The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a well-known scholarship exam for pupils in Class X, offered by the National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT). There are two phases of the NTSE exam: Stage 1 and Stage 2. The state/UT administration oversees stage 1 of the examination. On clearing stage 1, students progress to stage 2, which the NCERT supervises.
The NTSE Stage 1 Goa, 2021-2022 was to take place on January 28, 2022, but it got postponed. The NTSE is an exam that assesses students’ Arithmetics, Science, Social science, and Mental Abilities. On this page, candidates will get detailed information regarding the Goa NTSE 2021-2022.
Students can click on the below link to see the handout or brochure released by the officials of the Goa state board.
The NTSE Stage 1 is the first step in the selection process. The different States and Union Territories are in charge of this stage. Exam centres for NTSE 2022 may be found in each state.
The results of the State Level Examination are not added to the results of the National Level Examination when scholarships are awarded.
The NCERT will not react to any email relating to the State/Stage UT’s stage 1 examination.
Any candidate who has a question, complaint, or clarification about the state level examination should contact only the state examination agencies.
Stages of Exam
The NTSE 2022 (Nationwide Talent Search Examination) is a national exam. There are two parts to this exam. The State or UT government administers Stage 1 of the NTSE, whereas the NCERT administers Stage 2 on behalf of the Central Government. This exam is for secondary school students, and it is used to identify and reward students with exceptional intelligence and talents, as well as to award scholarships to worthy students.
Stage 1 examination (State level) – Qualifying in nature
Stage 2 examination (National level) – Scoring in nature
Both stages of the NTSE examination consist of two papers for which paper 1 is conducted for mental ability test (MAT) and paper 2 is conducted for scholastic ability test (SAT).
NTSE Exam Pattern for Stage 1 contains two parts, part 1 is the Mental ability test (MAT) and part-2 is the scholastic ability test (SAT). There will be 100 questions each in both MAT and SAT (Science-40, Maths-20, Social science-40). Total questions of the NTSE stage 1 examination will be 200 marks.
Paper 1 or Mental ability test (MAT)
This section will have questions on analytical and logical reasoning.
This section tests the students on their ability to solve reasoning questions, ability to think, evaluate and visualize.
The section consists of a total of 100 questions.
The main topics from this section consist of series, pattern perception, analogies, coding-decoding, classifications, hidden figures and problem-solving, etc.
Paper 2 or Scholastic ability test (SAT)
This section will have a total of 100 questions, which is further divided into Science (40), Social Science (40) and Mathematics (20).
The student has to be well versed in the syllabus taught in classes 9 and 10th.
The time allotted for the SAT section is 120 minutes.
The level of questions will be equivalent to class 10th or equivalent exam.
Exam Pattern Details – Number of Questions Subject-wise
The NTSE Stage 1 exam consists of 200 questions, each worth one mark. There are two papers with a total of 100 questions in each. The Mathematical Ability Test (MAT) is the first paper, and the Scholastic Ability Test (SAT) is the second (SAT).
The exam pattern is the same for both Stage 1 and Stage 2, and both stages of the examination will only have objective type (multiple choice) questions.
Mental ability test (MAT):
Number of questions
Maximum marks
Verbal and non-verbal reasoning
100 marks
English language
General knowledge
Scholastic ability test (SAT):
Number of questions
Maximum marks
100 marks
Social science
Exam pattern details - Total time
NTSE stage 1 examination consists of two papers, and each paper is conducted for two hours or 120 minutes. Paper 1 (MAT) is conducted in the morning session, whereas paper 2 (SAT) is conducted in the afternoon session. The total duration of the NTSE stage 1 examination will include the duration of both paper 1 and paper 2, which is 4 hours or 240 minutes.
Students are requested to complete their examinations within the stipulated time allotted to them.
Exam Calendar
Exam Syllabus
Exam Syllabus
The syllabus is one of the most significant components of preparing for the NTSE exam. Students can use the NTSE Syllabus (NTSE stage 1 curriculum and NTSE stage 2 syllabus) to better prepare for the exam. Only students in Class 10 take the NTSE Exam. The exam is only open to students in the tenth grade (under the age of eighteen).
The NTSE Syllabus for Mathematics, English, General Knowledge, Mental Ability, Science, and Social Science is shown in the table below.
