CBSE Class 10 Preparation Tips: Students spend hours understanding various concepts in each subject but still forget key points while taking a test. Reading without...
CBSE Class 10 Preparation Tips 2025: Subject-wise Study Plan
February 4, 2025Months: According to the Gregorian calendar, the month calendar is organised into 12 months in a year. The months in English are either 28 days, 29 days, 30 days, or 31 days long. During a typical year of 365 days, each month contains either 28, 30, or 31 days. We add an extra (intercalary) day, leap day, on 29 February during leap years, which occur almost every four years, making leap years 366 days long.
To remember the months of the year, there is a rhyme that goes, “Thirty days has September, April, June, and November; all the others have thirty-one, except for February, which has twenty-eight days clear; and twenty-nine in each leap year.” Read this article for more information on the months of the year!
We have 12 months in a year, and each month has a name, and you can learn the terms of the months with the help of the calendar. The months in English have quite a history behind them. We have curated all the interesting facts regarding the months in our calendar here.
The term month is the time used in the calendars and is approximately a natural period related to the moon’s motion. The months of the year and the moon are like blood relatives. The months were based on the movement of the moon. The list of all \(12\) months in a year is given below:
January | July |
February | August |
March | September |
April | October |
May | November |
June | December |
The ancient Romans started with a \(10-\) months calendar, and Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December were the original months in the Roman calendar. There were unaccounted \(60\) days on the calendar.
Then the months Januarius and Februarius were added at the end of the year to cover those \(60\) extra days. In \(46\, B . C .\), Julius Caesar changed the calendar. The year got divided into \(12\) months, having \(30\) or \(31\) days, except Februarius, which was added at the end with \(28\) or \(29\) days.
The months with 30 days in the calendar are given below:
Months | Number of Days |
April | \(30\) |
June | \(30\) |
September | \(30\) |
November | \(30\) |
The months with 31 days in the calendar are given below:
Months | Number of Days |
January | \(31\) |
March | \(31\) |
May | \(31\) |
July | \(31\) |
August | \(31\) |
October | \(31\) |
December | \(31\) |
Usually, you have \(365\) days in a normal year. As the earth rotates about \(365.242375\) times, you have to count only \(365\) times. Where you have \(366\) days in the leap year, which occurs every fourth year, and you add an extra day, i.e., the \(29^{t h}\) day of February, which makes up the unseen \(0.25\) days for these four years. So, every fourth year, the month of February has \(29\) days, and that specific year is known as a leap year.
Months calculator is an online device that helps us compute the distance in months and days between the two dates. It would be best if you filled a couple of input fields:
There are twelve months, and it is given in English and Hindi in the given table below:
Sr. No. | Months of the Year in English | Months in Hindi | Numbers of Days |
\({1^{{\text{st}}}}\) | January | जनवरी | \(31\) |
\({2^{{\text{nd}}}}\) | February | फरवरी | \(28/29\) |
\({3^{{\text{rd}}}}\) | March | मार्च | \(31\) |
\({4^{{\text{th}}}}\) | April | अप्रैल | \(30\) |
\({5^{{\text{th}}}}\) | May | मई | \(31\) |
\({6^{{\text{th}}}}\) | June | जून | \(30\) |
\({7^{{\text{th}}}}\) | July | जुलाई | \(31\) |
\({8^{{\text{th}}}}\) | August | अगस्त | \(31\) |
\({9^{{\text{th}}}}\) | September | सितम्बर | \(30\) |
\({10^{{\text{th}}}}\) | October | अक्टूबर | \(31\) |
\({11^{{\text{th}}}}\) | November | नवम्बर | \(30\) |
\({12^{{\text{th}}}}\) | December | दिसम्बर | \(31\) |
Out of twelve months, months are segregated by different seasons. The spring season months are March, April, and May.
Weeks and months are two different ways to show time. You can easily convert the number of weeks into days as you know that you have seven days in \(1\) week. However, conversion of the weeks to months is not that simple as you do not have any of the conversion formulas for this.
Now, let us make this week-to-month calculator easier, which works on simple logic. In a month, you have \(30\) or \(31\) days, and in the week, you have seven days.
