MSBTE Result 2022: The Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) has declared the Diploma and Pharmacy Winter 2021 examination result on March 10, 2022. Candidates, who appeared for the Winter Diploma examination 2021, can check their results on the official website – by entering their seat/enrollment number.
The officials have released the result for the 1st, 3rd, and 5th semesters on March 10, 2022. Candidates must score a minimum of 40% marks in the MSBTE examination to pass. Read the complete article to know more about the MSBTE result 2022. Get information about the result date, how to check the result, grading system, revaluation, certificate, etc.
MSBTE Winter Result 2022: Overview
Let us take a quick overview of the MSBTE Diploma and Pharmacy Winter 2021 examination:
Conducting Authority
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE)
Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to download the MSBTE scorecard:
1st Step: Visit the official website of Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai, i.e.,
2nd Step: Then, click on the ‘Examination’ tab.
3rd Step: Click on the link for respective MSBTE Results.
4th Step: A new page/tab/screen will appear where you need to enter the Enrollment Number or Seat Number.
5th Step: After that, click on the ‘Submit’ button.
6th Step: The MSBTE result 2022 will open on the screen.
7th Step: Now, check the scorecard and download the same for future reference.
Details Mentioned on MSBTE Scorecard 2022
The MSBTE scorecard consists of the following details:
Name of the candidate
Roll number
Subjects appeared for
Marks scored in each subject
Final marks
Pass or fail
University name
Course name
Examination name
MSBTE Result Status: Grading System
In the MSBTE results 2022, candidates will be given any one status from the following:
I DST (First Class with Distinction)
Students clearing all the subject/paper and securing a minimum of 75% of total marks shall fall in this category.
I (First Class)
Candidates scoring a minimum of 60% or more but less than 75% fall under this category.
II (Second Class)
Candidate scoring 45% or more but less than 60% of total shall fall under this category.
Pass (Pass Class)
Candidates passing in all the subjects/course heads and scoring a minimum of 40% or more but less than 45% of total marks fall under this category.
ATKT (Allowed to Keep Term)
ATKT status awarded to the candidates as per the prevailing rules.
WFLS/WFLY (Withheld. Failed in Lower Semester/Year)
Candidates who pass in the final semester/year but fail in lower semester/years fall under this category.
If the candidate fails to secure the minimum qualifying marks or minimum percentage of aggregate marks, he/she shall fall in this category.
MSBTE Revaluation of Answer Books
After the announcement of the MSBTE Results, candidates who are not satisfied with their marks can apply for revaluation of their answer copies. But first, the student needs to obtain the final answer copy. Note that this facility is available for two subjects/courses per semester/year only.
Once the students have obtained it, they can cross-check and be sure if they want to apply for revaluation or not. If the marks awarded by the subsequent examiner vary/deviate by equal to or more than 4 marks, the candidate is eligible to apply for revaluation.
Candidates can apply for the revaluation from the official website, i.e.,, and pay the required fee. Note that the candidates in the final semester can apply for urgent revaluation. However, this facility is available only for the Summer Diploma exams.
MSBTE Revaluation Result 2021-22
Students who are not satisfied with their marks can apply for revaluation. This facility is only applicable for theoretical exams. The MSBTE revaluation result is released within 15 days of the last date of the application process after the revaluation form and fee are submitted. The marks are awarded:
If the difference between the marks allotted by the original examiner and the marks allotted by the subsequent examiner is up to 20.
In situations where the difference is greater than 20 marks, the answer book must be assessed by a third assessor. Comparing the marks allotted by the three assessors, maximum of two closer marks shall be allotted.
MSBTE Certificate of Marks
Issuance of Certificate of Marks: A candidate can get the Certificate of marks after the declaration of results through the Head of the Institute.
Duplicate Certificate of Marks: A candidate can apply by filling up the prescribed form and paying the requisite fees to get the Duplicate Certificate of marks. The copy will be marked as Duplicate.
FAQs on MSBTE Result 2021-22
Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers:
Q.1: When will the Summer Diploma and Winter Diploma results for the academic session 2021-22 release? Ans: The Summer Diploma results 2021 have been released by the official authorities on August 31, 2021. MSBTE has also declared the Diploma & Pharmacy Winter 2021 examination result on March 10, 2022.
Q.2: What details do I need to submit while checking my MSBTE Result? Ans: The candidates need to enter their enrolment number/seat number in order to check the MSBTE results 2021.
Q.3: What are the minimum marks required to qualify the MSBTE exam? Ans: Candidates need to score a minimum of 40% marks in order to pass the MSBTE exams.
Q.4: From where can I download MSBTE Winter 2021 result? Ans: 4.You can visit the direct link provided on this page to view your result.
Q.5:When will the MSBTE revaluation result be released? Ans: The MSBTE revaluation result is released within 15 days of the last date of the application process after the revaluation form and fee are submitted.
We hope this article on MSBTE has helped you. You can also have a look at the latest Sarkari Naukri and check different government jobs that you can apply for.
Stay tuned to for more updates on the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education result!