NTSE Stage-1 Goa Syllabus : Mathematics
Expressions in Algebra
Basic Geometry
Progressions in Arithmetic
Geometry of Coordinates
Variation, both direct and inverse
Linear Equation
Percentage & its Application
Number System
Quadratic Equations
Simple interest & Compound interest
Playing with Numbers
Rational Numbers
Square Root & Cube Root
Surface Areas and Volumes
NTSE Stage-1 Goa: Science
Acid Bases and Salt
Cellular Level of Organisation
Carbon and its Compounds
Fibers and Plastics
Diversity in Living Organisms
Life Processes
Metals & Non Metals
Human Body
Heredity and Evolution
Food Production & Management
Heredity and Evolution
Light and Sound
Magnetism & Electricity at Work
Intermittent Classification of Elements
Our Environment
Motion and Force
Periodic Classification of Elements
Plant and Animal Nutrition
Physical and Chemical Changes
Work and energy
The Universe
Structure of Atom
Source of Energy
Some Common Diseases
NTSE Stage-1 Goa: Social Science:
Culture, Science and Literature
Diversity and Livelihood
Early States
French Revolution
Indian Constitution
Indiandom Struggle
Industrial Revolution
Inner Structure of the Earth and Rocks
Jainism, Buddhism and Conquerors from Distant Lands
Major Domains and Landforms
Archaic Architecture and Culture
Patriotism in Various Countries
New Empires and Kingdoms
Popular Movements and Social Reforms
Resources and Development
The Delhi Sultanate
The Mauryas
UN and International Agencies
Vedic Period
World History
British Raj
Democracy and Elections
Early Medieval Period
Eighteenth-Century Political Formation
India and its Neighbors
Indian Economics
Indus Valley Civilization
Introduction and Sources of Ancient Indian History
Local and State Government
Maps and Globe
The motion of the Earth
Natural Vegetation
Our Country – India
Solar System
The Judiciary
The Mughal Empire
Union Government
Water Resources
NTSE Stage-1 Goa: General Knowledge
Books and Authors
Awards and Recognitions
NTSE Stage-1 Goa: English
One-word substitution
Reading Comprehension
Sentence Completion
English Grammar
Paragraph Completion
Rearrangement of Jumbled Words
NTSE Stage-1 Goa: Mental Ability
Alphabet and Number Test
Analogy (Verbal)
Calendar, Time and Clock
Analogy (Non-Verbal)
Embedded Figure
Mathematical Operations
Ranking and Arrangements
Series (Verbal)
Water and Mirror Images
Series (Non – Verbal)
Blood Relations
Direction Sense
Figure Partition and Dot Situation
Missing Character
Venn Diagrams
Word Problems
Exam Blueprint
Number of Questions
Total Marks
Number of Questions
Total Marks
Number of Questions
Total Marks
Number of Questions
Total Marks
Mental Ability
Social Science
Grand Total
Study Plan to Maximise Score
Preparation Tips
Preparation Tips
Mental ability test (MAT)
The Mental Ability Section of NTSE paper carries 100 questions based on Analytical Reasoning and Logical Reasoning each carrying 1 mark. The total duration of the paper is 120 minutes, leaving 1.2 minutes to attempt one question.
First, practice tests on 2 topics a day and revise on the weekends to avoid mistakes.
Practice previous year’s papers to get a better idea of the questions and difficulty level of the paper.
Improve your logical reasoning.
Solve puzzles and riddles from time to time.
Scholastic aptitude test (SAT) – Mathematics
NTSE paper has a section on Mathematics comprising 20 questions where each question carries 1 mark.
Try to finish this section in 24 minutes, i.e., you should not spend more than 1.2 minutes on each question. This is to ensure that you have extra 4 minutes to check your answers.
Solve as many previous years’ question papers as you can to ace the calculations.
Make a formula sheet and keep it with you every time for the time to time revision.
Remember each and every formula by heart. Learn all trigonometry formulae.
Try to solve miscellaneous questions as well.