Example: Conversion of \(10\) weeks into months.
In \(10\) weeks’ total number of the day, we have \(10 \times 7=70\) days
We know that \(1\) week \(=7\) days.
Here, \(70\) days \(=30+30+10\)
So, you can say that \(10\) weeks is similar to \(2\) months and \(10\) days.
\(\therefore 10\) weeks \(=2\) months and \(10\) days.
You can use the below-given table for better understanding:
Months | Days | Weeks |
January | \(31\) days | \(4\) weeks \(+3\) days |
February | \(28\) days (regular year) \(29\) days (leap year) | \(4\) weeks \(4\) weeks \(+1\) day |
March | \(31\) days | \(4\) weeks \(+3\) days |
April | \(30\) days | \(4\) weeks \(+2\) days |
May | \(31\) days | \(4\) weeks \(+3\) days |
June | \(30\) days | \(4\) weeks \(+2\) days |
July | \(31\) days | \(4\) weeks \(+3\) days |
August | \(31\) days | \(4\) weeks \(+3\) days |
September | \(30\) days | \(4\) weeks \(+2\) days |
October | \(31\) days | \(4\) weeks \(+3\) days |
November | \(30\) days | \(4\) weeks \(+2\) days |
December | \(31\) days | \(4\) weeks \(+3\) days |
You can see the names of the twelve months of the Indian civil calendar given below:
Months | Days | Begins from |
Chaitra | \(30/31\)* | March \(22/21\)* |
Vaisakha | \(31\) | April \(21\) |
Jyaistha | \(31\) | May \(22\) |
Asadha | \(31\) | June \(22\) |
Shravana | \(31\) | July \(23\) |
Bhadra | \(31\) | August \(23\) |
Asvina | \(30\) | September \(23\) |
Kartika | \(30\) | October \(23\) |
Agrahayana | \(30\) | November \(22\) |
Pausa | \(30\) | December \(22\) |
Magha | \(30\) | January \(21\) |
Phalguna | \(30\) | February \(20\)* leap years |
Q.1: Write the number of days February has in the leap year.
Ans: We have \(366\) days in the leap year, which comes after every four years, and this year, February month has \(29\) days.
Hence, the required answer is \(29\).
Q.2: Add and write the total number of days in the given months, March, May, June, August, and November.
Ans: We know that March has \(31\) days; May has \(31\) days; June has \(30\) days; August has \(31\) days; November has \(30\) days.
Now, add the number of days \(31+31+30+31+30 = 153\) days.
Thus, the given five months have \(153\) days.
Hence, the required answer is given above.
Q.3: Write the name of the month which comes after March.
Ans: We have to identify and write the month’s name that comes after March.
Let us recall the names of the months here: they are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December.
So, we have April after March.
Hence, the required answer is April.
Q.4: Write the names of the months that have \(30\) days and add and write the total number of days.
Ans: We know that the months that have \(30\) days in it are April, June, September, and November.
Now, we know all the given months have \(30\) days, so we will add the number \(30\) for four times, \(30+30+30+30 = 120\) days
So, the total number of days of April, June, September, and November is \(120\) days.
Hence, the required answer is given above.
Q.5: Write the name of the month which comes in between September and November.
Ans: We have to identify and write the name of the month that comes in between September and November. Recall the names of the twelve months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. So, you can see the month that comes in between September and November is October. Hence, the required answer is October.
Q.1: How many months have 31 days?
Ans: We have twelve months in a year, out of which seven months have 31 days, and they are January, March, May, July, August, October, and December.
Q.2: How many months are current affairs for UPSC?
Ans: There is no fixed pattern for GS prelims, and in any of the years, the ratio of the questions from each section may differ. That is why students should prepare for current affairs for the last 18 to 24 months.
Q.3: What is the \(12^{\text {th }}\) month of the year?
Ans: You are aware that there are 12 months in a year and the last month, i.e., \(12^{\text {th }}\) month is December.
Q.4: How many months have 30 days?
Ans: We have twelve months in a year, out of which eleven months have 30 days except for February, and the eleven months are January, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.
Q.5: What is a leap year?
Ans: A year with 366 days (29th February) is called a leap year and it occurs once every 4 years.