 
  • Make a Study Schedule: The next Jammu and Kashmir Board 12th exam preparation advice is to make a study schedule and stick to it to study systematically. You should allocate time to all subjects in a shuffling manner when planning your study routine. 
  • Refer to Prescribed and Reference Books: The best way to prepare for class 12 examinations is to use NCERT books. After finishing the specified volumes, you can move on to other reference books to practice with extra questions on specific topics.
  • Maintain a Separate Notebook for Each Subject: Maintaining a separate notebook for each subject is a smart practice to get into because it allows you to jot down essential points.

Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 12 Detailed Study Plan 2025

A detailed study plan is essential so that students can score good marks in all the subjects. Since different subjects require different approaches to learn and prepare, we have come up with a detailed study plan to help students. They can use the following strategies to prepare strategically for the JKBOSE 12th exam in 2025:

  • Students must go over the entire JKBOSE Class 12th syllabus.
  • Solve as many JKBOSE 12th sample question papers or previous year’s papers as you can. Go over the full syllabus before you get down to solving the sample question papers.
  • Turn off your phone and social media, and find a quiet area at home where you may study in solitude and prepare thoroughly for the JK board 12th exam in 2025.
  • Rather than cramming everything at the last minute, develop solid concepts and master the fundamentals.
  • Consume a well-balanced diet. Regular sleep and exercise, as well as outdoor games, will help you stay healthy and focused on your studies.
  • Make a list of relevant topics for the JKBOSE 12th exam in 2025. They will make revising it easier during the last days of the JK board 12th exam in 2025.

Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 12 Result 2025

The JKBOSE Class 12 result 2025 will tentatively be declared in May 2025. Students will be able to check their results on the Board’s official website. The result declared online is provisional. Students must collect their original mark sheets from their respective schools. Check the details below to have more clarity about the JKBOSE Class 12 result.

Details Mentioned on JKBOSE Scorecard

After downloading the JKBOSE Class 12 result scorecard, please check whether the details are correct or not. Below are the details mentioned in the JKBOSE Class 12 result scorecard:

  • Student’s Name
  • Father’s Name
  • Mother’s Name
  • Faculty
  • Roll Number
  • Registration Number
  • Subjects
  • Internal Marks
  • External Marks
  • Total Marks
  • Date of Result
  • Result

JKBOSE Class 12 Previous Year’s Toppers List

We will update the JKBOSE Class 12 toppers’ 2025 list once the list is released by the Board. Till then, students can refer to the names of the previous years’ toppers.:

JKBOSE 12th Science Toppers List 2023

JKBOSE 12th Science Toppers List 2023
Rank Toppers’ Name Marks Scored
1 Shahid Bashir 99.2%
2 Mustaqeem Afaq 99%
3 Haifa Sajad 98.8%

JKBOSE 12th Commerce Toppers List 2023

JKBOSE 12th Commerce Toppers List 2023
Rank Name of Topper Marks Obtained
1 Irtiza Manzoor 98.2%
2 Fiza Zahra 98%
2 Muskaan Maqbool 98%

JKBOSE 12th Arts Toppers List 2023

JKBOSE 12th Arts Toppers List 2023
Rank Toppers’ Name Marks Secured
1 Mahveen Wani 99%
2 Ada Manzoor 98.8%
3 Fiza Mushtaq 98.6%

FAQs on Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 12

Topper List Success Stories

Here are some frequently asked questions on JKBOSE Class 12 exam:

Q: When will the JKBOSE Class 12 exam 2025 be conducted??

Ans: The JKBOSE Class 12 exam 2025 is to be conducted from February to March, 2025.

Q: When will the JK Board Class 12 result 2025 be declared?

Ans: The JKBOSE Class 12 result 2025 will tentatively be declared in May 2025.

Q: Where can I take the JKBOSE Class 12 mock tests?

Ans: Students can take the JKBOSE Class 12 mock tests for from Embibe. 

Q: Where can I get study materials for JKBOSE Class 12 exam?

Ans: Embibe provides study materials like ebooks, 3D videos, practice questions, mock tests, and many more for JKBOSE Class 12 exam.

Q: Is it necessary to bring the admit card with you to the exam?

Ans: Yes, an admit card is a required document without which you will not be permitted to take the exam.

Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 12 School List

Exam counselling

It is very important for children to select the best school for themselves as Class 12 exams are like a stepping stone towards the future. Parents must sit with their children and select a good school for their future studies. To help parents and children in the process, we have listed some of the best schools in Jammu and Kashmir to assist students in having a bright future.

The best schools in Jammu and Kashmir are given below in the table:

Name of the School Location
Presentation Convent High School. Gandhi Nagar Jammu Jammu & Kashmir
Jodha Mal Public School Channi Himmat, Jammu Bye Pass Road Jammu (j&k)
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Basohli Distt. Kathua Jammu & Kashmir
J K Public School Kunjwani Jammu Jammu & Kashmir
Delhi Public School Maharaja Hari Singh Marg Jammu Jammu & Kashmir

Future Exams After JKBOSE Class 12

Exam talks

Class 12 is one of the preparatory phases for continuing courses for further education. The syllabus and preparation for Class 12 would help us attempt a number of national-level exams and enrol in various universities and colleges for future studies.

Let us have a look at the several entrance examinations that are available across the country for those who have completed Class 12.

Stream Exam
Engineering Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main
JEE Advanced
Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test (BITSAT) entrance exam
IPU-CET (B. Tech)
Manipal (B. Tech)
AMU (B. Tech)
NDA Entrance with PCM (MPC)
Medical National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET)
Defence Services Indian Maritime University Common Entrance Test
Indian Navy B.Tech Entry Scheme
Indian Army Technical Entry Scheme (TES)
National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I)
Fashion and Design National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) Entrance Test
National Institute of Design Admissions
All India Entrance Examination for Design (AIEED)
Symbiosis Institute of Design Exam
Footwear Design and Development Institute
Maeer’s MIT Institute of Design
National Institute of Fashion Design
National Aptitude Test in Architecture
Center for Environmental Planning and Technology (CEPT)
Social Sciences Banaras Hindu University
IIT Madras Humanities and Social Sciences Entrance Examination (HSEE)
TISS Bachelors Admission Test (TISS-BAT)

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