Scholastic aptitude test (SAT) – Science
The science section of the NTSE Examination consists of 40 questions of 1 mark each. The NTSE syllabus for the Science section consists of questions from the topics of Science Class 10th and Class 9th. The maximum number of questions are based on NCERT Science Books
Be attentive in the classroom lecturers because the questions in the paper will come from the basics only.
Make sure to revise each topic after class.
Try to make brief notes on every topic and note down important things taught in the class.
Revise all the chemical equations and chemical formulae every day.
Practice the numerical of Physics and diagrams of Biology.
Scholastic aptitude test (SAT) – Social science
This section of the NTSE paper contains 40 questions. As per the NTSE exam pattern, for each correct answer, candidates will get 1 mark.
Candidates are ideally not to spend more than 1 or 2 minutes to solve each question which totals 48 minutes for the whole section.
Students are advised to make a chronicle of all the historical events in a chart paper and paste it on their study table to make sure that they keep revising them from time to time.
They can prepare Geography with the help of maps and diagrams.
Candidates must have a deep understanding of Indian politics and must read newspapers daily to get an idea of what’s happening in Indian Politics.
Revising whatever they learn is imperative so that nothing is left in the end.
Exam Taking Strategy
Before beginning NTSE Stage-I preparation, students must thoroughly understand the exam pattern provided by the conducting body. Following that, they should sit down and create a systematic plan for exam preparation. Here are some useful NTSE exam-taking strategies:
Comprehend the syllabus: Knowledge of the NTSE syllabus and exam pattern is beneficial at every stage, from developing an effective study plan to developing strategies to perform well in the examination hall. Before making your schedule, you should review the exam syllabus.
Syllabus for the NTSE 2022: The NTSE 2022 syllabus will be based on the NCERT 10th curriculum. Students can cover the majority of the syllabus by reading the NCERT books. They can use online learning resources such as live online classes and recorded video lectures for topics they find difficult to understand.
NTSE question papers cover topics from Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English, General Knowledge, and Mental Ability.
Examine the NTSE 2020 Exam Pattern: The NTSE is a state-level exam with two sections:
Mental Ability Test (MAT)
Scholastic Ability Test (SAT)
The paper that was administered offline consisted of objective type multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Each correct answer is worth one mark. Students from the general category must score 40% of the available marks to pass the exam, while students from the reserved categories must receive only 32% of the available marks.
Recognise your strengths and weaknesses: Knowing your strengths and weaknesses allows you to concentrate on the things that matter. If you are aware of your flaws, you can seek solutions. For example, if you don’t understand a topic from books, you can supplement your preparation by watching videos.
Study at home: You can’t afford to waste time on the daily commute now that the NTSE exam is only a few days away. This is the time to look into self-study or online test preparation options. Practice tests assist you in preparing for the exam quickly and effectively.
Take practice tests: Taking as many mock tests, practise tests, and previous year papers as possible is one of the best ways to check your progress and your level in comparison to other students. It will also assist you in analysing your performance and looking for ways to improve to achieve a high score in the final exam.
Regularly revise: The key to success is revision. You should revise your syllabus regularly and solve sample papers to determine how much you know.
Get answers to your questions: Entering the exam room with doubts in your mind will only harm your performance. So, whether you are taking NTSE coaching or not, make sure you clear any doubts. If you have chosen self-study, you can ask questions by downloading a mobile app.
Work on previous year’s papers: This will assist you in comprehending the exam pattern and the types of questions asked. Based on this, you can devise techniques and strategies to attempt as many questions as possible in the time allotted to complete the test.
Look after your health: Having less time for NTSE 2022 preparation does not imply that you will neglect your health. Even if you have to study for a few extra hours, you must eat healthy foods and get enough sleep. What you eat and how much sleep you get directly impact how well you perform on the final exam. As a result, when preparing for the NTSE, pay equal attention to your health.
Detailed Study plan
Every exam requires a certain strategy and dedication throughout the preparation. Candidates appearing for a particular examination are required to build a proper and well-structured preparation strategy that possesses proper analytical, time management, and exam-taking skills to ace it. Some of the important points and tips to prepare for the NTSE examination are given below:
Analyse the Syllabus
Before beginning the preparation, it is very important to gather all the information related to the NTSE syllabus of the scholarship test. Students must completely analyse the syllabus of NTSE before beginning the preparation process. Candidates are requested frequently to visit the official website of the NTSE paper and download the complete syllabus of the paper. Students can find detailed information regarding the distribution of the topic of the mark-wise and section-wise there. Candidates must note down the syllabus handy throughout the preparation to make sure that nothing is left out and no topic is left unprepared and they do not skip any vital topic before the examination.
