• Written By Saif_Ansari
  • Last Modified 20-02-2025

NCERT Books For Class 10 Science 2025: Download PDF


NCERT Books Class 10 Science 2024-25: CBSE and many state education boards prescribe the NCERT books for Class 10. The NCERT curriculum aims at building a strong base in the concepts, which will help students understand more complex concepts in higher classes. The NCERT books Class 10 Science are based on the latest curriculum and exam pattern. NCERT books provide a clear understanding of all the topics included in the syllabus, exam patterns and concepts.

The NCERT Science book Class 10 covers many scientific phenomena that take place inside and around living beings. Students should practice answer-writing and draw neatly labelled diagrams to make their answers comprehensive and impactful. Continue reading to know more about NCERT books for Class 10 Science.

NCERT Book For Class 10 Science 2024-25: Chapters in English

There are a total of 16 chapters in the NCERT Class 10 Science syllabus. All the chapter topics can be learnt with the help of Embibe study material. Students must cover the entire syllabus sincerely to score maximum marks in the exam. The Class 10th Science book links for all the chapters are available below.

NCERT Class 10 Science Book Chapters Solutions (Chapter-wise)
Chapter 1 – Chemical Reactions And EquationsSolutions
Chapter 2 – Acids, Bases, And SaltsSolutions
Chapter 3 – Metals And Non-MetalsSolutions
Chapter 4 – Carbon And Its CompoundsSolutions
Chapter 5 – Periodic Classification Of ElementsSolutions
Chapter 6 – Life ProcessesSolutions
Chapter 7 – Control And CoordinationSolutions
Chapter 8 – How Do Organisms ReproduceSolutions
Chapter 9 – Heredity And EvolutionSolutions
Chapter 10 – Light – Reflection And RefractionSolutions
Chapter 11 – Human Eye And Colorful WorldSolutions
Chapter 12 – ElectricitySolutions
Chapter 13 – Magnetic Effects Of Electric CurrentSolutions
Chapter 14 – Sources Of EnergySolutions
Chapter 15 – Our EnvironmentSolutions
Chapter 16 – Sustainable Management Of Natural ResourcesSolutions

NCERT Class 10 Science Reference Books on Embibe

After studying the Class 10 Science chapters from the NCERT books, students can also refer to the books on Embibe. All the chapter topics are explained through 3D visualisation. If students are unable to understand any topic from the textbook, they can watch Embibe’s 3D video on the topic and grasp the concept easily. Click on the links below to access the NCERT Class 10 Science reference books on Embibe.

Book NameQuestions with Video Concepts

NCERT Books Class 10 Science PDF Download

The best resources to prepare for Class 10 are the school-prescribed books. They are designed to teach students concepts such that they can understand more complex topics in higher classes. Students can download the complete NCERT Class 10 Science Book PDF from the links provided below.

Book Name & MediumDownload Link
NCERT Book For Class 10 Science (English)Download Here
NCERT Book for Class 10 विज्ञान (Hindi)Download Here

NCERT Book for Class 10 Science in Hindi

Students in Hindi medium can understand the concepts through the Embibe 3D animated videos, reference books and many other study resources. The chapter-wise NCERT Books Hindi medium for Class 10th Science are available in the table below.

विज्ञान कक्षा 10 पाठ्यपुस्तकसमाधान
पाठ 1: रासायनिक अभिक्रियाएं एवं समीकरणसमाधान
पाठ 2: अम्ल, क्षारक एवं लवणसमाधान
पाठ 3: धातु एवं अधातुसमाधान
पाठ 4: कार्बन एवं उसके यौगिकसमाधान
पाठ 5: तत्वों का आवर्त वर्गीकरणसमाधान
पाठ 6: जैव प्रक्रमसमाधान
पाठ 7: नियंत्रण एवं समन्वयसमाधान
पाठ 8: जीव जनन कैसे करते हैं?समाधान
पाठ 9: आनुवंशिकता एवं जैव विकाससमाधान
पाठ 10: प्रकाश – परावर्तन तथा अपवर्तनसमाधान
पाठ 11: मानव नेत्र तथा रंगबिरंगा संसारसमाधान
पाठ 12: विधुतसमाधान
पाठ 13: विधुत धरा के चुंबकीय प्रभावसमाधान
पाठ 14: ऊर्जा के स्रोतसमाधान
पाठ 15: हमारा पर्यावरणसमाधान
पाठ 16: प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का प्रबंधनसमाधान

Advantages of Studying From NCERT Books for CBSE Class 10

The NCERT textbooks for Science Class 10 are considered the best for understanding the basic concepts. Students in schools where the NCERT curriculum is prescribed need to focus only on these textbooks. They can score excellent marks by sincerely preparing from the NCERT books. Some of the advantages of NCERT textbooks are given below:

  1. NCERT books are written in simple language, making it easy for students to understand the concepts.
  2. The books prescribed by NCERT strictly follow the syllabus outlined by CBSE.
  3. NCERT textbooks include all fundamental and basic concepts for each subject.
  4. Students get a chance to practice thoroughly for exams as NCERT books also contain numerous problems, questions, and exercises.
  5. The NCERT textbooks can help to cover the syllabus.
  6. The NCERT textbooks contain important questions and answers that will make revision easy.

It is also important to solve all the model and previous year question papers. In this way, you will understand what is more important from the exam point of view, and then, you can finish those topics more effectively. However, we are not suggesting skipping any topic. Study everything as per CBSE Syllabus for Class 10 Science.

FAQs on NCERT Books Class 10 Science 2024-25

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions on NCERT books Class 10 Science 2024-25:

Q: From where can I download NCERT Class 10 Science books?

Ans: Students can download NCERT Class 10 Science books from the NCERT official website. They can also refer to the links given on this page to study from the reference books on Embibe.

Q: Is NCERT Class 10 Science textbook enough for board exams?

Ans. Referring to the Class 10 Science Books may help candidates to score 80% to 90% marks in the board exams. So, one can easily rely on the CBSE Class 10 Science NCERT books for their board exams. Students can solve sample questions and take mock tests on the Embibe app for.

Q: Which is the most important chapter in NCERT Class 10 Science?

Ans. Some of the most important chapters in NCERT Class 10 Science are Chemical Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases and Salts, Life Processes, Electricity, etc.

Q: How many NCERT Class 10 Science chapters are there in the textbook?

Ans. There are total 16 chapters in Class 10 Science chapters in the NCERT textbook.

Q: Where can I practice for the Class 10 board exam?

Ans. Students can practice learning and testing their NCERT Class 10 concepts here on Embibe.

We hope this article on NCERT books Class 10 Science 2024-25 was useful to you. Stay tuned to Embibe for latests updates on Class 10 exam.

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