It is a fact that competitive exams in our country were never easy to qualify for. NTSE is one such prestigious exam with higher competition rates and limited seats. Therefore, your preparation needs an excellent study plan, and you shouldn’t miss NTSE Stage II exam sample papers. It will give you a clear idea about the difficulty level of the exam, the types of questions asked, and, most importantly, the exam pattern.
You can easily improve your basics and analytical thinking power if you have access to NTSE Stage II exam sample papers. Practice them regularly and understand how to manage time in the exam.
Access NTSE Stage II Exam Sample Papers for
If you want to improve your reasoning ability and the ability to think and? different questions in a limited time, you must practice these sample papers. These sample papers include a variety of questions, including classifications, analogies, pattern perception, coding, decoding, problem-solving, etc. Find out NTSE Stage II exam sample papers below for.
The Benefits of Practicing NTSE Stage II Exam Sample Papers
Embibe brings the best sample papers with solutions for students working hard to outperform the NTSE exam. Students will comprehensively understand different topics and subjects covered in the NTSE exam. These sample papers have several benefits. Check out some of the key benefits below.
Enhance your preparation by solving the maximum number of questions from the sample papers. You can improve your speed and accuracy if you start practising daily.
Gradually, you will start understanding different complex questions. You will also be able to choose the right approach to solve the most difficult problems efficiently.
You’ll feel more prepared for the exam with your effective time management skill. You can easily solve the maximum number of questions within the stipulated time frame.
Attempt NTSE Stage II Mock Tests on Embibe
Your exam preparation will be incomplete without practising the important topics. If you want to get the best result for your preparation, you must practice mock tests daily. It will give you a better perspective of the types of questions asked in the exam, and you can easily improve your score. Attempt NTSE stage II mock tests below.
Follow these simple steps to attempt NTSE stage II mock tests on the Embibe app.
1st Step: Visit Embibe’s official website, i.e.,
2nd Step: Use the mobile number/email to log in.
3rd Step: Click on the menu bar “Excelling in School.”
4th Step: Select the Goal “NTSE” from the Dropdown and click on “Next.”
5th Step: Search and Select “NTSE Stage II” on the search bar and click on “Next.”
6th Step: Select the preferred language and click on “Done.”
7th Step: Click “Test” from the Header Section.
8th Step: Scroll down to the “Subjects” section.
9th Step: Click on any NTSE Stage II subjects.
10th Step: Scroll down to click on the chapters from the selected subject to begin the test.
FAQs on NTSE Stage II Exam Sample Papers
Read some of the most frequently asked questions about NTSE Stage II Exam Sample Papers below:
Q. Is the NTSE Stage II exam tough to crack?
Ans: NTSE Stage II exam is difficult. You must prepare well and follow the preparation tips and tricks suggested by the experts to score over 85 marks in the exam.
Q. Which state had the hardest NTSE papers?
Ans: Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal had the most challenging NTSE exam papers compared to other states.
Q. What are the qualifying marks for the NTSE Stage II exam?
Ans: The minimum qualifying mark for the NTSE Stage II exam is 40%. On the other hand, SC and ST students must get at least 32% to qualify for the exam.
Q. How will the suggested NTSE Stage II exam sample papers of Embibe help?
Ans: You must practice the NTSE Stage II exam sample paper suggested by Embibe. Try to complete them within the stipulated time frame to improve your speed and accuracy. You will get a lot of common questions from these papers too.
Q. Will one month be enough for NTSE exam preparation?
Ans: Yes, one month will be enough for your NTSE exam preparation. But you must start your preparation with complete dedication and solve question papers and mock tests daily.
We hope you liked this article on NTSE Stage II exam sample papers. For more such updates, keep browsing Embibe.