Solve Previous Years’ Question Papers
Students must download and solve previous years’ question papers to understand the types of questions asked in the NTSE Scholarship examination. Solving previous years’ papers will help the students in analysing the difficulty level of the paper too. Also, solving the past years’ papers will keep a student in a better position to attempt the NTSE test. Candidates are advised to appear for the past years’ papers as the real test to give him/her a proper feel of the actual day of examination. They must evaluate their answers with the help of the answer keys.
Attempt Mock Tests
Candidates are advised to attempt the number of mock tests regularly. Solving the mock tests helps the students in giving a reality check of NTSE preparation and helps them know exactly where they stand. Candidates must make it a regular habit to complete at least one practice test. These practice tests are designed to be a little more difficult than the real thing. Aside from that, it aids applicants in determining the paper’s difficulty level and time management.
Plan and Make Proper Strategy
Making a strategy and a routine and strictly following it can help you clear the examination easily and efficiently. To excel in the examination, students are required to have a regular and rigorous practice of problems. Candidates are advised to devise a proper strategy and preparation plan according to the topics and the distribution of marks of the paper. This strategy will help the candidates in managing their time efficiently and come out with flying colours.
Recommended Chapters
The important topics on which questions will be asked in the exams are given below:
Important Topics
NTSE MAT Syllabus
Blood Relations
Venn Diagrams
Distance and Direction
Ranking and Arrangements
Word Problems
NTSE Science Syllabus
Carbon & Compounds
Work & Energy
Source of Energy
Base & Salt
Meta & Non-Metals
NTSE Social Science Syllabus
French Revolutions
Indiandom Struggle
Indus Valley Civilisation
World War I and II
Maps & Globe
Natural Vegetation
Solar System
Indian Constitution
Indian Government
NTSE Mathematics Syllabus
Number Systems Arithmetic Progressions Quadratic Equations Square Roots Surface Areas Percentage Simple & Compound Interest Triangle Linear Equations
Important Dates
Exam Notification Date
For students in Class X, the National Talent Search Examination is held. On January 28, 2022, the Goa Stage 1 NTSE 2021-2022 will be held. The deadline for submitting a fully completed Goa Stage 1 application form along with supporting papers is December 20, 2021.
The officials of the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Goa have released a notification regarding the NTSE Goa Exam 2021-22. The candidates who are planning to attend the National Talent Search Examination can check the notification on the official website:
Application Form Filling - Start & End Date
Students of class X who are willing to appear for the NTSE stage 1 examination of Goa are requested to fill the application form provided by the state officials. Students are permitted to fill out the application within the given duration of the officials.
The last date of the filling and submitting the application form for NTSE stage-1 examination varies from state to state, generally it is in the month of December.
Admit Card Date
The students who are successfully registered for the NTSE stage 1 examination will get the admit card for the written examination. For both paper 1 (MAT) and paper 2 (SAT) the same admit card is to be carried. No separate admit cards will be issued. The admit card for the NTSE stage 1 examination is issued to the candidates 15 days prior to the exam.
Exam Date
The successfully registered students for the NTSE scholarship program are allowed to take the NTSE stage 1 examination. NTSE stage 1 exam is of two papers; Paper 1 is of MAT and Paper 2 is of SAT. Generally, the NTSE stage 1 exam will be held in the month of January.
In 2021-22, the NTSE stage 1 exam was about to happen on the date 16 January 2022. But it is postponed. A new date is yet to be announced.
Result Date
The students who successfully cleared the minimum qualifying marks in the NTSE stage 1 examination are allowed to take the next stage of the exam. After 15 to 20 days of the NTSE stage 1 examination, officials will release the results in PDF format.
Application Process
Dos and Donts of Form Filling
Students must pay a minimal NTSE 2022 registration cost, which varies depending on the state. Students in class 10 who are eligible can fill out the NTSE registration form 2022 on their own. Some states accept the NTSE application form 2022 through their own schools, while others do not. Furthermore, the deadline for submitting an NTSE application form varies by state.
