• Written By Sumana_C
  • Last Modified 08-06-2023

LIC ADO Prelims Books 2023: Subject-wise Best Preparation Books


LIC, or Life Insurance of India, is one of the biggest employers in India, with multiple facet functions and services meeting the needs of the ever-evolving insurance market. People from various walks of life with varied educational backgrounds appear for LIC ADO Prelims. With lakhs of aspirants wanting to be part of LIC sales administrative jobs, the competition for LIC ADO Prelims is high. Are you planning to appear for the LIC ADO Prelims? Wondering how to begin its preparation?

We have all the answers to start your preparation for LIC ADO Prelims. Finding LIC ADO Prelims books that cover your entire syllabus can be challenging, and the chances of missing out on essential topics are high. You will not only find books that will help you cover the entire syllabus but also help you understand concepts clearly. Continue reading the article to access LIC ADO Prelim Books and other study materials.

Best Books for LIC ADO Prelims 2023

Candidates appearing for the LIC ADO Prelims exam usually look for the best books to study. If you are also looking for the best books that cover the entire syllabus, allowing you to attempt questions based on different topics, check out the suggestions below. The books suggested by Embibe experts will help you to score high in the exam. If you have these books, you don’t have to look for any other resources.

LIC ADO Prelims Study Material Links
1. The Embibe Big Book for English for LIC ADO Prelims
2. The Embibe Big Book for Numerical Ability for LIC ADO Prelims
3. The Embibe Big Book for Reasoning Ability for LIC ADO Prelims

How To Prepare for LIC ADO Prelims Exam?

If you want to ace the examination, check out subject-wise preparation strategies and tips from the toppers and experts. Remember, the competition is high, so you must dedicate 100% to crack the exam.

  • When preparing for the numerical ability section, you must complete the entire syllabus first. After that, try to learn different short tricks to complete the entire section within time. Try to give importance to word problems equally.
  • When it comes to English preparation, you must concentrate on the reading comprehension section. Improving vocabulary is equally crucial. Try to attempt one reading comprehension daily. If you want to improve your vocabulary and reading comprehension section, you must read newspapers like The Hindu or The Indian Express. Improve your grammatical knowledge as well.
  • The reasoning section is full of tricks. It would help if you concentrated on all the important topics, including blood relations, ranking, direction, puzzles, coding, decoding, etc. Try to practice them daily. Learning a few short tricks and tips will help you to complete this section on time.
  • After completing the entire syllabus, you must check out the LIC ADO question papers and mock tests. These two pillars will help you score high in the exam by improving your speed and accuracy. Daily practice is equally crucial to clear the concepts.

Attempt LIC ADO Prelims Mock Tests and Improve Your Scores

Experts suggest attempting more tests daily. You might be wondering where you can attempt mock tests. Well, the mock tests suggested by Embibe are prepared by the experts. If you solve them efficiently, you will surely score well in the exam. You can attempt LIC ADO Prelims mock tests by clicking on the below links:

LIC ADO Prelims Mock TestsMock Tests Links
LIC ADO Prelims Mock Test 1Attempt Now
LIC ADO Prelims Mock Test 2Attempt Now
LIC ADO Prelims Mock Test 3Attempt Now
LIC ADO Prelims Mock Test 4Attempt Now
LIC ADO Prelims Mock Test 5Attempt Now

Find below the steps to take the mock test series:

  • 1st Step: Visit Embibe’s official website, i.e., embibe.com.
  • 2nd Step: Use the mobile number/email to log in.
  • 3rd Step: Click on the menu bar “Getting a Government Job” 
  • 4th Step: Select the Goal “Insurance” from the Dropdown and click on “Next”.
  • 5th Step: Search and Select “LIC ADO Prelims” on the search bar and click on “Next”.
  • 6th Step: Select the preferred language and click on “Done”.
  • 7th Step: Click “Test” from the Header Section.
  • 8th Step: Scroll down to the “Subjects” section.
  • 9th Step: Click on any LIC ADO Prelims subjects.
  • 10th Step: Scroll down to click on the chapters from the selected subject to begin the test.

Also, check:

LIC ADO Prelims Detailed InfoLIC ADO Prelims Mock Tests
LIC ADO Prelims Study MaterialLIC ADO Prelims Question Papers

FAQs on LIC ADO Prelims Books 2023

Check out the frequently asked questions on LIC ADO Prelims books below:

Q. From where can I find the best books for the LIC ADO exam?

Ans: You can check out this article to find the best books for the LIC ADO exam. Otherwise, you can visit the official website of Embibe to access more reference books.

Q. How to select the best books for the LIC ADO exam?

Ans: You must select a book that covers the entire syllabus efficiently and allows you to attempt questions depending on a particular topic.

Q. Are NCERT books sufficient for the LIC ADO exam?

Ans: NCERT books are sufficient to get fundamental knowledge. Additionally, you must check out a few reference books suggested by Embibe.

Q. What is the best book for LIC ADO mathematics?

Ans: The books suggested here will be enough for LIC ADO mathematics preparation. If you still need any reference books, you can check out the quantitative aptitude book by RS Agarwal.

Q. Who will be called for the LIC ADO interview round?

Ans: Candidates preparing for the exam must first qualify for the LIC ADO prelims. After that, they can attempt the main exam. After qualifying for the main exam, they will be interviewed for the final round.

We hope you found this article on LIC ADO Prelims books 2023 helpful. If you still have any questions, you can directly chat with us by installing the Embibe app.

Keep Embibing for all the latest updates on the LIC ADO Prelims exam 2023.

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