Students must obtain the NTSE form 2022 from the NTSE’s official website. They must also submit the requested documentation together with the NTSE 2022 application form. Students must complete the stage 1 form 2022 by the NTSE application deadline. Students who have completed stage 1 do not need to complete a second NTSE registration form 2022 for stage 2.
Before filling out the application form, students should read the official notification attentively. They must follow NCERT’s recommendations and directions to the letter or later?.
Only students who meet all of the eligibility conditions should apply.
NTSE Applicants must have all of the documentation and information needed to complete the application form on hand.
The form should be filled out completely and accurately.
The principal or head of the school/institution must sign the NTSE application.
Make sure the application is received by the Liaison Office before the deadline.
Applications that are late or incomplete will not be accepted.
NTSE application form does not need to be submitted to the NCERT office. They are only allowed to transmit it to the approved LO.
Students should maintain a copy of the completed application for future reference.
Steps to Fill Application Form
The NTSE application form can be obtained, filled out, and submitted online or offline by following the methods outlined below:
Obtain an Application Form – The NTSE registration form 2022 can be downloaded from the official website or picked up from the state liaison officer.
Filling out the application form – Candidates must complete the application form in their own handwriting according to the instructions and attach a recent photograph and signature to the area allotted. Candidates must fill out the following information on the NTSE 2022 application form:
Name of the Candidate
Mother’s name of the candidate
Father’s name of the candidate
Caste or category of the candidate
Postal address etc.
Mobile number of the candidate
Payment of application money – Candidates must pay the NTSE application fee (if the state/UT requires it).
Submission of the NTSE application form 2022 – The NTSE application form 2022 must be submitted in the chosen offline/online method. Candidates must ensure that the NTSE application form is entirely filled out and that all essential documents are attached according to the requirements.
Application Form Filling for NTSE Stage 1 Examination:
Students who want to apply for the NTSE can fill out the form using the simple guidelines provided below.
Step 1: Applicants must first go to the official website of the state body in charge of NTSE/ or LO.
Step 2: Select “Apply” from the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Register by filling out the relevant information.
Step 4: Press the “Submit” button. The NTSE application form can be downloaded and printed.
Step 5: They must now fill out the application form in their own handwriting with the needed information such as basic information, address, category, and so on.
Step 6: In the space provided, paste a current passport-sized image and signature.
Step 7: Have the Principal certify the completed NTSE application form.
Step 8: Complete the application fee payment.
Step 9: After paying the NTSE application fee, candidates must mail or deliver the application form to the State Liaison Officer’s address.
NTSE Registration Fees
Applicants may be charged an application fee by the state government. Students should contact their state’s Liaison Officer for information on the needed application fee and method of payment. The cost of registration varies by state.
NCERT does not charge a fee for the stage-II examination.
Eligibility Criteria
Age Criteria
Along with the official notification in the NTSE Stage 1, the conducting authority has announced the upper age restriction for all candidates. Students in the open programme must be under the age of eighteen. This age restriction applies to both Indian and Indian-origin students who are studying abroad.
Whether they are attending an open school or are of Indian descent studying overseas, the applicants must be unemployed.
Education Qualification
To take this exam, candidates must be Indian citizens who have registered with the State/UT exam conducting organisation.
Students in class X are also eligible to apply for the exam.
Students must have passed the class IX examination with a minimum of 60% marks from a recognised board.
The students must have earned a degree that the board recognises.
Students who have registered for Open Distance Learning (ODL) and are currently taking or have finished the class 10th test are eligible to take the NTSE exam.
NTSE Stage 1 Goa 2022 Reservation Policy
The NTSE selection process follows some rules defined by the Government of India. The candidate must be an Indian national. After passing the NTSE stage 2 examination, the applicants would receive a reservation.
The general category candidates must secure 40% marks in each of the NTSE exam papers. The reserved category students need to secure 35% marks in each of the exams. The NTSE reservation scheme is as follows:
Category details
Percentage reservation
SC (Schedule Cast)
ST (Scheduled Tribe)
Physically Challenged
Number of Attempts
The students who appeared in class X are eligible to take the NTSE stage 1 examination. There is only one chance for the students to take the NTSE examination.
Language Proficiency
NTSE Stage 1 examination is conducted at the state level by the various states in India. Whereas the NTSE stage 1 Goa examination is conducted by the state officials of Goa state board.
The paper 1 or mental ability test (MAT) is conducted in English language, whereas the paper 2 or scholastic ability test (SAT) in the regional language of the Goa state i.e. Konkani.
Admit Card
Admit Card Release Date
Candidates can download the Goa NTSE admit Card through the official website or at After downloading, the admit card must be filled out with the needed information and signed by the school’s principal. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall unless they have their admit card. On the admit card, a passport-size photograph must be pasted attested by a gazetted officer or the Head of the School.
How to Download NTSE Admit Card 2022 Stage 1?
The NTSE 2022 exam is administered by the Directorate of Government Examinations/SCERTs. As a result, the competent exam body releases the NTSE stage 1 admission cards. To obtain the online NTSE Stage 1 admit card 2022, follow the instructions outlined below.
Go to the official website of the Goa SCERT/Education Department of the Goa by clicking the below mentioned official link:
Click on the NTSE section’s direct link on the home page, then on the admission card or hall ticket link.
To download the NTSE admit card 2022, enter your school code, application number, and password.
The competent test body will show and make the NTSE 2022 admit card available for download.
Students must check all details mentioned on NTSE admit card 2022. If any student fails to download her/his hall ticket, they should immediately connect with the State’s Liaison Officer.
Mandatory Documents for NTSE Stage -1 Goa Examination:
The NTSE level 1 exams are held in January 2022. Students must provide the documents listed below, as well as a physical copy of their admit card. It’s also worth noting that pupils who don’t have an NTSE admit card won’t be able to enter the testing centre. The following documents are required in addition to the NTSE Stage 1 admission card:
Aadhaar card
School identity card
Details on The NTSE Stage 1 Goa Admit Card:
The following details will be mentioned in the NTSE admit card:
Student name
Student’s roll number
Date of birth
Category of the student
Signature of the students
Examination Centre
Timings of examination (Separate timings are given for both MAT and SAT)
Important Instructions
Students should double-check the aforementioned information on their NTSE admission card 2022. If there is a discrepancy, contact the State Liaison Officer or the responsible person at the individual institution right away to get it resolved.
State Liaison Officer of Goa State
Sh. Jaywant Waman Naik
Vocational Education Officer,
Directorate of Education
State Council of Educational Research and Training
The following are some of the rules that candidates must follow when taking the NTSE 2022 exam.
Candidates will be required to respond using OMR sheets.
Please mark with HB/2B pencils or a blue/black ballpoint pen. Gel/fountain pens should not be used.
Make sure the bubbles are entirely coloured or darkened. Do not simply mark the bubble with a tick or a cross.
Arrive at the exam site far ahead of the scheduled start time (at least 1 hour in advance).
Inside the exam venue, candidates will be allowed to bring just their admit cards, pens and pencils, and water bottles.
Candidates are not allowed to utilise any electronic devices such as calculators, cell phones, or other similar gadgets.
Candidates who are discovered in possession of illegal materials will be immediately disqualified from taking the exam.
You can contact the Liaison Officer of your state to learn more about/ask questions regarding the Stage 1 (state-level) examination.
List of Exam Centres
Candidates can check the list of exam centres for Goa NTSE Stage – 1 2021 – 2022 exam from below:
Expected Cut-off
In February 2022, SCERT Goa will announce the Goa NTSE Cutoff for stage 1 on its official website, The NTSE Goa 2022 cutoff is the required minimum score to pass the NTSE stage I test. The total number of students who took the exam, the difficulty level of the exam, and other factors all go towards determining the NTSE Goa cutoff 2022. Along with the stage 1 results, the NTSE Goa cutoff will be revealed. This Goa NTSE cutoff 2022 must be used to estimate students’ chances of being selected for the stage II NTSE Examination. In December 2022, the first stage of the NTSE 2023 will take place.
This article contains information on the NTSE Goa cutoff 2022, qualifying marks, scholarship amount, and other aspects of the NTSE 2022 exam.
Minimum Qualifying Marks Required for NTSE stage 1 Goa:
The qualifying marks are the minimal scores needed to advance to the next level of the exam. Students taking the NTSE Goa 2022 should keep in mind that they must achieve minimum qualifying marks in both the SAT and MAT papers. In the table below, you can see the qualifying marks for the NTSE Goa exam.
Maximum Marks
Qualifying Marks in MAT
Qualifying Marks in SAT
General, OBC
SC, ST, and PH
NTSE Stage 1 Goa Expected Cut-off Along with the NTSE Goa result, the Goa NTSE cut-off will be revealed. Students must first view the results and then determine if their score exceeds the qualifying standards. If the result exceeds the required marks, students should consult the NTSE Goa cut-off 2022 to determine their chances of passing the Stage II exam. The predicted NTSE Goa cut-off for 2022 is listed in the table below. In the table below, you’ll find the results of the NTSE Goa test.
Cut-off marks(expected)
Previous Year Cut-off
NTSE Stage 1 Goa Previous Year Cutoff
Students can use the table below to look up the previous year’s Goa NTSE cutoff. The cutoff scores for various categories will be included in the NTSE Goa Cutoff 2022. Before the final Goa NTSE cutoff, students should check their potential marks using the NTSE Goa answer key. The table below contains the cutoff marks for each category, which students can consult.
Cut-off marks
Important Points of NTSE Stage 1 Goa Cut-off
The NTSE cut-off will be announced soon by the National Council of Education Research and Training.
The NTSE cut-off will be published in PDF format, which may be obtained from the official website. The NTSE merit list is included in the PDF.
Candidates can check the NTSE cutoff trends from the previous year until the cutoff list is released to get an idea of the cutoff trends.
Factors Determining the NTSE Stage 1 Goa Cut-off
The NTSE cutoff scores are constructed using a variety of altered features. The following are some of the causes that can cause changes in the NTSE cut-off scores:
Cutoff scores from previous years
Total number of people that are taking the exam
The examination’s level of difficulty
Scholarships awarded by NTSE
Exam Result
Result Declaration
Result Declaration
SCERT, Goa, will publish the NTSE stage 1 results on in February 2022. Students who took the NTSE Goa test can access their Goa NTSE Result 2022 in the form of a merit list online. Students’ names and roll numbers are included in the NTSE Goa result 2022, as well as their overall, MAT, and SAT marks.
SCERT will disclose the cutoff marks together with the NTSE Goa results. Students whose names appear in the NTSE Goa results will be eligible for the NTSE stage 2 examination. A total of 50 students will be chosen to take the NTSE stage 2 exam. To learn more about the NTSE exam and the NTSE Goa 2022 result, read the entire article below.
Important Dates of NTSE Stage 1 Goa Results
Students should maintain track of all NTSE Goa 2022 events in order to understand the next steps in the selection process. Check out the dates for the Goa NTSE results in 2022.
NTSE Stage 1 Goa 2022 Exam Date
January 28, 2022
NTSE Stage 1 Goa 2022 Admit card date
March 2022
NTSE Stage 1 Goa 2022 Results date
May 2022
NTSE Stage 2 Goa 2022 Exam date
June 12, 2022
NTSE Stage 2 Goa 2022 Result date
August 2022
Steps to Check NTSE Stage 1 Goa Results:
Stage I qualifiers for the NTSE 2022 test will be invited to take the stage 2 exam. The NTSE Goa results will be available in PDF format on the internet. To verify the Goa NTSE result, students need to follow the instructions outlined below.
Step-1: SCERT Goa’s official website may be found at
Step-2: Select NTSE Goa result 2022 from the drop-down menu.
Step-3: On the screen, the merit list will show.
Step-4: In the merit list, look for the candidate’s name.
Step-5: Save the NTSE result on your computer.
Note: Students can use the Goa NTSE Answer key 2022 to estimate their likely scores before the NTSe Goa result is released.
Details Mentioned in NTSE Stage 1 Goa Result
The following information will be included in the NTSE Goa 2022 result PDF for candidates who passed the exam.
Candidate Name
Roll number of the candidate
Candidate father’s name
Candidate mother’s name
Candidate’s School address
Gender of the candidate
Category or caste of the candidate
Marks obtained in both MAT, SAT
Rank of the candidate
Steps After NTSE Stage 1 Goa Result 2022
The NTSE Stage 2 exam is only open to qualified candidates. Students should begin their preparation for stage 2 by consulting the NTSE test pattern and syllabus.
The admit card for stage 2 will be released by NCERT in the third week of August 2022.
NCERT will announce the NTSE Stage II result 2022.
Cut-off Score
SCERT, Goa is anticipated to disclose the NTSE Goa cut off soon after the results are announced. To be eligible for the NTSE stage 2, a candidate must get these minimal marks. Students who get the NTSE cut-off mark or higher will qualify for NTSE stage 2.
The minimum qualifying scores for the Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Ability Test (SAT) have been set by SCERT (SAT). The table below shows the minimum NTSE Stage 1 qualifying scores for students.
Minimum Qualifying percentage
Qualifying Scores MAT
Qualifying Scores SAT
40 marks out of 100
40 marks out of 100
32 marks out of 100
32 marks out of 100
Note: Overall minimum qualifying scores- For general, the overall minimum qualifying scores are 80 out of 200, and for SC/ST/OBC/PH, the overall minimum qualifying scores are 64 out of 200.
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs for NTSE Stage I Goa
Q1. Is there a state quota in the NTSE?
A. In NTSE, there is a state quota in the first round (National Talent Secondary Examination). Candidates who pass the Stage 1 exam are entitled to move on to the following phase, the NTSE Stage 2 exam.
Q2. How long will the scholarship be awarded to the successful candidates?
A. Students pursuing professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Technology, Management, and Law will receive a scholarship up to the second-degree level, while students pursuing sciences, social sciences, humanities, languages, commerce, and vocational courses will receive a scholarship up to PhD level.
A. During the registration process, candidates must attach proof of date of birth, educational certificate, residential proof, income/financial certificate, and caste certificate.
Q4. How much is the NTSE scholarship?
A. For Class 11th and 12th, students are paid INR 1,200 per month, and for UG and PG degrees, they are paid INR 2,000 per month. The amount of the scholarship awarded to candidates at the research level will be determined according to UGC guidelines.
Q5. In the NTSE 2021-22 exam, how many questions will be asked?
A. In NTSE 2021-22, a total of 200 questions were asked.
Q6. Does the NTSE 2021-22 exam have any negative marking?
A. In the NTSE stage 1 and 2 exams, there is no negative marking.
Dos and Donts
FAQs for NTSE Stage I Goa
Q1. Is there a state quota in the NTSE?
A. In NTSE, there is a state quota in the first round (National Talent Secondary Examination). Candidates who pass the Stage 1 exam are entitled to move on to the following phase, the NTSE Stage 2 exam.
Q2. How long will the scholarship be awarded to the successful candidates?
A. Students pursuing professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Technology, Management, and Law will receive a scholarship up to the second-degree level, while students pursuing sciences, social sciences, humanities, languages, commerce, and vocational courses will receive a scholarship up to PhD level.
A. During the registration process, candidates must attach proof of date of birth, educational certificate, residential proof, income/financial certificate, and caste certificate.
Q4. How much is the NTSE scholarship?
A. For Class 11th and 12th, students are paid INR 1,200 per month, and for UG and PG degrees, they are paid INR 2,000 per month. The amount of the scholarship awarded to candidates at the research level will be determined according to UGC guidelines.
Q5. In the NTSE 2021-22 exam, how many questions will be asked?
A. In NTSE 2021-22, a total of 200 questions were asked.
Q6. Does the NTSE 2021-22 exam have any negative marking?
A. In the NTSE stage 1 and 2 exams, there is no negative marking.
Similar Exams
List of Parallel Exams
Similar to the pattern and structure of the NTSE examinations there are many examinations like the Olympiad where scholarship programmes are given for the students studying class X.
Some of the similar exams like NTSE are listed below:
National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NLSTSE)
After passing the NTSE Stage 1 test, the next or following the exam is the NTSE Stage 2. The second level of the NTSE test is administered by the National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT). The second level of the examination is only open to individuals who have passed the first. Qualified applicants from several states will be allocated to an exam centre in their home state or one of their choosing.